
Ranking of full-time academicians of each school: Qingbei Cliff leads, Tongji Beihang ranks in the top ten, and Xiamen University surpasses Wuhan University

author:Horse to success aTTy

In the field of higher education, the number of full-time academicians of a university is often an important indicator of its research strength and academic impact. Recently, according to the latest full-time academician rankings, Tsinghua University and Peking University once again showed a "cliff-like" leading advantage, while Tongji University and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics have sprung up and successfully entered the top 10, and Xiamen University's performance is even more eye-catching, surpassing Wuhan University and showing strong academic growth potential. Let's dive into the story behind this.

Ranking of full-time academicians of each school: Qingbei Cliff leads, Tongji Beihang ranks in the top ten, and Xiamen University surpasses Wuhan University

First of all, Tsinghua University and Peking University, two of China's top universities, have excellent reputations, both domestically and internationally. They have a leading number of full-time academicians, which fully reflects their profound academic background and excellent scientific research capabilities. This "cliff-like" leadership is not a one-day achievement, but the result of decades of continuous investment, talent training and academic innovation. The group of academicians in Qingbei not only has a wide range of influence in their respective disciplines, but also has made significant contributions to the promotion of scientific and technological progress in China and even the world.

Ranking of full-time academicians of each school: Qingbei Cliff leads, Tongji Beihang ranks in the top ten, and Xiamen University surpasses Wuhan University

At the same time, the jumps from Tongji University and Beihang University are also eye-catching. With its strong strength in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, environmental science, etc., Tongji has achieved remarkable results in scientific research achievements and talent introduction in recent years, and the number of its full-time academicians has increased significantly, and it has successfully entered the forefront. As the cradle of mainland aerospace science and technology, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has unparalleled advantages in science and engineering, especially in the field of aerospace, and the growth of the academician team has undoubtedly further consolidated its position in the industry.

Ranking of full-time academicians of each school: Qingbei Cliff leads, Tongji Beihang ranks in the top ten, and Xiamen University surpasses Wuhan University

Xiamen University, located on the southeast coast of higher learning, has been accurately positioned in discipline construction and development strategy in recent years, especially in the fields of marine science and economic management, and has cultivated a number of high-quality scientific research talents, making the number of full-time academicians of Xiamen University exceed that of Wuhan University, a traditional powerhouse, showing the rapid development and stamina of the university in the field of scientific research.

Ranking of full-time academicians of each school: Qingbei Cliff leads, Tongji Beihang ranks in the top ten, and Xiamen University surpasses Wuhan University

Behind these ranking changes are the diversified development of higher education in mainland China and the changes in the competitive landscape. On the one hand, traditional famous universities such as Qingbei still maintain a leading position and lead the academic trend; On the other hand, characteristic universities such as Tongji and Beihang University have gradually increased their influence by virtue of their own disciplinary advantages and innovative strategies. The rise of rookies such as Xiamen University indicates that mainland higher education will have more possibilities and surprises in the future.

Ranking of full-time academicians of each school: Qingbei Cliff leads, Tongji Beihang ranks in the top ten, and Xiamen University surpasses Wuhan University

In general, the ranking of full-time academicians is not only a direct reflection of the scientific research strength of universities, but also an indication of future development trends. Each university is writing a new chapter in China's higher education in their own way. We hope that more schools will use this as a driving force to continuously improve themselves and inject new vitality into the academic community in China and around the world.
