
Business marriage, I married my brother's good brother, and in the spirit of marriage, I tacitly played each other and didn't disturb each other

author:Little Plum pushes the book

The business world married, and I married my brother's good brother Zhuang Chujin.

In line with the principle of non-disturbance in business marriages, I default to playing each other and not disturbing each other.

Until my brother called me:

"Come and pick up your husband, I'm going to be annoyed by him."

When I arrived at the place, I only saw the aggrieved Zhuang Chujin had just drunk wine, and his eyes were red.

"Wife, why can't you like me, you don't know how happy I am to marry you."

Business marriage, I married my brother's good brother, and in the spirit of marriage, I tacitly played each other and didn't disturb each other


I hadn't woken up when Zhuang Chujin called.

I habitually stay up late, and every day at home, in addition to watching dramas, I sleep, which is fundamentally different from the healthy Zhuang Chujin biological clock.

Zhuang Chujin also knows that I am usually sleeping at this time and will not call me, but today the sun is really coming out in the west.

I took the phone, pressed the answer button, and found a comfortable position in the quilt before I said lazily, "Mr. Zhuang, why did you remember to call me? What are the commands? Let's talk about it first, I'm going to sleep if I don't go to dinner."

Zhuang Chujin cut off on the other side of the phone: "How can there be so many dinners? I'm going back late tonight, so you don't have to leave me at the door."

As soon as I heard that I didn't have to stay at the door, didn't that mean he wouldn't be home tonight?

My sleepiness was dispelled in an instant, and when I spoke again, there was a little bit of a dog's leg in my tone: "Okay, then I wish you a lot of fun!"

Zhuang Chujin hung up the phone with a cold "um".

I looked at the phone that was hung up, and for the first time I was not angry, but a little excited, Zhuang Chujin was not at home, and I could go out with my girlfriends again.

Zhuang Chujin and I are in a business marriage.

I would agree to this marriage for two reasons. First, he and my brother are brothers, and I won't be bullied after I get married; The second is that although he is cold-hearted and poisonous, this face is really on my aesthetic point.

I was fascinated for a moment, so I agreed.

As a result, this is not at all the same thing as I thought of married life.

I've been married for so long, I can only watch but can't eat, who understands my pain!

Therefore, as long as Zhuang Chujin is not at home, I will ask my girlfriend to go to the bar, have a drink, and see a man.

Just look, if nothing else, no matter how I say that I am a married woman now, I still have a basic sense of morality.

I called my best friend Yao Rao and asked her to book a spot and go out for fun at night.

Finalizing the itinerary, looking at the fact that it was still a little early, I arched back into the bed.


I picked out a black sundress, put on a delicate makeup, grabbed my car keys and went out.

When I was on the way, I received a call from Yao Rao, she had already booked a place, opened a drink, and waited for me to arrive.

I arrived early, and the lights in the bar weren't completely dimmed yet.

As soon as I entered, Yao Rao stood up and waved at me as soon as Yao Rao saw me: "Xinxin, here."

I walked over and sat next to Yao Rao, "Why are you here today?"

This bar isn't the one we go to often, but it's one my brother often comes to.

My brother doesn't know about Zhuang Chujin's superficial husband and wife, if he sees me going clubbing with Zhuang Chujin on his back, my life is estimated to be saved.

Yao Rao sat next to me, wrapped her arms around mine, leaned close to me and whispered, "Don't say that my sister doesn't think about you. I chose this one after many comparisons, and the quality of this one is this, and it will definitely not be worse than Zhuang Chujin, so you can rest assured."

Yao Rao gave me a thumbs up as she spoke.

I really want to ask Yao Rao, does she remember that I am a married woman now? It's not a playhouse, it's the kind that really has a red book and is protected by national laws.

Yao Rao didn't care if I talked to me or not, and continued to say to herself: "Xinxin, are you and Zhuang Chujin really a business marriage? Don't like him at all?"

I thought about it for a while and said, "It's really a business marriage, and as for whether I like him or not, I should prefer his face and figure."

It may be that my eyes are too difficult to describe now, Yao Rao silently let go of my arm and moved it to the side before saying, "Xinxin, don't have this expression, you are like this, I seriously doubt that if Zhuang Chujin stands in front of you, you will fly up directly."

I don't know about others, but Zhuang Chujin's figure is so good that it makes me drool.

The height of the model, perfect for various styles of clothes, regular fitness, well-proportioned muscles, plus sitting in the office all year round, the skin is white and tender.

Once Zhuang Chujin fell asleep in the living room, when I covered him with a quilt, I looked closer, and I couldn't see any pores on my face.

I don't understand how a person who only washes his face with water every day and never maintains his skin can be better than me, a person who takes care of his face every day.

Is it natural to be beautiful?

I envy and hate people with better skin than me as equals.


When Yao Rao and I were still talking about the handsome guys and beauties dancing on the stage, a voice sounded behind me coldly: "Mu Jingxin."

My back is cold, is it too late to run? I kind of don't want to face it.

The man's voice was cold again: "Mu Jingxin."

I sighed, forget it, it's always coming.

I turned around a little stiffly and saw the last person I wanted to see, and even though it was so dark in the bar now that I couldn't see my fingers, I could imagine how good the face of the person in front of me was.

I greeted with a smile on my face: "What a coincidence, brother, are you going out to play with your friends, the company is not busy today?"

God knows, I've been scared of my brother since I was a child, and every time I make him angry, I don't have any good fruit to eat. If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people around me and I was concerned about the issue of face, my uncompetitive legs would have softened.

My brother's face is similar to the light in the bar, constantly changing color.

"You've grown your skills, and you dare to come to the bar to drink in the middle of the night? And what are you wearing? Whose full moon child's clothes made you steal?"

I was trained to say a word, to be like a quail to reduce my presence, but some people wanted to be conspicuous bags in the dark.

Yao Rao slowly moved to my side, took my hand, approached me, and said in what she thought was a small voice, "Xinxin, your brother is quite literary and artistic."

With this girlfriend here, the chances of seeing the sun tomorrow are very slim.

Seeing that I didn't speak, my brother threw me the blazer he was carrying, and motioned for me to put it on, otherwise you would not be welcome.

As soon as I put on one sleeve, I saw a person walking behind my brother, and it was no coincidence that that person was Zhuang Chujin.


Zhuang Chujin approached, saw everyone standing, and asked casually, "What are you doing standing?"

I like Zhuang Chujin's voice very much, a bit like a cello, gentle and low, and sometimes there is a hint of sadness.

I don't know where this sorrow comes from, but I'm curious about it, and I'd like to explore it if I have the chance.

Zhuang Chujin didn't seem to feel the strange atmosphere between me and my brother, he walked around my brother and walked next to me, saw me wearing half of my blazer, and his eyes flickered: "It's cold?"

"Huh?" I glanced at him to understand what it meant, and in the face of my brother's murderous gaze, I took off my blazer and held it in my arms, "Ah, it's not cold, it's not cold."

Zhuang Chujin took the clothes from my arms and threw them to my brother, then took off his clothes and draped them on my shoulders, and deliberately pulled the placket left and right before nodding with satisfaction, turned around and pulled me to sit on the sofa.

My brother watched Zhuang Chujin's movements, shook his wrinkled coat, and muttered, "What is the smelly show? It's not like you're calling me brother."

Zhuang Chujin sat next to me, holding my hand and didn't let it go, I tried to pull it out a few times, approached him and asked in a low voice, "What are you going to do?"

After Zhuang Chujin listened to my words, he looked at me with a trace of puzzlement in his eyes.

I lifted our hands and shook them at him.

Zhuang Chujin glanced in my brother's direction, his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound, I could see his mouth shape.

What Zhuang Chujin said is, you don't want to be discovered by your brother.

It's good, the dog man grabbed my lifeline.

I turned my face to talk to Yao Rao next to me, and no longer looked at Zhuang Chujin, and he didn't mind if I looked at him or not, but he didn't let go of my hand.


I know that Zhuang Chujin doesn't like socializing, but I didn't expect him to be so perfunctory even when it comes to gatherings between friends. Sitting alone on the couch, sullenly drinking, only a word or two is said when he is mentioned, and the rest of the time is spent tossing my hands.

Zhuang Chujin put my hand on his own lap, broke my fingers one by one, and then folded them back one by one, back and forth, and never got tired of it.

I don't want to comment on his strange hobby.

"It's been this time, why didn't Chu Jin go home in a hurry today." Their friend who came together asked.

Another friend next to him, holding a wine glass, looked at me and Zhuang Chujin and jokingly said, "What do you know about a single dog? Before, Chu Jin was in a hurry to go home, wasn't it because he came out alone, and when he went back late, he was afraid that the people at home would be worried? Today, these two people are coming out together, so they must not be in a hurry to go home, right?"

Zhuang Chujin didn't say anything, but just asked me, "Are you sleepy? Sit a little longer, or go back?"

I looked at Zhuang Chujin, then at Yao Rao, and finally at my brother.

Intimidated by my brother, I tearfully said, "Go home."

"Hmm." Zhuang Chujin answered, pulling me up to say hello to my friends.

I looked at Yao Rao, who was a little drunk, and entrusted someone to my brother with some anxiety and asked him to help me send Yao Rao home.


Zhuang Chujin and I stood at the door of the bar, looked at each other, and I was a little speechless and said, "This rain is really heavy. It was as if the sky was leaking. Why don't we go in and sit down for a while, and then we'll go when the rain light up."

Zhuang Chujin glanced at me, and said in a faint voice, "If you want to continue to look at your brother's stinky face, I don't mind going back until the rain stops."

I was silent, I really didn't have the courage to go back, and the house could be lifted when my brother was angry.

Zhuang Chujin raised his hand and pulled the blazer on my body over his head, his eyes swept over my shoes, and his good-looking eyebrows wrinkled: "Can you run with these shoes?"

Me: "I guess I can."

After getting my uncertain answer, Zhuang Chujin didn't hesitate at all, took my hand and rushed into the heavy rain.

I really can't understand what Zhuang Chujin thinks, he won't feel very romantic running in the rain.

More and more rain hit his white shirt.

I followed behind Zhuang Chujin, through the gap between the left and right plackets of the suit jacket, and watched the soaked shirt stick to his body from time to time, reflecting his waist faintly.

I really didn't feel the romance, but I felt something else.

After getting into the car, Zhuang Chujin handed me a wide towel: "Wipe it, don't catch a cold."

"I don't need to, I didn't get rainy, you better wipe yourself first."

Zhuang Chujin didn't have any dry place from head to toe, his bangs, which were originally regular, were so wet that they stuck to his forehead, and the tips of his hair were still dripping with water.

One drop, two drops, the rain ran down the cheeks through the jaw, slid down the neck, and finally disappeared.

Zhuang Chujin looked me up and down, and stuffed the towel into my hand: "I'm a big man, I won't get sick if I get drenched in a little rain, but you, with thin arms and thin legs, look delicate and weak, don't catch a cold again."

I looked at Zhuang Chujin a little speechlessly, and I didn't know where he could see that I was delicate and weak.

The fact is that I was actually as strong as an ox when I looked delicate, and the big man who wouldn't get sick in the rain had a fever in the middle of the night.


I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like I had a big stove around me.

I closed my eyes and reached for the source of the heat to push him away from me, but how could it feel like a person.

I turned on the light and saw Zhuang Chujin huddled in the quilt with a red face.

Although Zhuang Chujin and I are superficially husband and wife, we do not sleep in separate rooms, but in separate beds in the same bedroom.

The original one bed was replaced by two large double beds side by side, and from the outside, it looked like the two of us were sleeping in the same bed, but in fact, we slept separately.

I rubbed over and probed the temperature of Zhuang Chujin's forehead with my hand, good guy, I can fry an egg by pouring some oil.

I pushed Zhuang Chujin: "Zhuang Chujin, wake up." Zhuang Chujin? You have a fever, can you hear me?"

I shouted for a long time before Zhuang Chujin opened his eyes.

I handed him the medicine I had found, "Take the medicine."

Zhuang Chujin squinted his eyes and shook his head, shaking his head while humming and chirping, "Bitter, don't eat."

Unexpectedly, he was as afraid of taking medicine as a child.

Zhuang Chujin pulled the quilt to cover his head, and his voice was a little muffled: "I don't want to take medicine, and I don't want to go to the hospital. It's just a fever, and the patience passes. I used to do this when I was a kid, it's okay, leave me alone."

Through the quilt, and Zhuang Chujin's voice was relatively small, I didn't really hear these words.

The dealer and my family have always had business dealings, although I didn't know Zhuang Chujin before, I also knew that his family only had one child. How could it be that the fever and patience he said would pass?

I patiently coaxed him, "If you don't take the medicine, you will be sick, but you will be obedient and take the medicine."

No matter what I say, Zhuang Chujin refused to come out of the quilt to take medicine.

I really couldn't help it, so I had to ask him, "Then how do you take your medicine?" As long as you take the medicine honestly, I will satisfy you."

Zhuang Chujin didn't speak, and after a while, he poked his head out and smiled at me with those eyes that were struggling to focus: "You are really good-looking, but you are not as good-looking as my wife, my wife is much better looking than you, and my wife is the most beautiful person in the world."

After saying that, he hid back.

I didn't react a little, did Zhuang Chujin mean me when he said his wife? He shouldn't have a second wife except me.

In the end, he didn't take the medicine, and he tossed until the morning, and Zhuang Chujin had a fever. I touched his forehead to make sure I didn't have any more fever before I climbed into bed.


When I got up, Zhuang Chujin was no longer in the room. I reached out and touched his position, which was cold, proving that he had left early.

This hard-mouthed sick number won't go to work, will he?

I searched around the house, and sure enough, I couldn't find anyone, and I felt a nameless fire rushing from my back to the top of my head.

I took out my mobile phone and dialed Zhuang Chujin's number.

As soon as the phone was connected, I couldn't wait to talk to the other side: "Zhuang Chujin, what are you doing? Did you know that you had a fever all night yesterday, did you get well and went to work? Can't you turn around without the company? What do you do with those managerial secretaries? Can you give people a chance to perform? Now, immediately, immediately, let me go home and lie down and rest!"

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, I thought I hung up, but I took it down and looked at it, and the screen was still on the call: "Why don't you talk? Dumb? You can go to work, and now you don't dare to speak?"

It was a long time before a light cough came out of the phone.

Zhuang Chujin's voice was a little strange compared to usual: "I know. Today's contract is more important, so I just came here, and I'll go back after I finish dealing with the things at hand."

I accepted it when I saw it, and I got Zhuang Chujin's assurance, so I didn't continue, but just advised: "Don't be reckless, if it doesn't work, let the secretary send you back."


I was just about to hang up when the sound of conversation on the other side of the phone came through the receiver.

It's a man, his voice is very unfamiliar, and he is probably Zhuang Chujin's partner today.

"Mr. Zhuang and his wife's relationship is so good that it is enviable."

Zhuang Chujin didn't speak.

I pouted and joked, we didn't have a good relationship at all, I just didn't want him to get sick and have to take care of him for another night, tired to death.

I hung up.


I don't know if it's because of this incident that Zhuang Chujin's impression of me has changed a little, when he is not busy, he will ask me out to watch a movie and have a meal.

But it was limited to watching movies and eating, and there were no other activities.

When I received Zhuang Chujin's call, I was still shopping with Yao Rao.

Zhuang Chujin seemed to be in a good mood: "Where is it?"

I squeezed the phone between my shoulders and picked at my clothes: "You're shopping, looking for me?"

"Let's get off work early today, let's have dinner together, what do you want to eat in the evening?" Zhuang Chujin's tone made me mistakenly think that the two of us were married for many years, and the familiarity between the words seemed to happen often.

I just wanted to say that Yao Rao and I have finished eating, just let him eat what he wants.

Zhuang Chujin said again: "I won't cook dishes that are too difficult, it's still okay to be simple, what do you want to eat?"

Zhuang Chujin can also cook? I didn't believe it, so I turned around and swallowed it back.

"Then let's make something simple. Pork ribs, fish, and I want a soup."

"Okay, when I'm done, I'll go grocery shopping and pick you up."

I looked at the time, "In an hour, I'll go grocery shopping with you."


After hanging up the phone, Yao Rao walked over and bumped me on the shoulder: "You two are, something good is coming?"

I took the clothes I had just looked at in my hand, and walked to the checkout area as I spoke: "Don't think about it, he and I are the same as before, nothing has changed."

Yao Rao walked a few steps quickly to catch up with me: "I heard it very clearly, you asked him to pick you up, and you have to go grocery shopping together, as far as the relationship between the two of you is concerned, if there is no change, I don't believe it."