
When my parents divorced, I chose my father first Mom frowned and said: Why did you fall in love with your philistine father

author:Little Plum pushes the book

When my parents divorced, I chose my dad first.

Mom frowned and said, "Liu Wu, you have been smart since you were a child, why did you fall in love with your philistine father? It seems that your mind still needs to be tempered, otherwise you will suffer in the future."

Go to the special femdom!

In my last life, I chose my mother, who was favored by the richest man because she was as light as a chrysanthemum.

But the wealthy family is full of calculations and bullying, I gritted my teeth and held on, and finally got out of it.

But my mother asked me to give everything to my sister: "Your sister is living a poor life, you should also let her enjoy the life of a wealthy family."

I disagreed, and she annoyed me, "You're just as selfish and calculating as your dad!"

Later, she locked me in the basement, and she asked my sister to take my place as a wealthy person, and only gave me a sentence lightly:

"Only after a few hungry meals can you learn to be generous and tolerant."

For a whole week, I was starved to death in the basement.

After her death, she was also seen conniving at her sister to climb my fiancé's bed.

"Your sister will always be trained to be as light as a chrysanthemum, don't worry, she doesn't care."

When I opened my eyes again, I decided to give this opportunity to become a chrysanthemum and give it to my sister.

When my parents divorced, I chose my father first Mom frowned and said: Why did you fall in love with your philistine father


I broke free from my mother's hand and ran to my father, who was full of grief and anger:

"Dad, I still want to live with you."

And my sister, who originally chose her father, was squeezed by me to my mother's side.

I didn't expect that I would be reborn, and I would be reborn at the moment when my parents divorced.

For me, that's the critical fate.

In my previous life, it was here that my misfortunes began.

My parents divorced because my mother mentally cheated on a middle-aged rich man, although she didn't make any substantive moves, but she talked to the rich man on her mobile phone every day.

Dad quarreled with her countless times because of this incident, but my mother always said in a high-sounding voice: "The fate is deep and shallow, the fate is gathered and scattered, you and I should be calm."

"Some people are just destined to be with you for a ride."

Later, when I grew up, I realized that it was bullshit!

This is the first time I've ever seen someone talk about cheating so nicely!

My sister and I were given lots to our parents.

In my last life, I chose my mother, but the life of a wealthy family is in dire straits.

Because it was brought by my mother, the rich man's family is trying to find a way to kill me.

At first, I would ask my mom for help, but after hearing too much of her nonsense, I simply gave up.

But then I finally got through, but my mother said that I had enjoyed the life of a wealthy family for a long time, and now it was time to change with my sister.

When I didn't agree, she annoyed me, "You're just as selfish and calculating as your father!"

Later, she locked me in the basement, and she asked my sister to take my place as a wealthy person, and only gave me a sentence lightly:

"Only after a few hungry meals can you learn to be generous and tolerant."

For a whole week, I was starved to death in the basement.

After her death, she was also seen conniving at her sister to climb my fiancé's bed.

"Your sister will always be trained to be as light as a chrysanthemum, don't worry, she doesn't care."

Their mother and daughter went both ways, and I only chose my mother by mistake because of the lot.

So now, I've decided to set things right and give my sister this opportunity to develop a good character.

When my mother heard my words, she couldn't help frowning:

"Liu Fu, you have been smart since you were a child, why did you fall in love with your philistine father? It seems that your mind still needs to be tempered, otherwise you will suffer in the future."

Go to the special femdom!

I shook my head firmly, and then looked up at my father, who was flushed with anger:

"I like Dad, it's okay if life is hard."

My dad looked down at me in surprise, and there was a little bit of water in his eyes.

My mother chuckled, "Everyone has their own life, catkins, the path you chose yourself will be completed on your knees in the future."

My sister also laughed, and hurriedly hugged my mother's arm to show her loyalty:

"Mom, don't worry! I like my mom and I'll always be with her in the future!"

I laughed and didn't say anything.

Compared to the mother who cheats and only stands on the moral high ground to point out others, the father who loves his daughter is simply not too fragrant, okay!


The mother who married into a wealthy family is naturally not uncommon for her father's property.

In fact, she should have left the house, but she said:

"Money is something outside of the body, and I don't care about it with you."

Dad was so angry that he thumped his hands.

I understand this feeling of being dumb too well, so I simply replied for my father:

"Dad, Mom doesn't want us to keep it for ourselves, Mom doesn't want us to have this little thing."

My mother looked at me and corrected, "I don't like to compete with people, and I don't like to be in this worldly way!"

As soon as the words fell, a Land Rover stopped in front of the house.

My sister's eyes lit up, and a sneer hung on the corner of my lips:

"The most unworldly person in our family married into a wealthy family, Mom, didn't you let the copper stench taint you?"

My mother's brow furrowed, and she shook her head at me with a disappointed face before leaving:

"If you are quick to speak, you will learn a lesson in the future."

Looking at the mother and daughter who were walking away, I lowered my eyes and sneered.

In his previous life, after Liu Yi followed his father, he went to his mother to complain twice in three days.

In this life, she will soon know what it means to be in dire straits.

The methods used by the rich people in the novel to practice people all come from life.


Life in this life is completely different from the previous life.

When I was in the rich man's house, I had to do laundry, cook, play with his children, and let them play tricks.

On my own, all three of their nannies can take a vacation.

Now that I'm with my dad, I just need to be responsible for studying hard every day.

My mom hasn't worked a day since she got married, and my dad is all responsible for the family's expenses.

Actually, it was still good.

But my mom always likes to use my dad's salary to do something charitable.

Today I will get money to donate to children in the mountainous areas, and tomorrow I will go to get money to send supplies to the disaster area.

The love donation within the scope of her ability was to do good deeds and accumulate virtues, but she didn't have any sense of proportion, and as soon as she made a move, it was my father's two months' salary, and even spent little money on the family's living expenses.

Whenever I ran out of money, my mom started PUA my dad was useless:

"Didn't I do this to do good deeds for my children, you are useless yourself, and you still want to stop me from doing good deeds?

"It's so calculating, it doesn't look like a man at all!"

Now that my mom is spending, my dad and I are much better.

Not only did I have to eat and drink, but I also had piano lessons that I had always wanted to attend.

Even so, my dad often touched my head and sighed, "Catkins, it's because Dad isn't good enough to buy you a good piano."

"You chose Dad, and Dad will give you the best."

In my father, I felt what it means to be indebted to love.

In my previous life, although I married into a wealthy family with my mother, all I fed and wore was the old clothes left over from the rich children.

That's it, my mother often scolds me for embarrassing her:

"You have to have a backbone to be a man, and if others don't want you as a baby, people will only look down on you more!"

Dad occasionally gave me some pocket money, and my mother would take it away as soon as possible:

"Pleasure will only spoil her, my daughter."

If it weren't for Hermes today and Chanel tomorrow, I'm afraid I would really believe that it's a sin to spend money on yourself.


After my dad saved up for two months, he was going to take me to the mall to buy a piano.

It turned out to be a coincidence, and it didn't take long to go shopping and I saw my mother and sister who I hadn't seen for a long time.

and a pair of sons and daughters of a rich man.

It's exactly the same as in the previous life.

Mom is carrying Hermes that needs to be distributed for hundreds of thousands of dollars to get, and the rich man's children are also full of high fashion.

Only my poor sister Liu Yi was dressed a little more ordinary than me.

But even so, the moment she saw me, she pulled my mother's hand with excitement on her face.

My mother frowned the moment she saw our father and daughter:

"How did you come to this place and cultivate your material desires? That's not good."

My dad didn't speak, but just focused on Liu Yi.

There was still a bit of anger on his face.

Dad never favored me and my sister, and now I am a little distressed when I see Liu Yi's dress.

I replied to my mother, "Dad signed me up for piano lessons and brought me to buy a piano."

The rich man's sons and daughters looked at me and my father.

"This is your other daughter?"

My mom looked away, "It's none of my business now."

I pouted and didn't speak, but my dad pulled Liu Yi over:

"Meng Qin! You dress yourself up in jewelry, look at what Liu Yi is wearing?

"It's true that if you have a stepfather, you will have a stepmother, not to mention how beautiful this child's clothes are, you can't even do a basic fit, that's how you do it!"

My mom tilted her chin slightly and glanced at my dad nonchalantly:

"A child's materialistic desires will only hurt her, you know?"

That's all too familiar to me.

That's how I was PUA in my last life.

My dad also laughed angrily, took Liu Yi's hand and said, "Your mother won't buy it for you, Dad will buy it for you, go!" Dad will take you shopping for clothes."

My dad was about to leave with Liu Yi in his hand, but I stood still and didn't move.

As expected, Liu Yiyi dumped my dad away without thinking.

She ran back to my mom with a proud look: "No, I have a new dad now, and my mom and dad will buy me whatever I need!"

"Mom, I want those shoes~"

My dad looked at her stunned, obviously unable to believe that Liu Yi would say such a thing.

The rich man's sons and daughters glanced at each other, and their faces were a little more playful.

I shook my dad's arm, pointed to the piano shop across from me, and said, "Dad, that piano is so beautiful."

Liu Yihe looked at me with confidence, and the silent battle began.

It's a pity.

It's been so long, and she still hasn't figured out my mother's character.


I saw my mother take one look at the brand of the shoes, and then her brow furrowed.

At that time, Liu Yi was still looking at me proudly:

"A little money knows how to squander, you have to know that this money belongs to your Uncle Wang's family, and it has nothing to do with you, you know?

"Haven't you worn shoes for more than twenty years, and you can't wear them now?"

Liu Yi's smile instantly stiffened on his face.

When he met the playful gaze of the brother and sister next to him, Liu Yi's face suddenly turned red.

And that's when I just found out.

My mother, who is full of Zen, is actually pleasing when she treats the children of the rich!

When I saw this, I couldn't help but sneer.

The woman in front of her is simply a Buddha's mouth and snake heart.

When my father heard this, he spoke for Liu Yi again: "Meng Qin, you ......."

I interrupted my dad, "Dad, didn't my sister say just now, she already has a new dad, let's leave other people's gossip."

Liu Yi's face was a little ugly.

"Dad...... I just ......" But she looked at the brother and sister in the rest of her eyes, and the rest of the words were still unspoken.

"Dad, take me to buy a piano!" I laughed and pulled my dad up and left.

Liu Yi couldn't hold his breath compared to me in my previous life, and I had a little temper with my mother on the spot:

"Mom! Why! Obviously you have money in your hands, why don't you even buy me a pair of shoes!

"Didn't you marry Uncle Wang because he was rich, why were you reluctant to give me flowers?"

For the first time, my mom roared in the mall without figuring out:


"How did I give birth to such a thing as you who likes to be arrogant and lascivious!"

Looking back, my mom was already huffing and walking away.

And the brother and sister drank thousands of Carmen coffee, looking Liu Yi up and down.

The two sang and harmonized, "What should I do?"

"Your parents don't want you~"

Liu Yi didn't dare to blow up with them, so he only glared angrily at the backs of me and my father.

Good sister! Can't stand it?

But that's where it goes.

In the future, she will know that she is the biggest pastime for this pair of wealthy brothers and sisters when they have nothing to do~

And the woman's attitude will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


After the separation, Liu Yi sent me a lot of cursed text messages:

[What are you proud of!] Even if you buy a piano, your ugly duckling-like temperament is unknown to others and think you're a street performer! 】

[I'm telling you, less proud! I will stand in the Wang family one day, and then you will not be blushing! 】

[Speaking of which, I want to thank you very much, if you hadn't given me the opportunity to follow my mother, I would be the one who lives a hard life with my father now! ] 】

I casually patted the shoes on my feet, and it was the pair that Liu Yi had just pointed to and wanted.

[My sister's vision is really good, my father bought it for me. 】

After sending it, Liu Yi on the other side of the phone began to break the defense.

The mobile phone rang one after another, causing Dad to look at it:

"Let's make harassing phone calls, just block them.

"If you like the shoes, you can buy them, and my father can afford them."

I smiled and shook my head, I didn't like these shoes at all, it was just to stimulate Liu Yi.

"I don't like it, my sister likes it, but my mother won't buy it for her."

My dad was silent, and his Adam's apple rolled twice.

After a while, he said, "Liu Yi said she has a new father.

"Never mind, her new dad will buy it for her."

I looked up and saw my father's reddened eyes.

But he didn't know that there was more cruelty than that.

Whether it was in the previous life or in this life, Dad was the one who was given up by Liu Yi.


Since then, I have been deliberately staring at Liu Yi's movements.

It wasn't until two weeks later that Liu Yi actually started working to earn pocket money by himself.

I laughed out loud when I heard the news.

It seems that Liu Yi is not as good as me in my previous life?

In my previous life, I was cautiously begging for a living between that pair of brothers and sisters, and it was originally difficult.

But later, the rich man's daughter went abroad to study, and the rich man's son took a fancy to me again.

If it weren't for my mother and Liu Yi to make trouble, I would have been able to see the results of my hard work in my previous life.

But in this life......

Looking at Liu Yi with a foot soaking bucket in front of me, my expression was very rich.

"Technician No. 38, Liu Yi?"

Liu Yi's hand held the foot soaking bucket tightly, and a mouthful of silver teeth was about to be crushed.

There are many ways to make money, and I really don't understand why she came to Soak Foot City to work as a technician, wearing a cheap short skirt and black silk.


Liu Yi was forced to come.

"Liu Wu, you didn't come on purpose!

"You just want to see how embarrassing I am!"

I couldn't help but laugh and forcibly covered my mouth to make a shocked expression:

"No! Sister, you didn't marry into a wealthy family with your mother, why are you here?"

"I'm just walking for a long time today, and I'm just out for a walk." With that, I stood up, "Don't be so malicious to me, although my parents are divorced, we are still sisters.

"Are you having trouble? I'll take you to Daddy! Daddy's in the next room!"

Liu Yi was originally isolated in the Wang family, but now that I said so, I couldn't help crying at the moment.

"What are you crying about?"

Liu Yi looked at me with tears in her eyes, but finally wiped her tears and said, "It's okay, I just miss you and Dad too much.

"Sister, you think too much, I just came here to work when I have nothing to do, because I earn a lot here, and my profession is not divided into high and low.

"Sister, Uncle Wang's house is fine! Palatial, his sons and daughters are also very kind! But my boar can't eat the chaff, and I still want to come back, so let's change it, right?"

I laughed.

I'm afraid this Liu Yi is a little bit of a heart, and all of it is used on me.

So I pretended to be moved and asked, "Really?"

Liu Yi chick pecked rice and nodded, and pulled me to find my father.

After seeing her father, she threw herself directly into her father's arms:

"Dad, my sister wants to go to Uncle Wang's house, let her go, I miss you, I really want to go home and live with you!"