

author:Wei Chu Zhao is capable

Zhao Youneng's original poems


The shadow of the galaxy, reminiscing about the bright moon in the old days, and the lonely lotus pond. The wind sends light cicadas, who is looking for the dusk of the secluded path? The old man used to laugh and accompany him, and now he walks alone and is full of affection. And I heard the shadow of the bamboo swaying, and the sound of the frog entering the mat.

thoughts, more and more sorrowful. Sigh the years are like flowing, and parting several times. The lotus is still the same, and the wandering under the moon is only a pity. Even if you meet again in your dreams, the night is long and short, and your heart is unstoppable. The dream is over, the return is looking forward to, and the dark fragrance fills the room.


Through delicate brushstrokes, this poem depicts the author's deep nostalgia for the deceased and endless lovesickness, with a blend of scenes and far-reaching artistic conception.


Upper film:

The shadow of the galaxy, reminiscing about the bright moon in the old days, and the lonely lotus pond. The opening sentence depicts the scene of the night, the reflection of the galaxy, and the bright moon of the old days shining on the quiet lotus pond. The stars and the moon are used here to create a calm and slightly melancholy atmosphere.


The wind sends light cicadas, who is looking for the dusk of the secluded path? Then, he described the scene at dusk, the breeze brought the sound of cicadas, and on the quiet path, who was looking for each other at dusk? Here, through "who to find", the inner loneliness and nostalgia for the past are pointed out.


The old man used to laugh and accompany him, and now he walks alone and is full of affection. Reminiscing about the time when I used to laugh with my old friends, now I walk alone, full of emotional memories of the past. These few sentences are sincere and express the deep nostalgia for the deceased.


And I heard the shadow of the bamboo swaying, and the sound of the frog entering the mat. Finally, I heard the swaying bamboo shadow and the sound of frogs into the mat, adding a sense of loneliness and longing. The sound of bamboo shadows and frogs here enhances the silent atmosphere of the night and also makes the emotions more intense.



thoughts, more and more sorrowful. Sigh the years are like flowing, and parting several times. The next film turns into the inner emotion, the confusion of thoughts adds to the sadness, sighing that the years are like flowing, and I have experienced several separations. These few sentences vividly express the sorrow and helplessness in the heart.


The lotus is still the same, and the wandering under the moon is only a pity. Then, it describes that the lotus flowers under the moon are still beautiful, but only one wanders under the moon. The lotus here is still the same, suggesting that the thing is the emotion of human wrong.


Even if you meet again in your dreams, the night is long and short, and your heart is unstoppable. Even if you reunite with your old friend in a dream, the time in the dream is always short, and it is difficult to calm down when you wake up. The contrast between dreams and reality here highlights the deep longing for the deceased.


The dream is over, the return is looking forward to, and the dark fragrance fills the room. In the end, the dream was full of anticipation for the return of the deceased, and the room was still filled with the dark fragrance of the deceased after waking up from the dream. These few sentences express endless longing and anticipation for reunion.


On the whole, this poem vividly expresses the nostalgia and lovesickness for the deceased through the delicate description of the scenery and the sincere emotional expression. The images of the galaxy, the bright moon, the lotus pond, the song of cicadas, the shadow of bamboo, the sound of frogs and other images in the words not only depict the beautiful scenery at night, but also integrate deep emotions, forming a beautiful artistic conception of scene blending. The inner monologue in the next film expresses the passage of time, the sorrow of several partings, and the expectation of reunion in dreams.


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