
The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely


Li Shiyu, born in 1908, was a bright and ambitious young man. Since childhood, under the expectations of his family, he began to receive education in private schools, showing excellent intelligence and memory.

He likes to read "Water Margin" and is particularly fond of Song Jiang in time, so he decided to change his name to Li Shiyu. While studying at the National Beijing University of Political Science and Law, he came into contact with Marxism, was deeply moved by its beliefs, and joined the Communist Party of China when he was about to graduate.

The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely

Soon after, the September 18 Incident shocked China and the rest of the world, and the Communists actively fought against the invaders, but the Kuomintang did nothing about it. Li Shiyu also organized the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army, but under the strong pressure of the Japanese regular army, it was soon forced to disband.

Faced with a difficult situation, the party sent Li Shiyu to become an underground party member, lurking within the Kuomintang. He began his career as an agent as a simple security guard.

The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely

The sleek character gains an important position and provides key intelligence for the party

Within the Kuomintang, Li Shiyu made many friends of the Kuomintang with his outstanding eloquence, and even became a guard by Zhang Xueliang's side, showing outstanding ability.

Over time, his status within the Kuomintang gradually increased, and he eventually joined the Fourth Division of the "General Suppression" in Xi'an, serving as a lieutenant clerk. Li Shiyu provided a large number of important clues for the party and helped the party save the day many times.

The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely

With the outbreak of the Xi'an Incident, Zhang Xueliang and others were placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek, and the Kuomintang and the Communist Party began to cooperate to resist Japan. After the outbreak of the "77 Incident", the Japanese army began a full-scale attack on China. At that time, in order to fulfill the party's tasks, Li Shiyu came to Tianjin and took up the position of prosecutor of the High Court.

After Wang Ching-wei's surrender, the puppet government convened the Sixth National Congress, in which Li Shiyu participated in accordance with the party's requirements and became a legislator in 1940.

He grew concerned that this high position would expose him as an agent, but with the encouragement of his wife and the party, he moved forward and worked his way up the ranks.

The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely

Difficult years, through hardships

Subsequently, Li Shiyu was appreciated by Chen Gongbo, became an important figure around Chen Gongbo, and was awarded the rank of major general of the national army. With the support of Chen Gongbo, he has been holding many positions, showing that he attaches great importance to Li Shiyu.

However, after Wang Jingwei's death, his fate took a turn for the worse. A man named Zhou Fohai left him in Shanghai and tortured him. The victory of the Anti-Japanese War led to his release, and he later joined the Military Command Bureau and became a member of Dai Li.

The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely

Li Shiyu hid it very well and did not show a trace of horses. However, some people thought he was a spy and lynched him, but luckily, Dai Lian showed up in time and stopped all this.

Li Shiyu continued to provide the party with important Kuomintang intelligence. However, after Dai Li's death, the man took him into custody again and brutally tortured him, trying to force him into submission by force. However, Li Shiyu did not succumb at this time.

The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely

Eventually, the man had no evidence and had to imprison him. In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek's army was defeated, and after the complete defeat of the Kuomintang, Li Shiyu was finally released. His mission as a hidden agent of the party can be considered accomplished.

The CCP agents have been lurking in the enemy camp for 15 years, and their official positions are so big that they panic, and the central leadership: move forward bravely


Li Shiyu hid in the enemy's interior for so many years, provided a large number of powerful clues for the party, and made outstanding contributions in the history of the revolution. It is precisely because of people like Li Shiyu who are not afraid of hardships that New China has been able to achieve today's brilliant achievements. Let us pay tribute to these revolutionary martyrs!