
The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

author:Tell what you have seen

There are more than four seasons in a year

There's also a season called graduation season

It's time to say goodbye

But there is too much reluctance

Pull the flow of years

Commemorate the good times we spent together

With a graduation ceremony that is unique to us

With the kindergarten, teachers, and partners who have been with me for three years

Say "goodbye"

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

June is the season of parting, and it is a memorable day for the kindergarten children who are about to graduate and leave kindergarten, as they participate in the first graduation ceremony in their lives.

Love meets and grows together. In the past three years, the principal, teachers, and logistics staff have accompanied and cared for the growth of every child. Kindergarten time is fleeting, and the children have changed from crying and reluctant to come to the kindergarten to well-behaved and sensible little adults. Before you know it, the time of graduation is quietly coming, and the children are about to leave the kindergarten and run from here to the future.

Graduation Ceremony Preparations

The beautiful kindergarten life is coming to an end, and under the careful preparation of the teacher, the first graduation ceremony of the children in the second kindergarten class of Yiyang County has begun.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County
The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

The most beautiful check-in

The children have grown up, walked through the growth gate, lit cinnabar moles, and took a commemorative signature wall, and are about to move towards the next journey. Their proud, proud looks seem to be loudly announcing to the world: We have grown up!

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County
The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County
The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Speech by the Principal

On the occasion of embarking on a new journey, the reluctance to parting is full of the principal's blessings and expectations for the children. At the graduation ceremony, on behalf of the kindergarten and all the teachers and students, Mr. Hong expressed warm congratulations and blessings to the graduates of the kindergarten class......

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Freshman graduation ceremony program

Chorus "As Wished"

"Look! This prosperous world is as you wish!" This is a dialogue across generations. Sing "As Wished", pay tribute to the heroes of the revolutionary era, and sound the clarion call for a new journey in the new era!

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County
The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Scene recitation of "Twenty-four Solar Terms"

The spring rain shocks the spring and the valley sky, and the summer is full of mangs and the summer and summer are connected.

Autumn dew, autumn frost, winter snow and snow and winter small and big cold.

The 24 solar terms are an excellent traditional culture in the mainland, and between the solar terms, it seems to feel the change of the four seasons.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Hip-hop "Sunshine Otaku"

Children's unique movements and creativity, handsome melodies and publicity, this is the most trendy, coolest dance, let's dance with the rhythm of the music!

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Sitcom "Companionship is the Best Love"

The best love in the world is companionship. This is a loving performance, the affectionate interpretation between parents and children, touching people's hearts, I hope that parents put down their mobile phones and give their children long-term companionship.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Sophomore graduation ceremony program

Dance "Blue and White Porcelain"

Blue and white porcelain condenses traditional Chinese culture and art. The graceful dancing posture seems to outline the Yanyu Jiangnan town written by the literati.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Dance "Chinese Boy"

They are petrels in the storm, not afraid of the dark, not afraid of falling, not afraid of this world full of crises. The land of China, the eagle soars, and look at my Chinese boy!

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Children's drama "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

In the form of a fairy tale drama, Snow White and the seven cute dwarfs tell us to prevent drowning, starting from me, this is the most beautiful creation.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Performance and singing "The Intersection of Phoenix Blossoms"

At the intersection of phoenix flowers, graduation is not the end, but a new beginning, and the clear smiling faces of the children in the memories and the passage of time make us feel emotional.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Class assistant shows

Dance "Open Junior"

You see! Their bravery and self-confidence were infectious.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Dance "Little Toothbrush"

Small toothbrushes, small toothbrushes, in your hands, morning and evening, brush and brush, brush out healthy and good teeth!

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Dance "The Second Generation"

The liveliness and cuteness of the babies show the happy life of the kindergarten and the good time of childlike innocence.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

African Drum "Little Animal Calls"

With every tap of the little hands, let us feel the original sounds of the world and learn about the mysterious and unique African culture!

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Dance "Rouge Makeup"

Holding a painting fan, twisting and turning, dancing, as if bringing us into a world full of fairy energy.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Flowers for the teacher

The children presented the most beautiful flowers and the most sincere thanks to the hard-working principals and teachers. It is precisely because of the teachers' words and deeds and selfless dedication that the children ushered in this harvest season! Life should chase dreams, go far and think of grace!

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Grateful for parental affection

Be grateful and practice filial piety. It was a good time for parents and children, and the children expressed their gratitude to their parents, which not only deepened the bond between parents and children, but also allowed parents to feel the changes and progress in their children's growth.

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County
The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

Graduation ceremonies are presented

The most beautiful encounter and the best future - the graduation ceremony of the second kindergarten class in Yiyang County

For the first time in your life, the camera freezes your kindergarten time hand in hand as a memorial, standing side by side as brave, intimate heart gives birth to warmth, and love and love converge into eternity. Graduation is the starting point of friendship, and we hope that we will care about each other and miss each other in the future.

Editor: Zhang Zhitao

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