
#天使在途#: Hand in hand, walking all the way / There is a warm scene of love and assistance for the disabled in the high-speed rail carriage

author:China in sight
#天使在途#: Hand in hand, walking all the way / There is a warm scene of love and assistance for the disabled in the high-speed rail carriage

Headline Hunan, June 30, 2024 (Correspondent Liu Ziyue) At 11:40 on June 29, the G407 train arrived at Guiyang North Railway Station, and the station staff sent 5 key passengers. These five people are all blind passengers, and they all got off at Shenzhen North Railway Station.

At that time, the carriages for the seats purchased by these blind passengers were relatively scattered, in five compartments: No. 3, No. 4, No. 6, No. 8, and No. 11. In order to help them sit safely, Zeng Kai and Peng Yuhao, the conductors of the Changsha Moving First Fleet of the Changsha Passenger Depot, who were on duty, quickly made key arrangements. Huang Gang, Chen Qi, and Huang Zhi, several conductors of the train were summoned to help, and the passenger crew members were "paired" with a blind passenger, and each took care of one and was responsible for taking care of it.

#天使在途#: Hand in hand, walking all the way / There is a warm scene of love and assistance for the disabled in the high-speed rail carriage

So in the carriage, everyone saw a warm and touching scene. The staff walked in front to guide them, and the blind passengers followed closely behind, either holding the clothes of the train staff or putting their hands on the shoulders of the people in front of them, and followed behind. The two held hands and walked all the way, and the passengers next to them praised each other when they saw the train staff's meticulous love for the disabled.

#天使在途#: Hand in hand, walking all the way / There is a warm scene of love and assistance for the disabled in the high-speed rail carriage

After carefully sending the key passengers to their respective seats, the flight attendants continued to take good care of the key passengers they "paired" in the subsequent journey. Every once in a while, I ask about the needs of the passengers. When blind passengers need to go to the bathroom, train staff will immediately come and guide them to the bathroom. Always on the way to help.

Before arriving at Shenzhen North Railway Station, in order to ensure the safety of passengers, the passengers guided 5 passengers to the No. 9 carriage in the same way. After arriving at the station, we will escort you off the train safely and handle the key handover with the station. After getting off the train, the five blind passengers expressed their gratitude for the train's warm care during the journey.

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