
In the ambiguous period, these situations are actually yellow

author:Blind date emotional story meeting
In the ambiguous period, these situations are actually yellow
In the ambiguous period, these situations are actually yellow
In the ambiguous period, these situations are actually yellow
In the ambiguous period, these situations are actually yellow
In the ambiguous period, these situations are actually yellow
In the ambiguous period, these situations are actually yellow

Hey, when it comes to ambiguous periods, it's really love-hate and hate-hate. You say it's as warm as spring, but there's always a hint of autumn coolness. Sometimes, you feel like you've walked into the other person's heart, but in the blink of an eye, you find that the door has been quietly closed.

When your chats become less and less, and the speed of replies changes from seconds to reincarnation, then you should understand that this ambiguity has begun to yellow. It's like that expired bottle of milk, although it is still in the bottle, has changed its taste.

I've had that experience before. And she met by chance, and since then, we have been like two stars, twinkling in the night sky, attracted to each other. However, as time went on, I found that her messages became less and less and the replies became more and more perfunctory. I began to wonder if I was doing something wrong, or if she had a new choice.

Until one day, I mustered up the courage and wanted to have a showdown with her. But when I saw the indifference in her eyes, I realized that this ambiguity had already turned yellow in silence. At that moment, I felt unprecedented loss, but I also understood a truth: ambiguity is like a war without gunpowder, whoever is serious first will lose.

So, dear friends, if you are also going through a period of ambiguity, then remember: when your interaction decreases, when her enthusiasm decreases, when your topic becomes boring, then this ambiguity is actually yellow. Stop worrying about who is right and who is wrong, and stop fantasizing about the possibilities of the future. Because, the love that truly belongs to you will never let you lose your way in ambiguity.

So, have you ever had a similar experience? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your story together!