
It took a lifetime to understand 3 reasons why you should never be too nice to your siblings

author:Talk about the second child

Sometimes it's too good for your brothers and sisters, but it hurts you, for the following three reasons, let's take a look!

It took a lifetime to understand 3 reasons why you should never be too nice to your siblings

1. Raise rice to support benefactors, and fight rice to raise enemies.

No matter how good you are with your siblings, there must be a limit to what you can do to them.

Don't blindly ask them to ask for you, and you won't refuse, and end up with a thankless end.

Once your siblings become addicted to you and encounter any difficulties, they will come to you for help, and they will not be able to live without you.

As a result, their appetite grows, and when you are not able to meet their conditions, they will blame you in turn and turn their backs.

And you will become their enemy, and you will be cut off from you.

Some netizens said that their parents taught their brothers and sisters to unite and help each other since they were young.

After his parents left, as the eldest brother, he always regarded his brothers and sisters as the closest ones. But in the eyes of his brothers and sisters, as the eldest brother, he is not as kind as strangers.

Netizens said that he helped his brothers and sisters a lot, and all kinds of gifts were also in place. Only once or twice, when he encountered difficulties and was unable to help, his brothers and sisters would scold him in turn, and netizens felt very sad and felt that they had helped a lot of enemies.

When they do more to their brothers and sisters and give without moderation, they take it for granted.

If you don't help them one day, they will think that you owe them and turn their backs.

It took a lifetime to understand 3 reasons why you should never be too nice to your siblings

2. Brothers and sisters value interests, not feelings.

If there is a bond of interest between you and your siblings, even if you don't give anything to each other, the relationship will be very good.

As long as you have no interest in your brothers and sisters, no matter how good you are to them, their feelings for you are mediocre.

Once you and your siblings have a conflict of interest, no matter how much you give, they will turn their backs and disagree with others, and they will not treat you as a brother at all, and in their eyes, they only focus on money.

Some netizens said that since they got married, his relationship with his siblings has been very dull and he doesn't want to do anything for them.

Sometimes they are too good to them, but they don't cherish them, and they ruin his reputation everywhere behind his back, so that he is pointed at everywhere he goes.

Such brothers and sisters, no matter how good you are to them, they will not help you in trouble.

The intimacy or distance between people depends on the division of interests.

Some siblings don't value family affection at all, and in their eyes, they only have money. Whoever can benefit him, he will associate closely.

As an adult, this society is very realistic, and no one wants your life to be better than his, even if this person is your brother or sister.

It took a lifetime to understand 3 reasons why you should never be too nice to your siblings

3. If you think about your brothers and sisters everywhere, your brothers and sisters will make you work hard.

Some people are naïve and think that if they think about their siblings, they will be grateful to you.

Actually, you are very wrong to think that the more you do, the more your siblings will make you work hard.

My neighbor, whose father is 90 years old, is unable to take care of himself, and has reached the age where he needs to be cared for.

As the eldest brother, the neighbor felt that he should set an example for his younger siblings, so he always served his father at home and rarely went to other places.

The original intention of the neighbor's eldest brother was just to let the younger siblings contribute less, but he didn't expect to be mistaken for granted by them.

They work far away in the big city, and they rarely come back to visit their father, and occasionally they call back to say hello, but they don't send half a penny back.

If the neighbor's eldest brother does not serve his father properly, he will be scolded by his younger brothers and sisters.

The neighbor's eldest brother felt very aggrieved and proposed the idea of letting everyone take turns to take care of his father, but no one dared to agree.

Everyone has the obligation to support their parents, and once their parents are unable to take care of themselves. Everyone should fulfill their duty as a child and take turns to serve their parents.

Don't take it alone, sometimes you are too good to your siblings, they take it for granted, but they don't know what to do.

It took a lifetime to understand 3 reasons why you should never be too nice to your siblings

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