
I can't stand it! Follow the leader who was born as a secretary, and work tiring like a dog! Details control, the city is deep!

author:Political Papers
I can't stand it! Follow the leader who was born as a secretary, and work tiring like a dog! Details control, the city is deep!

This article is selected from the first issue of the "Threesome" series of articles of the 15 series of materials originally compiled by me, and in early July, I will share this compilation to the group.

The "Threesome" series is mainly to share the original work experience of the writer in the system.

Some literary friends, especially new literary friends, have a strong "scholarly" spirit and "angry youth" feelings, and they are "not cold" to the sophistication of the organs, and they have the problem of high "IQ" and insufficient "emotional intelligence".

Therefore, I set up a team of writing partners with the "people who have come before" and "discerning people" in the system, and unreservedly "taught" to literary friends "survival skills" such as work experience, handling methods, communication skills, etc., which cannot be learned or taught in actual work, so as to help literary friends avoid detours and grow and mature rapidly.

Here are some articles from the compilation of the "Threesomes" series to learn, understand and improve with literary friends.

I can't stand it! Follow the leader who was born as a secretary, and work tiring like a dog! Details control, the city is deep!

The following is the main text

Working in the system, we often encounter different styles of leaders, and one of them is a different and challenging leadership style, which is those who come out of the secretarial position.

As the saying goes, "a companion is like a tiger", and doing things under these leaders is even more like walking on thin ice, and if you are not careful, you may "fall into the pit and step on the thunder".

1. The eye of the secretary can easily see through a person

Secretary, this position is inherently with a delicate, sharp temperament.

Leaders who start from the secretary position will train a pair of keen "secretary eyes".

They are accustomed to figuring out every expression, every word, and even every subtle movement of the leader.

As a result, they with "sharp eyes", after stepping into a leadership position, they can see their character and thoughts from a person's words and deeds, and no matter what "wind and grass" can not escape his eyes.

Who is the "old scalper" who is working hard, and who is the old fritter who is not finished, he knows it clearly.

Where there is a lazy and rotten "paddling and lying flat", where there is a promotion and transfer of posts "ready to move", where there is a "body and a heart man" who is selected to the superior, he is like a mirror in his heart.

Second, the details of the secretary are really crazy

Leaders who are secretaries can be described as "nitpicking" for their meticulous work.

For example, if you report a piece of data, even if some of it can't be counted, they will ask you to break it down clearly, and even ask you to explain the source and meaning of each piece of data.

I remember one time, the data reported by Xiao Li was called back by the leader because of the decimal point problem, and he asked to recheck.

Xiao Li said with a wry smile: "This is the Nth time, and every report must be like a work of art, and there must be no flaws at all." ”

Third, the secretary's pen is endlessly full of ups and downs

Secretaries and secretaries, one "secret" and two "books", "secret" means that they are close to the leaders and know some unknown work insiders, and "books" means that they will have a little "pen work".

In the system, whether you are a writing secretary or a clerical secretary, it is your duty to write and write.

Some secretaries have a very high level of writing skills, and they regard their writing ability as their "foundation of life" and treat materials like devout believers.

When he becomes a leader, he will ask his subordinates to write according to his standards.

The newly appointed director Zhang of a certain bureau is an "old pen head" who has served as a text secretary next to the former director for many years, and his mantra for the material is, "more polishing".

Xiao Li of the bureau office is also an old office, but he was tossed by this leader enough, sometimes a word is used incorrectly, sometimes it is a punctuation error, and even a space is not in the right place.

Xiao Wang felt physically and mentally exhausted, and deeply realized the difficulty of working under a leader who was born as a text secretary.

I can't stand it! Follow the leader who was born as a secretary, and work tiring like a dog! Details control, the city is deep!

Fourth, the hidden secretary has become the dilemma of "shadow".

The secretary is the assistant behind the leader, but he exists like the shadow of the leader, and influences the upper and lower sides, and assumes the role of the shadow leader.

There is also a mantra for secretaries: "Be a leader behind closed doors". But when they become leaders, the door is not so easy to open.

As a result, when facing subordinates, they often lack their own opinions. This kind of leadership makes subordinates feel at a loss and don't know how to respond.

Such examples are not uncommon within the system.

Xiao Li, the newly appointed project manager of a state-owned enterprise, was previously the secretary of the first-in-command boss, and he was realistic and meticulous in his work, but he was often hesitant in some key decisions.

When a project hits a technical challenge, he calls a meeting of his team to discuss a solution, but after listening to all the comments, he is often unable to make a quick decision.

He always said, "I think everybody's idea makes sense, but I'm not sure which option to choose." "This causes the team to spend too much time on decision-making, sometimes even delaying the project.

This kind of stealth at a critical moment often makes subordinates have a sense of powerlessness of "punching cotton".

In short, following a secretary-turned-leader in the system is like walking a tightrope, walking on a "secret" path full of unknowns and challenges at every step.

What we have to do is to do what we have and what we have done, and from the perspective of doing a good job, the problem will be solved.

Fellow writers, have you ever met a leader who was born as a secretary? Welcome to leave a message to communicate!


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