
I've found that most of the men around me live like this when they retire

author:Talk about the second child

1. If you are not very rich, you have a certain plan for your retirement.

Everyone's type of work and length of service are different, and the pension they receive after retirement will also be different.

Some old people have tens of thousands of pensions, and some old people only have two or three thousand. There are even some elderly people who only have a pension of more than 1,000.

The elderly in rural areas do not have social security, and they do not even have pensions.

For most ordinary people, the pension is only two or three thousand yuan.

It is precisely because your pension is not high that you should plan the use of your pension well after retirement.

After all, if you don't have a job, you can only rely on this pension to maintain your life in your old age, and if you don't save some money, your life in your old age will be very difficult.

If you spend less, you can save a little more, so that in the future, when you are old and your health becomes poor, you will have money to support yourself.

If you have surplus food in your pocket, you naturally don't have to ask your children for money, and you don't have to look at their faces to act, and you can live with dignity.

I've found that most of the men around me live like this when they retire

2. I basically don't care about things at home.

As the head of the family, the major decisions and the right to speak in the family are still in the hands of the man.

Although many things are discussed by husband and wife, women have no right to speak, and the final decision is still left to men.

In other words, the big and small things in the family are still decided by the man.

However, after retirement, men do not like to take care of the trivial affairs of the family, especially the affairs of their children.

The more you love to take care of things, the more you worry about it, and the more troubles you have, the more unhappy your life will be.

Take care of it a little and leave some time to do what you love, and life will be easier.

In the first half of my life, I worked hard to earn money to support my family, and of course I want to enjoy my retirement after retirement.

Instead of worrying about family chores all day long, it consumes energy.

Especially in the affairs of children, they are already adults, they have their own independent thoughts, and how they want to live their lives is naturally up to them.

As a parent, you shouldn't interfere too much, and sometimes it's a kind of love to let go and let your children grow up independently.

We should spend our time on ourselves and enjoy our retirement.

I've found that most of the men around me live like this when they retire

3. Even if some elderly people reach retirement age, they have to run for life and bend their waists for five buckets of rice.

Not everyone has a pension, and many elderly people in rural areas have no pension. Even when they reach the age of retirement, they have to run around for a living in their later years and bend their waists for five buckets of rice.

The income of rural families is not high, and some elderly people have used their life savings to prepare for their son's wedding.

The son married a daughter-in-law, and the family was basically hollowed out, and the pension money he had worked so hard to save was gone all of a sudden.

If you don't have a pension, you will have a lot of pressure to retire, even if you reach retirement age, you can also farm and earn pension for yourself.

One can imagine how stressful the life of peasants is when they reach their old age and have no pension.

I've found that most of the men around me live like this when they retire

4. After retirement, I plan to travel.

There are many elderly people around me who choose to travel after retirement, which is their dream when they are young, and they will not have the opportunity to realize it until their old age.

It's not that they go on a trip for a whole year, but they go for half a month, ten days and eight days and come back.

Some elderly people's children, because they have given birth to children, are too busy to do themselves, and hope that their parents can help them take care of their children.

However, some elderly people have finally enjoyed their retirement life, and would rather spend money to hire a nanny for their children than to serve their children's children.

It's a good thing that older people are able to have their own lives. I have worked hard for most of my life, and I finally survived to the age of retirement, and everyone hopes to live their retirement life well.

If you revolve around your children all day long and live a tired life, it will also cause family conflicts. After all, the lifestyles and concepts of the elderly and the young are different, and staying together for many years will be more or less contradictory.

Therefore, it is good for the elderly who are not short of money to travel. Take a look at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, experience different regional cultures and customs, and let yourself feel the beauty of the world.

I've found that most of the men around me live like this when they retire

5. Basically, they all have some hobbies.

I found that some of the elderly around me like to play chess in the park, some like to go fishing in the lake, some like to play cards, some like to go square dancing, and some elderly people have signed up for community activities, and their lives are colorful.

When people are old, they will inevitably be lonely after retirement, and if their children do not have time to spend with them, it is very boring to stay at home alone.

If you don't lack money, you don't want to look for a job, and even if you do, the salary will not be very high, and it may still be a hard job.

If you have a lot of leisure all day, life will be extremely boring, so it is better to find something to do and develop some hobbies.

Once you have something you like to do, you will feel that your life is full and you will not be bored.

Even if you're just going out shopping with your girlfriends, square dancing with your wife, or playing chess in the park by yourself, the day will go by quickly.

It's a good thing for seniors to have hobbies.

I've found that most of the men around me live like this when they retire

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