
Zhang Linghe's "Spending the Year of China" was more popular than "Yan Xinji", but he was complained about plagiarizing "Langya Bang".

author:Entertainment Jun said the entertainment industry

Zhang Linghe's past performances in "Ning An Like a Dream" and "Cloud Feather" jumped into traffic Xiaosheng, and he partnered with Zhao Jinmai in "In the Blizzard" to perform in the costume drama "Spending the Year of China", the novel plot has won a lot of praise, and the popularity has overwhelmed Luo Yunxi and Song Yi starring "Yan Xinji", and the results are good. However, Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai's separate stills revealed that they plagiarized Hu Ge's performance of "Langya Bang" 9 years ago, and many netizens also complained: "With the same poster model, the poster of "Langya Bang" is more textured."

Zhang Linghe's "Spending the Year of China" was more popular than "Yan Xinji", but he was complained about plagiarizing "Langya Bang".

"The Year of China" is adapted from the novel "The Eldest Princess" by writer Mo Shubai, which tells the story of the eldest princess of the Great Xia Dynasty "Li Rong" (played by Zhao Jinmai) and the first assistant of the current dynasty "Pei Wenxuan" (played by Zhang Linghe) in two lives, from husband and wife to enemies, and then from enemies to best friends, and then to lovers.

Zhang Linghe's "Spending the Year of China" was more popular than "Yan Xinji", but he was complained about plagiarizing "Langya Bang".

Zhang Linghe (left) and Zhao Jinmai (right) partnered to perform "Spending the Year of China", the plot was fast-paced, and received a lot of praise when it was broadcast. (Taken from Du Hua Nian Weibo)

Although the plot of "Du Hua Nian" is fast-paced and the lines are modern, it received a lot of praise when it was broadcast, but the plot of rebirth in ancient costumes is slightly tired for the audience, especially in the first episode, Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai appeared as 38 years old, but in the next episode, they turned to 18 years old immediately after being reborn, and the appearance of the two pages is not much different, many people think that Zhao Jinmai is too young, and it is really difficult to distinguish whether he is wearing old makeup, and Zhang Linghe's old makeup is only pasted with a beard, and it is also complained by netizens that it is very perfunctory.

Zhang Linghe's "Spending the Year of China" was more popular than "Yan Xinji", but he was complained about plagiarizing "Langya Bang".

Zhao Jinmai's old makeup in the play is considered by the outside world to be invisible, and she still needs to be trained to control the older role. (Taken from Du Hua Nian Weibo)

In the third episode of "Du Hua Nian", "Li Rong" and "Pei Wenxuan" solved the misunderstanding in their previous lives, originally "Li Rong" thought that "Pei Wenxuan" used a strange incense to kill himself because of the prince's affairs, so he ordered someone to kill "Pei Wenxuan" before he died. After being reborn, "Pei Wenxuan" denied this, believing that "Li Rong" had toxins in his body, which caused a toxin attack caused by the strange fragrance on his body.

Zhang Linghe's "Spending the Year of China" was more popular than "Yan Xinji", but he was complained about plagiarizing "Langya Bang".

Zhao Jinmai (left) and Zhang Linghe (right) staged a double life plot in "The Year of China", the two often quarreled, and they were a happy couple. (Taken from Du Hua Nian Weibo)

In addition, the poster of "Du Hua Nian" was accused of plagiarizing the stills of "Langya Bang", because one of the stills of Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai was wearing ancient costumes and covering their mouths with their hands, but this scene is the same as Hu Ge's starring action in "Langya Bang", and even the entire art poster configuration is very similar, and many netizens also said: "Not only plagiarized the poster, but also rubbed the popularity of "Langya Bang"." "With such obvious plagiarism, the drama announcement shouldn't do this, so are they all rubbing the popularity of the Langya list..."

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