
Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

author:Sweet food house

For many people, insomnia is a common and intractable problem. The night, which was supposed to be a time of rest and recovery, became long and painful due to repeated rolls and anxiety. Insomnia not only deprives us of precious sleep time, but it also has a profound impact on daily life: decreased energy, inability to concentrate, and even emotional irritability and depression. Long-term insomnia can also lead to more serious health problems, including cardiovascular disease, memory loss, and a decline in overall immunity.

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Faced with such a problem, many people may choose to rely on medications to fall asleep quickly. Although this approach is effective in the short term, long-term dependence on sleep medications is not a cure-all strategy and may be associated with dependence and other side effects. Therefore, a healthier, more lasting solution is to start with the basic aspects of daily life, especially from dietary adjustments.

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

The right diet not only provides the nutrients your body needs, but it also helps to adjust your internal environment to improve sleep quality. Today, I'm going to introduce four dishes that can significantly improve sleep and are not only delicious, but also packed with ingredients that can calm the mind and help you sleep. I recommend that you prepare these dishes at least three times a week, they will become a powerful assistant in your fight against insomnia.

Recommended recipe 1: Oyster sauce shiitake mushrooms

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Shiitake mushrooms are an excellent healthy ingredient in their own right, rich in vitamin D and minerals, which can help soothe the nerves and improve sleep quality. Paired with the sweetness of oyster sauce, this dish will both satisfy your taste buds and help you get a better night's rest.

Main ingredients: shiitake mushrooms, oyster sauce, ginger slices

Here's how:

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Soak the shiitake mushrooms in advance, wash and slice.

Add oil to the pot, stir-fry the ginger slices until fragrant, then add the shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry quickly.

Add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce and a little water and cook over medium heat until the mushrooms are soft and flavorful.

Add a pinch of salt and pepper, stir-fry well and serve.

Recommended Recipe 2: Stir-fried pumpkin

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Pumpkin is rich in β-carotene and potassium, which help relax muscles and nerves and promote night's rest. Not only is this stir-fried pumpkin appealing in color, but its sweetness also brings you a sense of well-being and helps you fall asleep better.

Main ingredients: pumpkin, minced garlic

Here's how:

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Peel and dice the pumpkin and set aside, minced garlic.

Add oil to the pan, stir-fry the minced garlic first, then add the pumpkin and stir-fry.

Add a little water, cover and simmer over low heat until the pumpkin is soft and ripe.

Open the lid to reduce the juice, add an appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry well.

Recommended recipe 3: garlic and oily lettuce

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Not only is it nutritious, but its high fiber content also helps with nighttime digestion and nourishes the body. The addition of minced garlic adds flavor and helps to relax the body.

Main ingredients: lettuce, minced garlic, cooking oil

Here's how:

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Wash the lettuce and cut into sections.

Chop the garlic into minced garlic.

Add oil to the pot, stir-fry the minced garlic until fragrant, then quickly add the oil and lettuce and stir-fry.

Add a pinch of salt and stir-fry quickly to remove from the pan.

Recommended recipe 4: baby cabbage steamed pork

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Baby cabbage is tender and easy to digest, and the high protein of pork provides the nutrients needed at night, while this steaming method helps to preserve the original flavor of the ingredients and better help with sleep.

Main ingredients: baby cabbage, shredded pork, shredded ginger

Here's how:

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

The baby cabbage is removed from the roots and washed, and the pork is shredded and marinated in soy sauce and starch.

The baby cabbage is laid on the bottom and the marinated shredded pork and ginger are placed on top.

Once the water is boiling, put the prepared ingredients in the steamer and steam for about 15 minutes.

Sprinkle with chopped green onions before cooking.

Insomnia is most afraid of these 4 dishes, it is recommended to eat three times a week to calm the nerves and help you sleep, and sleep until dawn!

Not only are these four dishes delicious, but they're also perfect for improving sleep and helping you relax. Three times a week, you can have a higher quality rest at night, wake up refreshed and ready for a good day!