
I have used a prescription for treating nodules for more than 40 years, and only 2 people out of 100 people have missed, and the cost is 10 yuan

author:Professor Li Zhongyu of Chinese medicine skin

When it comes to breast nodules, female friends are very familiar with them, which is a relatively common breast disease in clinical practice. In breast nodules, there are small irregularly shaped lumps in the breast area, and most of the clinical diagnoses are benign nodules. At present, Western medicine is very useful for finding breast lumps, uterine fibroids, thyroid nodules, etc. If it is not malignant, it is mainly observation.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if the body's righteous qi is weakened, good and evil are in conflict, and there are many symptoms (such as: breast pain, dysmenorrhea, tantrums, loss of appetite, irritability, insomnia and other symptoms) lingering. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene and treat early.

I have used a prescription for treating nodules for more than 40 years, and only 2 people out of 100 people have missed, and the cost is 10 yuan

I remember that as soon as I came out of school, I was sent to the village to support medical care, and the doctor and I were the only two people in the health center at that time.

Once, a patient came to the health center, saying that he had been suffering from left breast nodules with premenstrual pain for 2 years, and went to check and found that the nodules were grade 3, with dysmenorrhea, with little menstrual flow, dark red with blood clots, and a dull complexion. Breast B ultrasound: hypoechoic nodule (9x4mm) in the left breast at 11 o'clock

The patient said, "At that time, the doctor advised me to have surgery, but where did I get the money for surgery?"

I have used a prescription for treating nodules for more than 40 years, and only 2 people out of 100 people have missed, and the cost is 10 yuan

After I heard this, my heart was also sour, and I thought: This is really a hemp rope that is broken in detail, and bad luck is only looking for miserable people!

The old doctor comforted her and said: No need to do surgery, it can be cured, only know that the surgery is a quack!

A prescription was prescribed to the patient:

Triangular, Yanhusuo, Angelica, Saponaria thorn, Spiral Compound Flower, Perilla Seed, Chicken Inner Gold, Sulforaphane Seed.

I have used a prescription for treating nodules for more than 40 years, and only 2 people out of 100 people have missed, and the cost is 10 yuan

The result?

Patients take a course of treatment, and the quality of sleep is improved; The effect was not better, the patient took four more courses of treatment, the patient's nodules became 1.7 cm, menstruation was normal, there was no blood clots, and the whole person was much better.

The effect was not better, and the patient took 2 more courses of treatment, and the symptoms subsided and the nodules disappeared. Follow-up, no recurrence was observed.

I have used a prescription for treating nodules for more than 40 years, and only 2 people out of 100 people have missed, and the cost is 10 yuan

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, all nodules are essentially blood congestion. These blood stasis is garbage, garbage is trapped in the body, simply put, it is the blood stasis in the body for a long time, just like the sluggish riverbed, which is full of mud and ponds for a long time, and it is easy to breed turbidity. In the neck, it is called a thyroid nodule; In the breast, it is called a breast nodule; In the lungs, it is called a pulmonary nodule.

Nowadays, people generally work under great pressure, eat unhealthy, stay up late, do not exercise, coupled with anxiety, irritability, depression and other emotions, the human body is overburdened, phlegm and stasis can not be discharged from the body, and after a long time, nodules will be formed.

I have used a prescription for treating nodules for more than 40 years, and only 2 people out of 100 people have missed, and the cost is 10 yuan

Nodules are like leeks in the soil, as long as it is still that soil, no matter how you cut it, it will still grow after cutting, if you want it to stop growing, you must change its environment, without that environment it can no longer grow.

Look at this recipe again

1. Sanleng, Yanhusuo, Angelica sinensis - invigorate blood and eliminate blood stasis;

2. Saponaria thorn, spiral compound flower, perilla seed - soft and hard;

3. Chicken inner gold, sulforaphane seeds - appetizing and spleen.

Over the years, I dare not say that I can cure every patient, but I dare to say that I treat every patient with my heart.