
She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

author:North of YB

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She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

Do you still remember the heroic Zhao Min in the 1984 Taiwanese version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer"?

Her actor Liu Yupu is known as "the most beautiful Zhao Min" and has been a smash hit.

With sword eyebrows and starry eyes, heroic posture, she perfectly interprets the handsome, beautiful and dragging Mongolian princess in Jin Yong's pen.

However, who would have thought that this once radiant actress would eventually die alone in a dilapidated rental house.

What ups and downs has she experienced in her life?

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

What is it that makes this delicate flower wither so quickly?

Let's walk into Liu Yupu's world and explore the untold story behind that beautiful woman.

1. Tragic childhood: Growing up in the shadow of his father

In 1963, Liu Yupu was born in Taiwan in a patriarchal family.

Liu Yupu's father is a veteran, who looks dignified and upright, but in fact he is violent.

In his eyes, his daughter was a mistake, a cruel joke played by God.

And he, on the other hand, spent his whole life punishing this "mistake".

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

Five-year-old Liu Yupu is at the age of innocence, and he should have grown up under the care of his father's love.

However, what awaited her was her father's fists and kicks.

Can you imagine?

A little girl is taking a shower in the bathroom, but she doesn't even dare to lock the door, because she is afraid that her drunken father will be even more angry because of the lock.

What's even more terrifying is that this beastly father would actually molest his young daughter.

When a five-year-old girl is forced to endure such pain, can you imagine the despair in her heart?

And what about Liu Yupu's mother? She chose to remain silent.

Yes, in this family, she is like a transparent person, watching her husband abuse her daughter, but she does not dare to squeak.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

Maybe she is also a victim, but in the eyes of her daughter, her silence is undoubtedly a disguised injury.

In this way, in the midst of her father's violence and her mother's indifference, Liu Yupu spent her childhood.

This experience, like a wound that can never heal, was deeply imprinted in her heart and became a shadow for her life afterward.

2. Bright Stars: The Golden Age of Acting Career

Fate is so wonderful, when you think that a person has been defeated by life, she may usher in a turning point in life.

In 1982, 19-year-old Liu Yupu participated in the Hong Kong Shaw Brothers Film Company's draft in Taiwan.

Unexpectedly, this girl who has lacked love and low self-esteem since she was a child has become famous in one fell swoop!

Maybe it's the favor of God, maybe it's the compensation of fate.

Liu Yupu's beautiful face, those talking eyes, and that innate temperament immediately attracted the attention of the draft officer.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

In this way, she stepped into the door of the entertainment industry.

Since then, Liu Yupu's life seems to be hanging.

She has starred in many movies such as "Pawn Pumping" and "Three Breaks into Shaolin", and every appearance amazes the audience.

The little girl who used to tremble at home has become a goddess who is in the limelight.

However, what really made Liu Yupu famous in one fell swoop was the role of Zhao Min in the 1984 Taiwan TV version of "Heaven and Dragon Slayer".

Do you still remember the heroic and gorgeous Mongolian princess?

Men's clothing is heroic, women's clothing is bright-eyed.

Liu Yupu used her excellent acting skills to perfectly interpret this complex and charming role.

The reputation of "the most beautiful Zhao Min" made Liu Yupu beautiful for a while.

Appointments flew like snowflakes, applause, flowers, and praises poured in like a tide.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

The little girl who was once disgusted by her father finally stood in the spotlight and enjoyed the feeling of being in the limelight.

Under that glamorous appearance, Liu Yupu's heart is still fragile.

She longs for love, for recognition, for someone to really understand her and protect her.

And this desire eventually pushed her to another abyss.

3. Love trap: A seemingly happy but painful marriage

At the height of his career, Liu Yupu met the pastor Zhang Jianzhong.

Zhang Jianzhong, who is gentle and knowledgeable, is like an angel sent by God to save her.

In Zhang Jianzhong, Liu Yupu seems to see the father's love he has been longing for.

A girl who has lacked fatherly love since she was a child, and suddenly meets a gentle and considerate man, the feeling is like a traveler in the desert suddenly seeing an oasis.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

Liu Yupu threw himself into Zhang Jianzhong's arms without hesitation and walked into the palace of marriage without hesitation.

For the sake of this hard-won love, Liu Yupu made a decision that surprised everyone: she gave up her thriving acting career and chose to accompany her husband to the United States for further study.

What a touching love! Everyone thought that Liu Yupu had finally found his own happiness.

However, reality is always more cruel than a fairy tale.

Life after marriage is not as good as Liu Yupu imagined.

Zhang Jianzhong gradually revealed his true colors: irritable, selfish, and controlling.

The pastor, who was once gentle and considerate, even began to add fists and kicks to Liu Yupu.

She thought she had finally escaped the nightmare, only to find herself falling into another nightmare.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

The man she had pinned all her hopes on was the same as her terrible father.

In this way, Liu Yupu fell into the shadow of domestic violence again.

She began to suffer from depression and spent her days in tears.

The once glorious "most beautiful Zhao Min" has now become a poor woman who has been defeated by life.

4. Struggling to survive: The difficult years of battling depression

In those days, depression was still a taboo subject.

When the news broke, public opinion was in an uproar.

The gossip was like countless sharp knives, slashing at Liu Yupu's fragile heart.

People didn't understand her, and even laughed at her and spit on her.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

The pressure of life, the pain of marriage, the incomprehension of the outside world, and various factors are intertwined, pushing Liu Yupu to the brink of collapse.

She tried to commit suicide several times, but was rescued each time, and perhaps even death would not accept this poor woman.

In 2005, Liu Yupu finally mustered up the courage and filed for divorce.

In order to see her children often, she chose to leave the house.

Overnight, she lost everything.

However, in this darkest moment, Liu Yupu showed amazing resilience.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

She began to write, writing about her experiences battling depression in the book "Open Your Heart Flying".

She wants to tell all those who are suffering like her: don't give up, there is always hope in life.

What a strong woman!

This may be the most beautiful place for Liu Yupu.

5. Lonely curtain call: 46 years old desolate death

Life is like a marathon, some people run fast, some people run slowly, but the most important thing is to be able to run to the finish line.

However, for Liu Yupu, this marathon was too difficult and too cruel.

After the divorce, Liu Yupu's life was in trouble.

used to be a film and television star, but now he can only make a living by teaching people to draw.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

She lives in a dilapidated rental house in Taipei's Zhonghe District, living a poor and lonely life.

The once glorious "most beautiful Zhao Min" has now fallen into such a situation.

But even so, Liu Yupu still did not give up hope.

She actively participates in public welfare activities, shares her anti-depression experience with patients, and strives to make her life shine.

However, fate always seems to refuse to be gentle with her.

May 10, 2009 is Mother's Day.

Liu Yupu had a rare dinner with his mother, whom she hadn't seen for many years.

Perhaps she still has a glimmer of hope that she can be loved by her family.

However, this dinner became the last meal of her life.

On May 14, when police broke into Ms. Liu's rental home, they found that she had been dead for a long time.

46 years old, is the most wonderful age of a woman, but Liu Yupu chose to leave forever.

The cause of her death remains a mystery to this day.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

Some say it's suicide, some say it's a heart attack.

But whatever the reason, it can't hide the fact that in the last moments of his life, Liu Yupu was alone.

The once radiant actress left quietly like this.

There was no grand funeral, no media coverage, only the regrets and sighs of some old friends.

This is Liu Yupu's life.

She came brightly and went desolate.

Her life is like a movie of joy and sorrow, wonderful and heartbreaking.

Write at the end

Liu Yupu's story tells us that life is never a fairy tale.

But even so, we still have to have hope and strive to live our lives to the fullest.

Because you never know if there will be someone who will give you a hug and tell you: it's okay, everything will be okay when you can't hold on.

She is the "most beautiful Zhao Min", who was violated by her biological father, abused by her husband, and was only found three days after her death

My dear, how do you feel about Liu Yupu's story?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let us discuss the meaning of life together, and offer a warmth to those souls who are struggling in the dark.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】