
He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

author:North of YB

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He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

Do you still remember the "Stubborn Master" that made Ge You famous in one fell swoop?

Director Mi Jiashan became famous with this work and became a cutting-edge force in the Chinese film industry.

However, just when his career was in full swing, he chose to fade out of the film industry and became a "worker" in his sister's real estate company.

From the small artist of Emei Film Studio, to the eight-year marriage with actress Pan Hong, to the glory and silence of "The Stubborn Master", Mi Jiashan's life is like a movie with ups and downs.

You may ask, the name sounds familiar, but you can't tell where you've heard it.

It doesn't matter, because he's the man who always hides behind his aura.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

Today, let's uncover the legendary life of this mysterious director and see how he rose and fell in the tide of fate and finally became the protagonist of his own life.

1. The "Art Seeds" of the Red Family: The Growth Road from Shanxi to Chengdu

In 1947, in an unknown hospital in Shanxi, the silence was broken by the cry of a baby.

This child is Mijiashan, a life destined to be different.

Mi Jiashan's father Mi Jianshu is the mayor of Chengdu, and his mother is the party secretary of West China Medical University.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

However, fate always likes to play a joke.

Just when Xiaomi Jiashan thought that he would live a carefree young master life, the "Cultural Revolution" came.

Oh, it's a good thing now, Mi Jiashan's parents have both lost their freedom.

You may be thinking, what should I do with Mijiashan now?

In 1968, 21-year-old Mi Jiashan came to Shanxi to join the team.

That's right, it's the place that everyone avoids.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

You might say, isn't that self-inflicted?

However, it was this experience that planted the seeds for Mi Jiashan's future artistic career.

2. Eying Dreams: The rise of art and assistant director to "The Stubborn Master".

In 1975, Mijiashan finally waited for a turning point in his life.

He was assigned to Emei Film Studio and became an artist.

You might be thinking, art? Isn't that what it does?

However, in Mi Jiashan's eyes, this is the first step towards the director's dream.

Carrying a paint bucket and supporting a prop tree every day, Mi Jiashan is like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, insisting on his movie dream.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

Do you know?

At that time, it was not easy to become a director, not by ability, but by seniority.

Even if you are a high-achieving student who graduated from the directing department, you may have to wait more than ten years before you can sit in the position of director.

However, Mijiashan is not the one who waits.

He read an American novel with a sentence that said, "People in our family have to do their best in everything they do." This sentence directly ignited Mijiashan's fighting spirit.

In 1982, Mi Jiashan and Han Sanping went to study at Beijing Film Academy together.

You think he's there to learn?

No, he just wants to get a "director's qualification certificate".

Isn't this a clever move?

Finally, in 1984, Mijiashan returned to Emei Factory and officially obtained the qualification to make movies.

However, there are many good things.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

He was "killed" in two scripts in a row.

Can you imagine that frustration?

What was so painstakingly written, it was rejected by someone in one sentence.

However, Mijiashan did not give up.

Because he knows that opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

3. Proud of love: eight years of itching and parting with Pan Hong

When it comes to Mi Jiashan's life, how can we not mention his ex-wife Pan Hong?

That's right, it's the actress Pan Hong who was as famous as Liu Xiaoqing in the 80s.

In 1977, Mi Jiashan went to Shanghai for casting, and fell in love with Pan Hong, who had just graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy.

Coincidental or not, you say? Isn't this fate?

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

In 1978, 31-year-old Mi Jiashan and 24-year-old Pan Hong tied the knot.

You may say, isn't this the standard director-actress drama?

However, reality is more exciting than drama.

In the eight years after marriage, Mi Jiashan and Pan Hong can be said to be busy separately.

Pan Hong's star road is getting wider and wider, and she also won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress in 1983.

And what about Mijiashan? is still struggling with his dream of directing.

Can such a marriage, you ask, last?

The answer is, no.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

In 1986, the two officially divorced.

Some people say that it is because Mi Jiashan wants children, but Pan Hong is unwilling; Some people say it's because of the imbalance in career development.

But, do you know what is the most amazing thing? After the divorce, the two became better friends.

Pan Hong even contributed a lot to Mi Jiashan's "The Stubborn Master" behind the scenes, which is the so-called "not being husband and wife and being friends"?

4. Career trough: From the glory of "The Stubborn Master" to fading out of the film industry

In 1988, Mijiashan finally waited for his highlight moment.

The "Stubborn Master" directed by him not only made Ge You an instant hit, but also became an important node in the history of Chinese cinema.

Mi Jiashan said that when he saw Wang Shuo's novel, he felt that he had found an outlet.

That way of laughing and scolding completely fits his inner thoughts.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

However, success is often short-lived.

After "The Stubborn Master", Mijiashan seems to be unable to find a new breakthrough.

At this time, his sister Mi Ruirong made a name for herself in the real estate industry.

After thinking about it again, Mi Jiashan chose to assist his sister in her work, from a glamorous director to a "worker" in a real estate company.

5. Return to the film industry: 2011 comeback and new work "Summer with You"

Time flies, and 20 years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In 2011, 64-year-old Mi Jiashan decided to return to the film industry, and he filmed the movie "Battlefield Yellow Flower".

You may say, can you still do it without filming for so many years?

Facts have proved that although this movie is not even rated on Douban, Mi Jiashan's creative enthusiasm has not diminished.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

In 2024, Mi Jiashan will serve as the producer of the movie "Summer Reading with You".

At the age of 77, he is still working hard for the film industry.

Some people say that Mi Jiashan's comeback is to realize his movie dream.

Some people also say that he is just unwilling to be forgotten by the times.

But have you ever thought that maybe he just wanted to prove that life doesn't start too late?

Write at the end

Mi Jiashan's life is like a movie directed by him, full of dramatic turns.

From the descendants of the red family to the artistic dreamers, from the famous director to the retirement, and then to the return to the film industry, his experience tells us that there is no fixed script in life, and everyone is constantly writing their own stories.

Perhaps, you will find the choice of Mijiashan a little incredible.

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

Giving up a good director's future to do real estate, isn't this a self-willed depravity?

However, if you think about it from another angle, maybe this is the manifestation of his courage to try and constantly break through himself?

Life does not need to live in other people's expectations, whether it is a director or a "worker", as long as it is your own choice, it is worthy of respect.

Perhaps, it is this spirit of continuous experimentation and breakthrough that is the most valuable wealth left to us by Mijiashan.

In this era of rapid change, should we also be like Mijiashan, have the courage to try and constantly break through our comfort zone?

He is a famous director, his ex-wife is the actress Pan Hong, his father is a deputy minister, and his sister is a well-known real estate developer

What do you think of Mijiashan's life choices? Would you have made the same decision if it were you?

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section! Let's explore how we should write our own life scripts in this world full of possibilities.


[It's not easy for the editor to create, all the uncles have seen this, help give me a thumbs up!] ~】

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