
People's Daily: Set out in the direction you like and work hard with like-minded people

author:Mom is growing

Hello, I'm Promise Mom, a second-child town mother who is determined to die from the media after being unemployed.

Some time ago, I wrote a book review of "Mr. Toad Goes to a Psychiatrist", and a book purchase link was inserted into the article, and the article directly brought me a commission of 100+, which can be regarded as a small achievement.

So the unnamed teacher asked me to share my experience in the group, and of course I gladly accepted it, good learning methods must be shared, and everyone can learn together and make progress together.

For specific methodology, you may be able to give you some inspiration by reading this article.

With 500 fans and more than 100 commission income for a single article, the official account is really profitable

At the same time, I also deeply understand this sentence of the "People's Daily":

"May you already be heading in the direction you like. When I set out, I knew that there were not many like-minded people who fought side by side. ”
People's Daily: Set out in the direction you like and work hard with like-minded people


It's never too late to start whenever you want

Recently, I often receive private messages asking me: I'm already 40 years old, is it too late to do self-media now?

The first thing that comes to mind is myself, I am 39 years old this year, and my birthday has passed, and I have officially entered the threshold of 40

Although I am not young in age, I still have a lot of momentum in my heart and am willing to try to change the status quo through self-media.

I would say that it's never too late to get started.

I pay attention to several public accounts that are retired uncles and aunts, and their official accounts are still doing well.

So, age is not an issue, it's whether you want to do it or not.

Since I lost my job, I have been busy every day for the past two months, and the more I write, the more I feel, and I am really full of passion.

There are times when data anxiety is over, but that's temporary.

As long as you have one thing in mind and stick to it, you will get what you want.

People's Daily: Set out in the direction you like and work hard with like-minded people


Only action can break anxiety

Many people are worried that they will not write well, so they dare not start writing.

Actually, I was the same when I started.

  • Afraid that the articles you write are not good and you will be laughed at by others?
  • What should I do if I can't keep writing?
  • What should I do if the reading volume of the written article is low?


It's hard to write things overnight.

Writing is a skill.

We all know that any skill needs to be practiced, so writing is also a process that requires us to go through a clumsy period to a proficient period.

For us newbies, these problems do exist, but if you just want to write and don't put pen to paper, then these problems will never be solved.

There is a saying in "Cognitive Awakening": There is still a do between wanting and getting.

Therefore, thinking is a problem, and doing is the ultimate solution.

Only when you start to act, will you encounter problems in the process of action and find ways to solve them.

We don't do it when we're great, we do it to become great.

People's Daily: Set out in the direction you like and work hard with like-minded people


Circles are important

There is a saying that one person can go fast, but a group of people will go further.

In the past, if I wanted to grow quickly, my choice was to pay to learn from teachers who had results.

Of course, if you have a strong self-learning ability, you can also explore and summarize it yourself.

It's hard to write on your own self-discipline, so we can look for some outside oversight.

For example, since I started doing self-media, I have added a lot of groups, and watching everyone insist on updating every day, I am really encouraged, so the circle is really important.

If you are close to excellent people, you will become excellent yourself

Together with a group of people who love writing, let's continue to move forward on the road of writing.

People's Daily: Set out in the direction you like and work hard with like-minded people

Write at the end

Mr. Yang Jiang once said:

"The reason why some people keep growing is definitely because they have the strength to persevere. Good reader, willing to work hard, not only read, but also take notes.

If people want to grow, there must be a reason, and the efforts and accumulation behind it must be several times that of ordinary people. So, the key is also yourself. ”

For women who have reached the 40 threshold, we not only bear the dual pressure of family and work, but at the same time, society has given us few opportunities for self-growth.

Reality can't be changed, all we can change is ourselves.

If you don't have the capital to lie flat, then try to grow yourself from now on.

Choose what you like, continue to work deeply, only if you become better and stronger, the people around you will become better.

Middle-aged girls, let's do it together.


It's not easy to be original, thank you for your attention, click a free like and then go~

People's Daily: Set out in the direction you like and work hard with like-minded people

Those who follow me are not fans, but friends

About the author:【Promise Mom】

A post-85 generation who focuses on personal growth and self-media dry goods

Write dehydrated dry goods with one hand, and gentle words with the other

A brave woman with two babies who is changing herself through writing