
The Rich of the Enemy Country, the Dream, the Prayer of God, the Funeral of the British Jew, Oss Love Hartung (2)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

The Wealth of the Enemy Country Becomes a Dream of Seeking God and Seeking Healing - The Funeral of the British Jew Oss Love Hartung (2)

The Rich of the Enemy Country, the Dream, the Prayer of God, the Funeral of the British Jew, Oss Love Hartung (2)
The Rich of the Enemy Country, the Dream, the Prayer of God, the Funeral of the British Jew, Oss Love Hartung (2)
The Rich of the Enemy Country, the Dream, the Prayer of God, the Funeral of the British Jew, Oss Love Hartung (2)

When the clock hand of history pointed to the end of the 20s, the "kingdom" of Hartung had passed the peak and gradually went downhill. At that time, Hartung was already a decrepit man in his 80s, and after several illnesses, heart failure, he could no longer be reckless.

In particular, the development trend of China's political situation has exceeded his expectations, and the emperor and president who summoned them yesterday have become prisoners of the ranks today; Yesterday, I received the medals and "gifts" they gave them, which were like treasures; Today, all of them have become evidence of collusion with warlords and the remnants of the imperial system, and after Sun Chuanfang occupied Zhejiang, he threatened to close down the "Luo Yuan" that he had painstakingly run.

The political situation in Shanghai was also turbulent, and it entered an eventful season, with the warlords "singing and I appearing", and power changed hands several times, and Hartung felt at a loss. Moreover, labor uprisings in the concession occurred from time to time, and the slogan of "Down with imperialism" made him even more frightened. All of this made the Hartung couple disheartened, and their entrepreneurial spirit was almost lost.

After the summer of the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), Hartung's "diarrhea" recurred, and he was often dizzy, weak and unable to sustain himself, and was even bedridden. He has always been a "queen" of Chinese and Western medicine, as well as famous doctors on the market, and the "current doctors" are helpless.

His beloved wife, as well as his righteous sons and daughters, saw that they could not seek medical treatment, and turned to God to redeem for the eventuality. Therefore, he went to the synagogue many times to pray for Hartung to Yahvi, the "one true God". Under the personal auspices of Luo Jialing, the nuns of the Pinga Monastery and the Upoyi who led the practice made many "prolonged Buddhas" for Hartung. More than a dozen senior monks and their apprentices in the family temple who once presided over the Wumu Mountain monk Huang Zongyang also prayed for the early recovery of Hartung and built an "auspicious dojo for blessings, longevity, disasters and misfortunes".

It is worth mentioning that Ji Juemi, the chief manager, once served as a Taoist priest in his early years, and understood that Taoism has a method of eliminating evil spirits and relieving the yang, which can save the dying sick and return to yang, so he "offered advice" to Luo Jialing. So he sent someone to invite the 63rd generation of the Han Heavenly Master Zhang Enpu from Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi Province to set up an altar in the Aili Garden to make Jiao.

Zhang Enpu was 27 years old that year, and he came by four people, and there were two revelations in front of him: "the dragon king is exempt from the dynasty" and "the gods are exempt from participation". There were 4 "judges" and 1 "Dharma Protector" accompanying him. The Heavenly Master wears the crown of the Five Mountains to the sky, wears a blue satin gossip fairy robe, and climbs the clouds. The wind is in its prime, and it has a fairy wind. The steward knelt in front of the gate to greet him (because he was a "disciple of the Three Qings").

The "clean things" that the heavenly master did first were to eliminate the evil town; The "Yansheng Putang" that was done later included "Rushing to Fight", "Fighting for Longevity", lighting Yansheng lanterns and birthday lanterns...... And used the unique rune treasure of Longhu Mountain Heavenly Master's Mansion and the "forbidden spell" - the healing spell of the sick - to summon the gods to remove the disease. And the rune stamped with the seal of the Heavenly Master was given to Hartung to wear on his body.

However, in accordance with the "Taoist Science Fan", the recitation of sutras, the table, the lighting of lamps, rituals and other rituals have been held, but they still do not work, and the "fixed number" of longevity is difficult to escape, and the heavenly master has no way to return to heaven. Luo Jialing was dumbfounded, and hurriedly ordered Ji Juemi, who was in charge, to prepare for the aftermath for Hartung.

At that time, people used the "karma" theory of Buddhism and Taoism to make discussions, and Shanghainese people said: "No matter what you calculate, you will not be able to escape the king of Hades in the end." The old Beijinger said that it was "a thousand calculations, it is better to count them than God." "Count it all or die". Hartung is also unable to escape this law. In the past 60 years, he has skillfully calculated the Chinese and won the wealth of the enemy country, and in the end he will inevitably meet the canon of "those who come empty-handed, they must go empty-handed."

Hartung finally died on June 19, the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), when the sun was about to set.