
Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

author:Yuyu laughs and talks about things

After the singer's eighth phase of the competition ranking came out, it caused a lot of controversy, the first Tan Weiwei, the second Fan Xiya, the third Na Ying, the fourth Shantimo, the fifth Sun Nan, the sixth Wang Sulong, the seventh Yuan Yawei, and the eighth Huang Xuan.

For such a ranking, many netizens do not quite agree.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

And Ding Taisheng, who is a poisonous tongue music critic, also gave his own ranking of everyone's performance in this issue.

In his heart, he felt that the first Fan Xia belonged to him, the second Shantimo, the third Na Ying, the fourth Huang Xuan, the fifth Tan Weiwei, the sixth Wang Sulong, the seventh Sun Nan, the eighth Yuan Yawei, and the ninth singer Lucia.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

First of all, as Tan Weiwei, who won the first place in the eighth phase, Ding Taisheng believes that she won the first place because on the one hand, she is indeed hard enough in terms of technology, and there is no flaw in her voice, on the other hand, her appearance also broke the aesthetic fatigue of the audience, which made everyone refreshed on this stage, especially the loud voice has really become a plus.

But in Ding Taisheng's view, Tan Weiwei's musicality and stage performance this time are not the most perfect.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

However, I think Ding Taisheng's evaluation of Tan Weiwei this time is a bit too subjective, because the editor has always felt that the music she makes is not inferior to those people or even better, and her singing ability is also quite convincing.

Secondly, for Huang Xuan, who ranked first from the bottom this time, Ding Taisheng couldn't help but shout too much, but at the same time, he also said that Huang Xuan's ranking first from the bottom this time was more understandable than Na Ying's first ranking in the seventh issue.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

Regarding Huang Xuan's singing songs this time, Ding Taisheng said that his arrangement this time was too bold, without taking into account the nature of the competition, and he could rank first in terms of audibility, but to say that in terms of competition, it would be too much of a loss!

Indeed, Ding Taisheng's evaluation of Huang Xuan is quite in place, after all, many music critics feel that his ranking this time is not very fair, and even senior music critic Er Di can't help but complain for him, saying that he is enough to rank in the top three.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

The editor also agrees with this, Huang Xuan has always wanted to express himself innovatively to everyone since he stood on this stage, of course he knows what to sing to be more pleasing to the audience, but he still wants to perform other possibilities of music, so that we can see a different him, I think he really shouldn't be eighth.

For Fan Xia's cover of Deng Ziqi's "The Devil from Heaven" in Chinese this issue, it can be seen that Ding Taisheng is quite satisfied with it, and praises Fan Xia for singing better than the original song.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

Not to mention anything else, the child sister is indeed a group of cattle in language talent, the pronunciation standard has no accent, which is very powerful, in addition, as a foreigner can break through his own singing Chinese songs, and sing such "Deng Ziqi", I think it is quite powerful, in my heart, it is enough to rank first.

In contrast, Shantimo's performance in this issue is not satisfactory, Ding Taisheng said that the song she covered this time is not only weak, but also has a small flaw in pitch, and the most important thing is that the arrangement does not have the original rock color, and it is less cool, but if you look at it from the perspective of comprehensive performance, her performance is stronger than other singers.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

In fact, on the whole, the biggest reason why Shantimo ranked fourth this time was that he lost in the arrangement, do you agree?

Next, let's take a look at Ding Taisheng's comments on Na Ying, he said that Na Ying's song selection this time was better than the previous round, although the first paragraph was a little silent, but she also quickly adjusted her state, and she didn't have too many objections to Ding Taisheng ranking second this time.

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

And I think that Na Ying, a song that needs to be supported by strong emotions and goes to the heart, is actually not suitable for the competition, and it is difficult for the audience to find resonance to make people listen to it, but Na Ying can do it, it is really created by years of singing skills!

As for Wang Sulong in this issue, Ding Taisheng commented that he sings very steadily, and his psychological quality can be said to be very strong;

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

In contrast, Ding Taisheng was very disappointed with Sun Nan's performance this time, he said that Sun Nan's Cantonese part is not as good as Fan Xia singing Chinese, for Sun Nan's performance, Ding Taisheng summed it up as "sticky, oily, greasy and crooked, sweetness exceeds the standard, crying repeatedly!" ”

In this regard, he also called Sun Nan a great misfortune for the national team!

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

I think Ding Taisheng's evaluation of Sun Nan is also a little too much, although the Cantonese part he sings is really difficult to evaluate, but overall it is still very good.

As for Yuan Yawei, Ding Taisheng called her music style too simple, and she sang the whole way!

Ding Taisheng commented on the eighth issue of the singer, complaining about Tan Weiwei's loud voice, and Sun Nan is a big misfortune for the national team

In fact, for Yuan Yawei's performance, it is obvious that his voice is very tired, but it is still very good.

All in all, the most unfair thing in this issue is Huang Xuan, it's a pity that such a talented and interesting singer ranks first!

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