
Burst! A married teacher invites a high school junior to a private theater! Chat history exposed!

author:All-golden cicada

Pay attention to the all-golden cicada and take you to unlock hardcore information every day!

On June 26, a student in Wuhan, Hubei Province, posted that he was harassed by a married male teacher, who invited him to watch a movie in a private theater, but was politely rejected by himself, and exposed the chat history.

Burst! A married teacher invites a high school junior to a private theater! Chat history exposed!

From the chat logs, it can be seen that the teacher is inducing his students to go to the cinema to watch a movie and go to a private cinema, and the teacher is married, has a wife and children. And also posted a picture of the double bed in the private theater and quickly withdrew the picture.

Burst! A married teacher invites a high school junior to a private theater! Chat history exposed!

It is reported that this classmate's surname is Zhan, she participated in the art student training class of Wuhan Shuimu Painting Garden in July 2023, and she needed to take the exam at that time, so she added the WeChat of the art teacher, and the art teacher's surname was Hua, and then in December last year, after the joint entrance examination, the teacher began to send WeChat messages to Zhan frequently.

Burst! A married teacher invites a high school junior to a private theater! Chat history exposed!

During this period, Mr. Hua also said that he would give Zhan 200 yuan and ask him to go out with him, but he declined, in order not to affect her college entrance examination, she temporarily chose to suppress the matter, until the college entrance examination was over, Zhan kept the evidence, deleted Mr. Hua, and published the matter on the Internet, asking Mr. Hua to apologize publicly.

Eventually, Mr. Hua wrote a public apology and was expelled from the training room. Moreover, Zhan has already finished communicating with the studio, and in order not to affect the reputation of the studio, the post has been deleted, and after the studio learned about the matter, he dismissed Mr. Hua on the same day.

Burst! A married teacher invites a high school junior to a private theater! Chat history exposed!

When I first saw the title, I thought it was really a teacher from the school, but I didn't expect it to be a teacher from a training class. This is the so-called chaos of a training class, the enrollment threshold of the teachers in the training class is already low, and some do not even have a teacher qualification certificate, and the training course often charges a high fee, and parents are also used to the training class in order for their children to get good results.

Burst! A married teacher invites a high school junior to a private theater! Chat history exposed!

Many of the teachers in the training courses are very young, and they are about the same age as the students, to put it bluntly, they are all members of the society, which is completely different from the teacher-student relationship in the school, in fact, the training courses are not for the purpose of teaching and educating people, but for the purpose of making money.

As a student, you should have the ability to protect yourself, stop immediately when you find something wrong, and dare to speak up to defend your rights and interests, and you should clearly refuse and maintain a sense of personal boundaries.

As a teacher, you should be a role model, teach and educate people, and the relationship with students is teacher-student is nothing more, this kind of immoral quality is not worthy of being a teacher.

Thanks for reading!
