
Is pork belly a "master" of stomach nourishment? The doctor emphasized: If you want to have a healthy spleen and stomach, these 4 things can be eaten often

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

In modern society, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the change of dietary structure, more and more people have various spleen and stomach discomfort problems, such as stomach pain, indigestion, acid reflux, etc. For these common spleen and stomach problems, people have begun to pay attention to how to regulate and improve through a reasonable diet. In the concept of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, diet therapy is highly regarded as a natural and gentle way of conditioning.

In this article, we'll look at one of the most talked-about foods, pork belly, which is considered a "master" of stomach health, and take a doctor's advice to introduce four other common foods that are important for spleen and stomach health. Through in-depth scientific analysis and clinical practice experience, it helps readers understand how to maintain and improve their spleen and stomach health through these foods in their daily diet.

Is pork belly a "master" of stomach nourishment? The doctor emphasized: If you want to have a healthy spleen and stomach, these 4 things can be eaten often

Pork belly: the "master" of stomach nourishment

The nutritional content of pork belly

Pork belly, or pig stomach, is part of the pig's digestive system, and its nutritional value is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

Rich collagen: Pork belly is rich in collagen, which helps to enhance the protective function of the gastric mucosa and has a certain nourishing effect on the stomach.

Contains natural enzymes: Pork belly contains a variety of natural enzymes, such as pepsin, which can help break down food and promote digestion and absorption.

Rich in vitamins and minerals: including vitamin B complex, iron, zinc, etc., which have a certain role in promoting the body's metabolism and immune system.

The therapeutic effect of pork belly

In traditional Chinese medicine, pork belly is regarded as an important food that can nourish the spleen and stomach and enhance digestive function. It is often used to make various soups, such as pork belly soup, with appropriate herbs and vegetables, with the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and appetizing. Especially for those who are prone to weak spleen and stomach and indigestion, proper consumption of pork belly soup can play a good conditioning role.

Clinical case sharing: Improve digestive problems through pork belly soup

For example, a 45-year-old woman often suffers from problems such as stomach bloating and loss of appetite due to long-term work pressure and irregular diet. After the diagnosis of the TCM doctor, she began to consume pork belly soup once a week, combined with proper Chinese herbal treatment. Over the course of a month, her stomach discomfort decreased significantly and her mental state improved.

Is pork belly a "master" of stomach nourishment? The doctor emphasized: If you want to have a healthy spleen and stomach, these 4 things can be eaten often

Goji berry: nourishes the liver and kidneys, reconciles the spleen and stomach

Nutrition and efficacy of goji berries

Goji berry, also known as Ningxia wolfberry, is a common Chinese herbal medicine and edible plant, and its main nutrients include:

A variety of vitamins and minerals: including vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, iron, etc., which play an important role in protecting eyesight and enhancing immunity.

Contains goji berry polysaccharides: Goji berries contain a variety of bioactive components, such as goji berry polysaccharides, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging effects.

How to eat wolfberry and precautions

Goji berries can be eaten raw or soaked in water to make tea, and common uses include:

Brewing goji berries in water or tea: Soaking a small amount of goji berries in hot water can replenish moisture and also help improve immunity.

Add to stewed soup: Goji berries can be simmered with other herbs or ingredients, such as stewed chicken soup, stewed pork rib soup, etc., to increase the nutritional value of the soup.

Clinical case sharing: Treating liver and kidney deficiencies through wolfberry

A 55-year-old man suffered from dizziness, headache and blurred vision due to long-term work pressure and lack of sleep. After a few months, his symptoms improved dramatically, as did his mental state and productivity.

Is pork belly a "master" of stomach nourishment? The doctor emphasized: If you want to have a healthy spleen and stomach, these 4 things can be eaten often

Yam: invigorates qi and spleen, nourishes the lungs and stomach

Nutrition and efficacy of yams

Yam, also known as Huaishan, is a common nourishing ingredient, and its main nutrients include:

Rich in dietary fiber: Yam is rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation.

Contains mucin and trace elements: Mucin can protect the gastric mucosa, and trace elements such as zinc and iron help improve immunity.

How to eat yam and how to adapt to it

Yam can be boiled, fried, steamed, stewed and other ways to eat, suitable for the following people:

People with weak spleen and stomach: Yam can invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen, and has a good tonic effect on people with weak spleen and stomach function.

People with lung deficiency: Yam has the effect of moistening the lungs, which is suitable for the improvement of dry cough, asthma and other symptoms caused by lung deficiency.

Clinical case sharing: Improving indigestion through yam

For example, a 40-year-old woman who suffered from stomach discomfort and constipation due to her fast-paced life and irregular diet began to consume chicken soup with yam every week and increased her intake of vegetables and fruits appropriately after the guidance of a TCM doctor. After a month, her stomach discomfort was reduced and her constipation problem improved.

Is pork belly a "master" of stomach nourishment? The doctor emphasized: If you want to have a healthy spleen and stomach, these 4 things can be eaten often

Hawthorn: strengthens the stomach and promotes the function of the spleen and stomach

Nutritional and pharmacological effects of hawthorn

Hawthorn is a common Chinese medicine ingredient, and its main nutrients and pharmacological effects include:

Rich in vitamin C: Hawthorn is rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant and immune-enhancing effects.

Contains hawthorn acid and hawthorn glycosides: These two substances can promote the secretion of digestive juices, which can help improve indigestion, stomach bloating and other problems.

Stomach and digestion: Hawthorn has the traditional effect of strengthening the stomach and promoting the function of the spleen and stomach, and is widely used to regulate symptoms such as indigestion and loss of appetite.

Is pork belly a "master" of stomach nourishment? The doctor emphasized: If you want to have a healthy spleen and stomach, these 4 things can be eaten often

How to eat hawthorn and precautions

Hawthorn can be made into a variety of foods, such as hawthorn cake, hawthorn soup, etc., and common ways to eat it include:

Making Hawthorn Soup or Hawthorn Tea: Cooking hawthorn along with other herbs and vegetables has the effect of promoting digestion and soothing stomach upset.

Hawthorn cake or hawthorn cake: Hawthorn cake is a food made of hawthorn pulp and glutinous rice flour, which has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, strengthening the stomach and eliminating food.

Clinical case sharing: Relieve stomach discomfort with hawthorn

For example, a 50-year-old man often suffers from stomach bloating and indigestion due to long-term irregular diet. On the advice of a TCM doctor, he consumed a small bowl of hawthorn soup every day, while controlling his diet and increasing his intake of vegetables and fruits. After a few weeks, his stomach discomfort was noticeably reduced and his appetite improved.