
Why do hives flare up? The doctor bluntly said: These kinds of things in the family are the root cause of the disease

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health

A middle-aged woman suddenly had itching all over her body, and red patches and swelling quickly appeared on her skin, as if she had been bitten by countless mosquitoes. She couldn't stand the intense itching and rushed to the hospital emergency department. The sudden onset of symptoms left her and her family confused and worried. The doctor diagnosed hives, but what exactly triggered this sudden skin disease? In fact, many seemingly innocuous household items can be potential "culprits". Today we will explore in detail what common items in the home can trigger hives and provide effective preventive measures.

Why do hives flare up? The doctor bluntly said: These kinds of things in the family are the root cause of the disease

What is hives?

1. Definition and symptoms of urticaria

Urticaria is a common skin condition characterized by itching, erythema, and edema of the skin. Its symptoms are usually sudden onset and last from a few hours to a few days. In severe cases, it may also be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as dyspnea and gastrointestinal discomfort.

2. Types of hives

Depending on the timing and duration of onset, urticaria can be classified as acute and chronic. Acute urticaria usually lasts less than six weeks, while chronic urticaria lasts more than six weeks and may even accompany months or even years. The etiology of urticaria is complex and can be caused by external stimuli or related to dysregulation of the internal system.

Why do hives flare up? The doctor bluntly said: These kinds of things in the family are the root cause of the disease

Common allergens in the home

1. Food allergens

Many foods commonly found in the home can trigger hives, especially seafood, nuts, eggs, milk, and certain fruits. For example, strawberries and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, but they can also easily cause allergic reactions. Studies have shown that about 20% of cases of urticaria are related to food allergies.

2. Chemical cleaners

Household cleaners contain chemicals that can cause skin irritation, especially products that contain benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia, and more. Regular exposure to these cleansers may lead to impaired skin barrier function, increasing the risk of allergic reactions.

3. Pet hair and dander

Pet hair and dander are also common allergens. The proteins contained in pet dander can trigger allergic reactions, especially in those with sensitive skin or weakened immune systems.

4. Home décor materials

Certain home décor materials such as new furniture, carpets, curtains, etc., may release harmful gases. These volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have an irritating effect on the skin and respiratory tract, and long-term exposure may trigger urticaria.

5. Pollen and dust mites

Pollen and dust mites are common air allergens, especially in spring and autumn. Pollen is airborne, while dust mites hide in mattresses, pillows and carpets. They can both trigger or worsen hives symptoms.

Why do hives flare up? The doctor bluntly said: These kinds of things in the family are the root cause of the disease

Preventive measures against urticaria

1. Diet management

To prevent hives, you must first manage your diet. Avoid known food allergens, choose fresh and natural ingredients as much as possible, and reduce the intake of processed foods. Eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help boost your immunity.

2. Use natural cleaners

Choose natural, non-irritating cleaners instead of chemical cleaners such as vinegar, baking soda, etc. Wear gloves when using and avoid direct skin contact with chemicals to reduce the risk of skin irritation and allergies.

3. Clean your pet regularly

Bathe and groom your pet regularly to reduce the build-up of dander and hair in your home. Try to limit pets in the bedroom, especially in bed, to reduce exposure to allergens.

4. Improve your home environment

Choose eco-friendly furniture and decoration materials to reduce the release of harmful gases. Maintain indoor ventilation, use air purifiers, reduce the concentration of volatile organic compounds, and reduce exposure to allergens.

5. Control pollen and dust mites

Reduce outdoor activities during peak pollen season, change your clothes and wash your face and hands when you get home. Use anti-mite bedding, wash bedding regularly, and dry at high temperature to reduce dust mite breeding.

Why do hives flare up? The doctor bluntly said: These kinds of things in the family are the root cause of the disease

Case Study

1. Case 1: Urticaria caused by food allergies

A 60-year-old man likes to eat seafood. Once, after a family dinner, he suddenly developed itching and erythema all over his body and was diagnosed with acute urticaria. After a detailed consultation, the doctor found that he was allergic to shrimp and crabs. Through diet management and medication, the patient's symptoms are effectively controlled.

2. Case 2: Skin allergies caused by chemical cleaners

A housewife who regularly uses strong detergents for household cleansing and has red, swollen and itchy skin on her hands after several cleanses. Doctors advised her to switch to natural cleansers and wear gloves to protect her skin. After the adjustments, her skin condition improved significantly.

3. Case 3: Chronic urticaria caused by pet allergies

A female patient with a cat has been suffering from hives for a long time. After an allergen test, it was found that she was allergic to cat hair. On the advice of her doctor, she increased the frequency of cleaning of her pet and used an air purifier, and the symptoms of hives gradually lessened.

Urticaria is a common and troubling skin condition, and understanding its possible triggers is essential for prevention and treatment. Many items in your home, while seemingly harmless, can be the "invisible killer" that triggers hives. The occurrence of urticaria can be effectively prevented by reasonable management of diet, selection of appropriate detergents, keeping the home environment clean, and controlling pollen and dust mites. Hopefully, this article will provide you with valuable information to help you stay away from hives and enjoy a healthy life.