
The woman married Chaoshan and gave birth to 3 daughters, and was spoiled as a little princess by her in-laws

author:Catkins for dreams

Many people are worried about meeting a patriarchal in-law.

But in fact, as long as the conditions are good, children can get a good education.

It doesn't really matter whether it's a preference for women over men or a preference for sons.

"If you are not a family, you will not enter a family", this old saying is often used to describe the beautiful scene of family harmony and mutual love between members.

The woman married Chaoshan and gave birth to 3 daughters, and was spoiled as a little princess by her in-laws

However, when we talk about family and gender preferences, we often think of the social phenomenon of "son preference", which is like a stubborn reef that hinders the happiness of many families.

But today, I want to tell a warm and special story, which is like a clear stream, warming our hearts and allowing us to see a different scenery.

Xiaoling, a woman who bravely pursues love, married thousands of miles away in the Chaoshan area.

In this land, which is considered by the outside world to be more serious in the idea of "patriarchy", Xiaoling embarked on a new chapter in her life with anxiety about the unknown and firmness in love.

The woman married Chaoshan and gave birth to 3 daughters, and was spoiled as a little princess by her in-laws

Soon after the marriage, the fruits of happiness followed, she first gave birth to twin daughters, and then added a cute little princess to the second child.

The three daughters, like three bright pearls, illuminate Xiaoling's world, but they also make her feel a little worried - in this region with deep traditional concepts, can she and her daughters really be accepted?

"At first, I was really worried." Xiaoling admitted frankly in a video call with a friend, "I know that there is a bit patriarchy here, and I am afraid that I and my daughters will become 'outliers' in the family." ”

However, the truth gave her a big surprise.

Instead of disliking them at all, their in-laws loved the three granddaughters very much, often bought them toys and clothes, and stuffed pocket money for Xiaoling from time to time, so that she could take better care of the children.

The woman married Chaoshan and gave birth to 3 daughters, and was spoiled as a little princess by her in-laws

After his father-in-law retired, he became the exclusive playmate of his granddaughters, accompanying them to hide and seek and tell stories, turning the home into a paradise full of laughter.

"I feel very happy every day now, my in-laws really spoil me and my daughters as little princesses."

Xiaoling shared with a smile, her face full of satisfaction and happiness.

She posted this rare warmth on social platforms, hoping to receive a wave of blessings, but she didn't expect it to arouse heated discussions among netizens.

Some netizens left a message: "This is simply life in a fairy tale!" It seems that true love can really overcome all obstacles. ”

But some netizens put forward different opinions: "This is just the appearance, maybe the in-laws are just in good condition and don't care about raising a few more granddaughters, but they definitely still hope to have a male grandchild in their hearts." Seeing through it or not, under such a happy appearance, the pressure may have just begun. ”

The woman married Chaoshan and gave birth to 3 daughters, and was spoiled as a little princess by her in-laws

Faced with such comments, Xiaoling had mixed feelings in her heart.

She began to reflect on whether she was too optimistic and ignored certain realities.

But after thinking about it, every subtle gesture of her in-laws, those heartfelt smiles and care, made her firmly believe that this love is not mixed with any conditions.

The woman married Chaoshan and gave birth to 3 daughters, and was spoiled as a little princess by her in-laws

In fact, there is indeed a phenomenon of "patriarchy" in society, which is like an invisible wall, making many women feel unfair and pressured.

For example, some families speak coldly to their mothers because they have not given birth to a boy, which even leads to the escalation of family conflicts;

Another example is that girls in some areas are denied access to education because of the prejudice that "girls are useless in studying".

But Xiaoling's story is undoubtedly a positive exception, it tells us that change is happening, and the power of love and tolerance is gradually permeating every corner.

As the famous sociologist Li Yinhe said: "The progress of society is reflected in the respect and understanding of each individual. ”

The story of Xiaoling's family is a vivid commentary on this sentence.

In this family, we see love that transcends the constraints of tradition and the dawn of gender equality.

Of course, we can't ignore the prejudices and challenges that still exist, but Xiaoling's story at least gives us a warm inspiration: change begins with every heart that is willing to understand and accept.

When we are willing to let go of our preconceptions and embrace every new life in the name of love, the world will be a better place.

Finally, I would like to say that no matter what the outside world says, the love that Xiaoling and her daughters enjoy is real and precious.

It proves that true happiness lies not in the eyes of the outside world, but in the feelings of the heart. May every family become a haven of love, where every life can bloom freely, regardless of gender, regardless of prejudice.

Because, loving and being loved is the most beautiful gift in life.

What do you think about this?

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