
After the bear child insulted others and was beaten, the child's parents wanted to compensate, netizens: The tutor deserved to be beaten

author:Come on Sister Luo

#头条首发大赛#现在很多小孩子都非常调皮捣蛋, they are what people call bear children, these children like to play some pranks in their daily life, what should they do when they are naughty and mischievous in the face of these bear children? I believe that most people will choose to swallow their anger, because many people feel that this is just the nature of children, and they must be too much to worry about.

After the bear child insulted others and was beaten, the child's parents wanted to compensate, netizens: The tutor deserved to be beaten

But there are also some very short-tempered people will choose to use violent means to clean up these bear children, recently in Zhangjiakou there was a bear child was beaten incident, let's first take a look at the whole incident process, a five-year-old bear child met a man in the community, and then the bear child kept calling the man, claiming that the man was his son.

At the beginning, the man was not angry, but the man's forbearance did not shut up the bear child, still chasing him and shouting, and finally the man could not bear it, and went directly up to kick the bear child's temple and the back of the head, and the kicked bear child cried back to find the parents, and later the parents came to the scene to check the monitoring only to find that their child was beaten by a neighbor.

After the bear child insulted others and was beaten, the child's parents wanted to compensate, netizens: The tutor deserved to be beaten

So the parents of the bear child took the police to deal with it, so what punishment did the beating man receive? The local police station issued a notice saying that the man who beat the man had been administratively detained for 15 days in accordance with laws and regulations, and that the parents of the bear child said that the man was now required to compensate his child.

One resident, who did not want to be named, said that the child was indeed very naughty, and that he had called other residents his son in the community, but the resident did not act aggressively.

After the bear child insulted others and was beaten, the child's parents wanted to compensate, netizens: The tutor deserved to be beaten

What is the attitude of the majority of netizens towards the behavior of bear children? @万能网友: So many people are saying that this kind of education is the right thing to do, how to say it, this age is the time when many ideas are developing, and when many things are learned in kindergarten or around, but this age cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

Many parents have taught and taught them, but in kindergarten, other children do this, and he will follow suit, because he is not 15 years old but only 5 years old, and he cannot distinguish between right and wrong. If you want to educate, you can completely go through language education. If you are still like this at the age of fifteen, it is really a lack of physical discipline.

After the bear child insulted others and was beaten, the child's parents wanted to compensate, netizens: The tutor deserved to be beaten

@: Calm and calm: I used to have a child here, standing in front of his house, peeing on the passerby, and then that person gave him a little money, let him continue to pee on the next one, and told him that others would give him money, he thought he was really giving him money, and others were beating to death, family education problems!

@飞龙在天: Of course, men are punished for beating others, but some people just need to be educated by society, otherwise they will never realize their mistakes.

After the bear child insulted others and was beaten, the child's parents wanted to compensate, netizens: The tutor deserved to be beaten

Do you think this bear child deserved to be beaten?