
The scholar was framed by a corrupt official and committed suicide, and he possessed the daughter of the enemy family to seek revenge: the big stone in his heart finally landed

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

Oh, in our Jiangnan water town, there is a young man named Li Qingyun, who looks so beautiful that he can drown people with so much ink in his stomach. It stands to reason that this young man has a bright future, but God doesn't play cards according to the routine, so he meets the ruthless corrupt official Zhang Papi. Zhang Papi, this old boy, has arrived home with a black heart, and he usually loves to bully the people, scavenging the people's fat and ointment, and doing some immoral things.

Li Qingyun, a kid, couldn't get used to Zhang Papi's set, so he wrote an essay and shook out Zhang Papi's crime. As a result, as soon as this article came out, Zhang Peel was like a cat with its tail stepped on, and he was so angry that he had to kill Li Qingyun. He secretly hooked up with the little minions in the yamen and set Li Qingyun up. One day, Li Qingyun was framed for stealing official money and was arrested. Zhang Papi, the old fox, personally went out and beat Li Qingyun in court to force him to confess. Li Qingyun has hard bones and does not bow his head when he dies, but the officials protect each other, and he has not escaped this catastrophe after all. In the end, Li Qingyun was escorted to the riverside, Zhang Peeli glanced at it coldly, and said: "Li Qingyun, you have suffered the hardships you have brought yourself, bear it yourself!" Then they pushed him into the river. Li Qingyun went, and his soul flew.

But the strange thing happened, Li Qingyun's soul was not dispersed, but attached to Xiaohong, a maid in Zhang Papi's family. Xiaohong, this girl, is usually gentle and kind, but since Li Qingyun's soul possessed her, she seems to have changed as a person, becoming very strong, and her eyes are full of unyielding energy. Xiaohong began to quietly investigate Zhang Peel's crimes, collect evidence, and prepare to avenge Li Qingyun. She took advantage of her convenience in Zhang's house to steal a lot of account books and letters that were corrupted and corrupted. Once this evidence is exposed, Zhang Papi will be finished.

The scholar was framed by a corrupt official and committed suicide, and he possessed the daughter of the enemy family to seek revenge: the big stone in his heart finally landed

But how easy is it? Zhang Papi is not a vegetarian, and he soon discovers that something is wrong with Xiaohong. He secretly sends someone to spy on Xiaohong, trying to find out the secret behind her. One night, Xiaohong took advantage of the dark moon and high wind to sneak into Zhang Peel's study. She opened a dark compartment, which was full of incriminating evidence. She carefully picked up the ledger and letters, ready to take them with her. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and Xiaohong's heart tightened, and she quickly hid her things. It was Zhang Papi who came in, and he asked Xiaohong with a gloomy face: "It's so late, what are you doing in this study?" Xiaohong pretended to be okay and said, "I'll bring tea to the master." Zhang Papi sneered and said, "Send tea?" I think you're here to steal! With that, he stepped forward to search Xiaohong's body. Xiaohong knew that the general trend was gone, but it was too late. Zhang Papi searched for the evidence of the crime from her, he was furious, pushed Xiaohong to the ground, and shouted: "You, you dare to betray me!" Xiaohong struggled to get up, her eyes flashed with determination, and said, "I'm not betraying you, I'm avenging Li Qingyun!" When Zhang Papi heard this, he was even more angry. With a shake of his hand, he pulled out the sharp saber from his waist, and was about to beckon to Xiaohong. But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside, and it turned out to be Zhang Peel's daughter-in-law leading a group of children to break in in a hurry. As soon as they saw this posture, they hurriedly stepped forward to stop Zhang Papi. Zhang Papi's daughter-in-law is a good-hearted woman, and when she saw Xiaohong's brave appearance, she couldn't help but feel a little respectful in her heart. She said to Zhang Papi: "Master, we have to be reasonable, Xiaohong, she is just a maid, and you are too angry, right?" Although Zhang Papi held his breath in his heart, under the persuasion of his daughter-in-law, he still put down the knife.

Xiaohong took advantage of this gap to break free, and she glared at Zhang Peel, and her eyes were full of hatred. Then, as soon as she turned, she ran out of the study and disappeared into the night. Since then, Xiaohong seems to have changed as a person, her personality has changed greatly, and she always wanders around at night, scaring the people of the Zhang family enough. Although Zhang Papi still looks so calm on the surface, he is becoming more and more scared in his heart, he knows that he has done a lot of bad things, and now that retribution is coming, how can he not be afraid?

Xiaohong is making a lot of trouble in Zhang's house, and Zhang Papi is worried every day. The stone in his heart was like a mountain pressing down on his chest, and he was breathless. Xiaohong, this girl, has become smart and witty since she merged with Li Qingyun's soul. She knew in her heart that if she wanted to avenge Li Qingyun, it was not enough to rely on herself, she had to find a helper. When the opportunity came, the Zhang family had a distant relative, an official in the capital, named Lord Wang. This Lord Wang is an upright person, and he usually can't get used to what Zhang Peel does.

The scholar was framed by a corrupt official and committed suicide, and he possessed the daughter of the enemy family to seek revenge: the big stone in his heart finally landed

Xiaohong pondered that if she could tell Lord Wang about Zhang Peel's crime, it would be done. So, she began to secretly write letters to Lord Wang, listing Zhang Peel's crimes one by one, and attaching the evidence of those crimes. She hid the letter in the pigeon cage of the Zhang family and let the pigeon fly to the capital with the letter. It didn't take long for Lord Wang to receive Xiaohong's letter, and when he saw the contents of the letter, he was so angry that he slapped the table. He thought to himself: This peel is really bold, and he dares to do such a hurtful thing! He immediately wrote a note and reported Zhang Peel's crime to the emperor. When the emperor saw the folding, Long Yan was furious, and immediately ordered to investigate and deal with Zhang Papi. This investigation, Zhang Peel's crimes are too numerous to mention, corruption, bribery, and oppression of the people, and all kinds of bad things have been done. The emperor was furious, and ordered Zhang to be beheaded all over the house and the family property was confiscated. As soon as this news came out, the entire Jiangnan water town was boiling. The ordinary people of our Gada were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths, clapped their palms, and said that this time they could be regarded as getting rid of the harmful spirit. Xiaohong heard the news, and she was so happy that she was like something. She thought in her heart: Li Qingyun, your revenge is revenge! But our little red soul can't always rely on others, we have to find an opportunity to reincarnate quickly.

Just thinking about it, Xiaohong's body suddenly fell ill, lying on the bed, her face was as white as paper, and her breath was almost gone. The people of the Zhang family were so anxious that they hurriedly invited a doctor, but the doctor looked at it for a long time, and he was also confused and couldn't find anything wrong. The people of the Zhang family were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and they didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Xiaohong's soul suddenly woke up, and when she saw the situation, she knew in her heart that this was a good opportunity to leave. She took a deep breath and floated out of Xiaohong's body. She floated and floated, floating in the air, looking back at Xiaohong's body, she was a little reluctant in her heart, but she knew that she had to go in order to be reincarnated and start a new life.

The scholar was framed by a corrupt official and committed suicide, and he possessed the daughter of the enemy family to seek revenge: the big stone in his heart finally landed

She just floated and floated to the sky. I saw a kind old woman, with a cane in her hand, looking at her with a smile. Xiaohong was overjoyed in her heart, knowing that this grandmother was here to pick her up for reincarnation. I followed the old grandmother and walked through the auspicious clouds, crossed the fairy mountain, and came to a place that was too beautiful to speak. The old woman said, "Son, you can be reincarnated here, this is a good place, and you will definitely be able to live a good life in the future." ”

Xiaohong nodded, looked at the old grandmother gratefully, then closed her eyes and began to reincarnate. It didn't take long for this place to have a cute little girl named Xiaohua. The small flowers are white and clean, with big eyes, which are particularly attractive. She has been smart and sensible since she was a child, helping her parents with housework and taking care of neighbors, and everyone praises her for her future success.

Xiaohua grew up and married a hard-working and kind young man, and the two respected each other like guests and loved each other. worked hard together and lived a happy life. And that Zhang Peel, his fate will be miserable, his family property will be confiscated, his reputation will be stinky, and his descendants will not be able to raise their heads. As the days passed, Xiaohua and her husband's days became more and more prosperous. They worked a barren land, sowed all kinds of crops, and raised a few pigs and a few chickens. When the autumn breeze blows, the golden ears of rice and the fruity trees bring them abundant fruits. Their laughter and happiness infect everyone around them, and everyone considers them to be a godsend. However, Xiaohua's heart has always been difficult to calm down. The image of the scholar was like a heavy stone pressing on her heart, making her feel suffocated. She is determined to uncover the true identity of the man in her dreams and solve the mystery that has haunted her for a long time. So, Xiaohua began to ask around, asking the elders and seniors in the village. She wanted to know if there was some kind of connection to the scholar, or if the scholar had something to do with her past life. After some hard work, she finally learns a shocking secret from an elderly villager. It turned out that Xiaohua's previous life was the scholar who committed suicide because he was framed by corrupt officials - Li Qingyun! And his soul is attached to Xiaohong, in order to find an opportunity to take revenge. The reason why Xiaohong was sick was because her body could not withstand the powerful energy brought by Li Qingyun's soul. When Xiaohong's soul left, her memories and soul also dissipated, but Li Qingyun's soul left traces in Xiaohua's dream, allowing Xiaohua to sense his presence. The reason why Xiaohua felt inexplicable sadness and concern for that scholar was because she still retained Li Qingyun's emotions and memories in her heart. After learning the truth, Xiaohua was both shocked and relieved. She finally understood the source of her deep affection for the scholar, and why she felt so troubled and uneasy. She decided to let go of the burden of the past, cherish the life in front of her, and move on hand with her husband. However, fate is always full of unpredictable twists. Just when Xiaohua thought she could live in peace, a stranger suddenly appeared in front of her. The stranger claimed to be a good friend of Li Qingyun, and brought a shocking news: Li Qingyun's grievances had not been completely revealed, and although the corrupt official Zhang Papi who framed him was sentenced to death, his family secretly retained some of his property and power in an attempt to make a comeback. This news made Xiaohua extremely shocked and angry. She decided to stand up again to seek justice for Li Qingyun and justice for the innocent people who were oppressed by corrupt officials. So, Xiaohua and her husband began to run around, calling for and exposing the crimes of the Zhang Papi family. They wrote letters, distributed leaflets, and posted notices to publicize the crimes of the Zhang Papi family. Their actions have inspired the resonance and support of the general public, and more and more people have joined their ranks. After a lot of hard work and struggle, Xiaohua and her husband finally succeeded in exposing the crimes of the Zhang Papi family. Oh, as soon as this matter spread, the court was so angry that they jumped to their feet, and immediately ordered to clean up all the remnants of Zhang Papi's gang. Those ordinary people who were bullied enough by Zhang Papi's family can finally take a breath and see the light of day again. Xiaohua and his family, this matter made a fuss, and directly became a benchmark and a heroic model in everyone's hearts. Their story, like the old wine, became more and more fragrant, and became a good story.

The scholar was framed by a corrupt official and committed suicide, and he possessed the daughter of the enemy family to seek revenge: the big stone in his heart finally landed