
The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

Let's talk about the strange idea at the foot of Maoshan Mountain today. It is said that in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a place called Qingshi Village, and there is a young man named Li Qingyun in the village. This young man was clever when he was a child, and he read a lot, but the family was so poor that his father and mother left early, and he was left with a broken house and a few pieces of land. Li Qingyun studied hard every day, looking forward to one day being able to get into the exam, so that the family could raise their eyebrows. But God just loves to joke, he just can't pass the exam, the days are getting tighter and tighter, and in the end he can't even make up the money to buy paper and pencils.

On this day, it was as cold as an ice cellar, Li Qingyun sat in the dilapidated house, looking at the heavy snow outside, and felt that it was not a taste in his heart. Thinking about his hardships over the years, and then looking at the poor clanging appearance of his family, his heart was sour, and he sighed: "Come on, come on, my Li Qingyun seems to be out of drama in this life, it is better to jump it and save yourself from suffering in this world." As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up, straightened his tattered clothes, and walked out of the house, heading straight for the high cliff outside the village.

The cliff was frighteningly high, and below it was a bottomless abyss. Li Qingyun's heart was horizontal, and he was about to jump down, when he suddenly heard a dog barking, and a white dog came out of the grass and stood in front of him. This white dog is snow-white, his eyes are as bright as something, and he looks like he can understand human speech. Li Qingyun was stunned for a moment, and thought, "Why did this dog run here?" The white dog seemed to be able to really understand, and said as soon as he opened his mouth: "Li Qingyun, don't think about it, there are nobles in your life, don't be unhappy by yourself." Li Qingyun was startled, how could this dog talk? He rubbed his eyes and looked closely, and the dog spoke very clearly, not like a hallucination. He thought to himself, and asked, "You... Who are you? How do you know my name? The white dog replied, "I am the divine dog of Maoshan, and the mountain god has sent me to save you." Although you have a problem in your life, but there will be a time to turn over, if you seek death now, wouldn't it be too much of a loss? ”

The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

When Li Qingyun heard this, his heart moved, although he didn't believe in these gods, but there was no other way to go now, so he said, "That's okay, I'll believe you once." But I'm so poor that I don't have anything at home, where can a noble person help me? The white dog said, "If you come with me, you will naturally have noble people to help." With that, it turned and walked away. Although Li Qingyun still had some doubts in his heart, he looked at the confident appearance of the white dog, which didn't look like a deception, so he followed. One after the other, they walked through the woods and came to the depths of Maoshan Mountain. Here the clouds and mist are shrouded, and the fairy atmosphere is fluttering, like a fairyland on earth.

The white dog took Li Qingyun to a thatched hut and pushed the door in. The house was shabby, but it was clean. An old man with a white beard was sitting there drinking tea, and when he saw them coming in, he smiled slightly and said, "Qingyun, you are here." Li Qingyun was taken aback again, how could this old man know his name? He hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Sir, how do you know my name?" The old man smiled and said, "I am the Taoist of Maoshan and can see the past and the future." "Oh, this thing is really disturbing, you are destined to suffer such a catastrophe in your life, fortunately, the divine dog came to the rescue, and you can be regarded as escaping." When Li Qingyun heard this, he was grateful in his heart, and hurriedly bowed to the white dog and thanked him. But the white dog shook his head and said, "You're welcome, I'm just doing what I was told." If you listen to the sermon, there will be good things waiting for you in the future. Hearing this, the Taoist chief nodded, and said to Li Qingyun: "Qingyun, although your family is poor, you have a high spirit, this is not easy. I look at your face, you are a late bloomer. Today, I will take you as a disciple, teach you the Tao, and help you transfer. When Li Qingyun heard this, he was so happy that he hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to his teacher. The Taoist helped him up and said with a smile: "Since you have entered my door, you are my disciple of Maoshan." In the future, you have to study hard and practice hard, don't be lazy. Li Qingyun nodded again and again, and his heart was full of hope. He knew that he had finally met a nobleman, and this fate would definitely be turned upside down.

In the following days, Li Qingyun learned the Taoism from the Taoist leader, practicing hard day and night. He was naturally intelligent and a quick learner, and it didn't take long for him to master the basic Dao. Seeing that he was working so hard, the Dao Leader taught him some more advanced spells and secret arts. Li Qingyun was very grateful and studied more energetically. He knew that this opportunity was rare, and he had to cherish it so that he could not live up to Master's expectations.

The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

A few years have passed in the blink of an eye, and Li Qingyun's Taoism has been perfected, not only can drive away ghosts and demons, cure diseases and save people, but also predict the future and divinate good fortune. He became famous in the local area and became known as a "living immortal". But Li Qingyun was not complacent because of this, he still maintained a modest and cautious attitude, and continued to practice hard. He knew that he still had a long way to go, and that only by keeping moving forward could he live up to his master's expectations.

That night, Li Qingyun was meditating and practicing in his room when he suddenly heard the barking of dogs outside. His heart moved, and he quickly got up and went out to look. I saw the white dog standing at the gate of the courtyard, his eyes were anxious, and he still had a note in his mouth. Li Qingyun was puzzled, and stepped forward to take the note. When I opened it, it read: "Qingyun, come to the back mountain, I have something important to tell you." "The signature is Master's name. Li Qingyun was shocked in his heart, the master summoned late at night, there must be something big. He didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly followed the white dog to the back mountain. Along the way, he was up and down in his heart, and he didn't know what the master was looking for him.

When I arrived at the back mountain, I saw the master standing in front of a stone tablet with a heavy face. Li Qingyun stepped forward to salute and asked, "Master, what's the big deal with calling a disciple so late?" The master turned around, looked at Li Qingyun and said, "Qingyun, you have been practicing with me for so many years, and you have almost learned the Dao Fa. Now, I have an important matter for you to do. Li Qingyun's heart moved, and asked, "Master, please say, the disciple will definitely go all out." At the master's end, he spoke: "Look at this Jiangnan, in the past few years, the demons and monsters have made people panic, and the common people are having a hard time." Although we want to make a move, we can't be busy alone. You kid has learned our real skills, it's time to go down the mountain to experience the experience, and eliminate the harm for our people. As soon as Li Qingyun heard this, the fire in his heart came up, patted his chest and said, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely do this beautifully!" The master nodded, took out a treasure from his arms, a golden sword, and handed it to Li Qingyun: "This sword is called the 'Demon Slaying Sword', the treasure of our Maoshan Mountain." Take it, you go down the mountain, and you can definitely cut down demons and eliminate demons, and relieve the anger of our people. Li Qingyun took the sword, and felt a wave of righteousness rushing to his face, and the confidence in his heart swelled. He kowtowed to Master three times and said, "Master, I will not disgrace you!" With that, he turned to leave. The master suddenly called out to him: "Qingyun, you have to be careful when you go, our road is not easy." Besides, you're destined to have a big disaster, and you'll have to deal with it carefully. Li Qingyun's heart tightened and asked, "Master, what is this great difficulty?" Master shook his head and said, "Don't divulge the secret of heaven." Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you must keep your heart and stick to your beliefs. Only then will you be able to overcome the difficulties and achieve a career. Although Li Qingyun was worried about it, he still nodded and said, "Master, I remember." He turned and walked away, and the white dog followed him. The two of them disappeared into the night, one after the other.

The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

After descending the mountain, Li Qingyun began his journey to eliminate demons. He took the demon slaying sword and traveled all over the mountains and rivers of the south of the Yangtze River, cutting demons and eliminating countless demons. His fame is also growing, and people call him "Jiangnan Swordsman". But as his reputation grew, Li Qingyun encountered more and more troubles and challenges. Some monsters have deep cultivation and strong strength, and when fighting with them, Li Qingyun is often in danger. But he always remembered his master's words, kept his heart, insisted on his faith, and in the end, he was always able to save the day. In a vicious battle with a thousand-year-old demon fox, Li Qingyun finally understood what the master meant by the "Great Tribulation". It turned out that this catastrophe did not come from the monsters or enemies outside, but from the fear and hesitation in his heart. At the moment of life and death, he overcame his inner fear and hesitation, and finally beheaded the demon fox and survived his own catastrophe. After this test of life and death, Li Qingyun's Taoism has reached a higher level, and his state of mind has become more mature. He continued to walk on the rivers and lakes to eliminate harm to the common people. His fame also grew, and he became a hero and role model in people's hearts. But Li Qingyun was not complacent. He has always maintained a modest and cautious attitude, and has continued to practice and improve. He knew that he still had a long way to go, and only by keeping moving forward could he live up to his master's expectations. One day many years later, Li Qingyun returned to Maoshan. He knelt in front of his master's tombstone and recounted his experience and experience over the years. He was grateful for the master's teachings and favors, and also grateful for the companionship and protection of the white dog. After a quiet day in Maoshan, Li Qingyun decided to embark on the journey again. He understands that there is still a long way to go, and there are countless monsters waiting for him to submit. But he is ready to meet the challenges and opportunities ahead. So, Li Qingyun once again embarked on the road of rivers and lakes. His figure shuttles between the mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, and the story of slaying demons and eliminating demons is spread in people's mouths. He used his actions to interpret the true meaning of heroism and chivalry. The white dog has always been with him, witnessing his growth and legend. Their story has become a good story that has been passed down through the ages in Maoshan and even the Jiangnan region.

When Li Qingyun went down the mountain again, there were a lot of waves on the rivers and lakes. He carried the demon sword, all the way to the chivalrous and righteous, punishing evil and promoting good, and his reputation became louder and louder, and even the men in the Northeast heard of Li Qingyun, the "swordsman" in Jiangnan. On this day, he arrives in a remote town, and the townspeople talk about him.

"Oops, this is the legendary Jiangnan swordsman Li Qingyun!" Someone exclaimed.

The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

"That's right, I heard that along the way, no matter what youkai were dealt with by him!" Another chimed in.

"He came to our town this time, is it because we also have monsters here?" There is speculation.

Li Qingyun heard it in his ears, and he had a little understanding in his heart. He saluted everyone and asked, "Fellow villagers, I, Li Qingyun, have come here this time, and I really have something important. I wonder if there has been anything unusual in the town these days? Everyone nodded, and an old man stepped forward and sighed, "Swordsman, you came at the right time. Our town has been really restless lately. Every night, there will be a strange roar from the back mountain, which sounds creepy, as if there are monsters at work. "

The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

Li Qingyun frowned slightly, and asked, "Then has anyone seen that monster?" "

The old man shook his head: "That's not true." However, there is a young man named Ergou in our town, who went hunting in the back mountains a few days ago and never came back. Later, someone found blood stains and broken clothes in the place where he disappeared, and it looked like he had been attacked by a wild beast. "

Li Qingyun's heart moved, and he asked, "Where is the place where the two dogs disappeared?" "

The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

The old man pointed to the back mountain: "Just in the deepest part of that mountain, there is a place called 'Wolf Howling Valley'. "

Li Qingyun nodded in thanks, turned around and walked towards the back mountain. Seeing this, the white dog also followed. Arriving at the back mountain, Li Qingyun found that the reputation of Wolf Howl Valley was indeed worthy of its name. There was silence all around, and occasionally the howls of wild beasts were heard, and the people were terrified to hear. He took a hard breath, pulled out the sharp demon slaying sword, and tiptoed into the valley. After walking for almost an hour, Li Qingyun finally stepped into the valley. The valley was foggy, and I couldn't see anything clearly. He let out his senses and sniffed around like a hound. Suddenly, a fishy smell rushed straight to his nose, and then a big black shadow rushed out of the fog and rushed straight at Li Qingyun. Li Qingyun had already prepared, shook his body, and dodged. With a swing of the Demon Slashing Sword, a golden light went straight to the throat of the black shadow. The black shadow screamed, was struck by the golden light, and fell to the ground. Li Qingyun walked over and took a look, it turned out to be a terrifyingly big black wolf, his eyes were as red as lanterns, and his mouth was still drooling. Li Qingyun sneered and said, "You monster, dare to cause chaos in the world and harm people's lives." I'm Li Qingyun here today, I have to give you some color! With that, he swung his sword again and slashed at the black wolf. With a click, the black wolf's head split in half, and a puff of black smoke came out of its body and slowly dissipated into the air.

After solving the black wolf, Li Qingyun searched carefully in the valley, and sure enough, he found the body of Ergou. His heart sank, and he brought the body of Ergou back to the town. When the people in the town saw that Li Qingyun had solved the monster so quickly, they all praised him for his strength. They held a funeral for Ergou, and also erected a stone tablet for Li Qingyun to pay respect. Li Qingyun stayed in the town for a few days, and when he saw that the people in the town had returned to their former calm, he decided to continue his path of demon extermination. He said goodbye to everyone and set foot on the rivers and lakes again with his white dog.

The scholar was poor and wanted to jump off the cliff, but the white dog stopped him: Don't jump, marry me and live a good life

Along the way, Li Qingyun encountered many monsters and difficulties, but he always had a firm belief and never flinched no matter what he encountered. His reputation is also getting louder and louder, not only the people in Jiangnan know him, but even our buddies in Nagada in the northeast are full of praise for him. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Li Qingyun has become a legend. His story has become a household name and has become a hero and role model for generations to come. And the white dog who has always been by his side has also become what people call the "divine dog", guarding this land with its owner.

In the end, Li Qingyun cultivated into an immortal on Maoshan Mountain, and flew to the heavenly realm with the white dog, becoming a real immortal. Their story has become a beautiful talk in Maoshan and even the entire Jiangnan region, and has become an eternal memory in people's hearts.