
The son-in-law is getting thinner and thinner, but the mother-in-law is getting more and more ruddy, and the Taoist priest: drink a bowl of her blood

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

Ladies and gentlemen, today we will give you a puzzling story. In our small town in the south, there is an old man surnamed Li, and he has a daughter named Cuihua in his family, who looks like a water spirit, and everyone loves her. Later, Cuihua married Ergou from other places, this young man was sturdy and diligent, and the people in the village said that Cuihua had found a good partner. But the good times didn't last long, these two dogs were originally as strong as cows, but now they are getting thinner and thinner, and their faces are as white as paper. And Cuihua's mother, Li Laohan's wife, is becoming more and more energetic, with a red face, as if she is more than ten years younger. Li Laohan saw it in his eyes, and was so anxious that he followed the ants on the hot pot, wondering if these two dogs had some strange disease, why was his wife so energetic? He asked Ergou in private, and Ergou was also confused, only saying that he was bored and what he ate was not fragrant. Li Laohan was anxious, asked around, and asked for medical advice, but Ergou's illness became more and more serious.

Ergou's health slowly improved, and everyone in the village knew about it, and there was a lot of discussion for a while. Some people say that the daughter-in-law is ruthless and does not even let go of her son-in-law; Some people say that the second dog has a big life, and he can come back after walking around the ghost gate. Li Laohan sighed all day long, felt sorry for Ergou, and regretted why he married such a daughter-in-law in the first place. On this day, the second dog sat in the yard basking in the sun, pondering this in his heart. He felt that this matter must not be so simple, that daughter-in-law can learn that evil art, and there must be someone behind her to guide her. He decided to investigate secretly on his own, find out the mysterious man, and see what was hidden behind it.

Ergou went to the teahouse in the town first, and there were many people in that place, and he could inquire about any news. He ordered a pot of tea and pricked up his ears to listen to the chatter as he drank it. After some inquiry, he learned that the daughter-in-law had indeed been in contact with a warlock when she was young, and the warlock claimed to be able to communicate with ghosts and gods, and knew some Qimen Dunjia techniques. When the second dog heard this, he had a bottom in his heart. He followed the clues given by the teahouse owner and found the warlock's residence. The place was on a barren hill outside the town, surrounded by barren grass and gloomy, and it was not a good place at first glance. Ergou walked in boldly, only to see that the courtyard was full of all kinds of magic weapons, and there were charms hanging on the wall, which did look like some doorways. He knocked on the door, and after a while, a thin old man walked out. The old man's face was gloomy, and when he saw Ergou, he asked, "Who are you?" What are you doing here? Ergou took a deep breath and said, "I am the son-in-law of the Li family, and I came to you to ask for an understanding." As soon as the old man heard that it was from the Li family, his face suddenly changed, he snorted coldly, and said, "It turned out to be the mother-in-law's family, you came just in time, I was about to settle accounts with her." When Ergou heard this, he sighed in his heart and hurriedly asked, "What do you mean?" The old man sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, that mother-in-law was my apprentice back then, and I taught her some skills, but she was not right-minded, and always wanted to cut corners." Later, in order to stay young forever, she actually used evil methods to suck the young man's yang energy, I already knew about this, but no matter how many times I persuaded her, she didn't listen. Now that she's been punished, I don't bother to care about her. When Ergou heard this, he understood a rough idea. He took a deep breath and said, "Then may I ask my seniors, is there any way to completely solve that evil law?" The old man was silent for a while, and then said, "There is a way, it depends on whether you want it or not." Ergou hurriedly asked, "What's the method?" As long as it can save me, I'm willing to do anything. The old man nodded and said, "That woman can use evil methods to inhale yang qi because there is an evil spirit in her body." If you want to solve the evil law, you have to find the evil spirit and seal it. But it's dangerous, and if you're not careful, you'll lose your life. You've got to figure it out. When Ergou heard this, he said without hesitation: "I'm willing to try!" Seeing that Ergou was so resolute, the old man nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you what to do." You'll have to prepare a magic tool and get a yellow paper talisman. When the moon is full, you find the woman and ask her to drink a bowl of rune water. Then you use the yellow paper talisman to lure out the evil spirit in her body, and finally seal it with your magic weapon. When the second dog heard this, he had a bottom in his heart. He thanked the old man and went back to prepare.

The son-in-law is getting thinner and thinner, but the mother-in-law is getting more and more ruddy, and the Taoist priest: drink a bowl of her blood

The night of the full moon finally came, and Ergou found the woman according to the old man's method and asked her to drink the talisman water. After a while, the woman began to convulse all over, and her face was distorted. When Ergou saw it, he knew that the evil spirit was coming out, so he quickly took out the yellow paper talisman and recited a spell to lure the evil spirit out. The demon turned into a cloud of black smoke and wandered around the sky. Ergou didn't dare to delay, so he quickly took out the magic weapon and attacked the black smoke. After some fighting, the evil spirit was finally sealed in the magic weapon by the two dogs. Ergou breathed a sigh of relief, and the big stone in his heart finally landed. He went back to the village and told everyone about it. When the villagers heard this, they all praised Ergou for his bravery and wisdom, and he did nothing for the village. The woman lost the protection of the evil spirits, and soon grew old, and could never go back to her former self. She regretted it so much that she couldn't, but it was too late. Ergou is more respected and loved because of this. He and Li Laohan's family also lived happily ever after. After the news spread, the people in the village understood a truth: to be a down-to-earth person, you can't always think of shortcuts. Those improper means, although they can bring temporary benefits, will only harm themselves and those around them in the end. Ergou became a legend in the village because of this story. Whenever someone mentions this, they will give a thumbs up and praise: "Ergou, what a real man!" That's all for today's story. Listeners, if you liked this story, please give us a thumbs up! We'll share other stories next time. Ever since Ergou sealed that evil spirit, the entire village seemed to have returned to its former peace. In their leisure time, the conversation no longer revolves around the strange sorcery, but begins to discuss Ergou's heroic deeds and how he did it for the people. Li Laohan's face also showed a smile again, and every time he saw someone, he would praise Ergou for being a good son-in-law with a sense of responsibility. However, Ergou did not become complacent because of this, but lived a more low-key life. He understands that although the evil soul is sealed, the evil in the world will never go away. He silently made up his mind to use his strength to protect the land and protect the people he loved.

Time flies like a white horse, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. With his diligence and wisdom, Ergou opened a small workshop in the village, and the business became bigger and bigger, becoming the richest man in the village. But he never forgot his original intention, and was always willing to help those in need. One day, Ergou was busy in the workshop when he suddenly heard a commotion outside. He walked out of the workshop and saw a group of people gathered around, pointing to something and talking about something. Ergou approached and listened, it turned out to be the town's bully Zhang San bullying a young man from out of town. Seeing this scene, Ergou immediately became furious. He shouted, "Stop! Then he rushed forward and pushed Zhang San away. Zhang Sanyi saw that it was Ergou, and immediately flinched, he knew how powerful Ergou was, and he didn't dare to provoke easily. Ergou glared at Zhang San and warned: "You bully, you bully the people all day long, sooner or later you will be punished!" After saying that, he turned around and helped the out-of-town young man and asked with concern, "Are you okay?" The young man was grateful and thanked him repeatedly. He told Ergou that his name was Xiaosi, and he came from out of town, and he strayed into this town because he was lost. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived here, he met the bully Zhang San and was almost killed by him. After hearing this, Ergou felt sympathy and decided to take in Xiaosi to work in the workshop. Xiao Si was grateful, and since then he has worked hard with Ergou. The relationship between the two grew closer and closer, like brothers. However, the good times were short-lived, and one night, a fire broke out in the workshop. The fire spread rapidly, and the entire workshop was engulfed in flames. Ergou and Xiaosi tried desperately to rescue their belongings, but the fire was so great that they could only watch their hard work turn to ashes. After the fire was extinguished, Ergou and Xiaosi stood in front of the ruins, their eyes full of despair. Oh, it's not easy, there's something big going on in our town. This fire is clearly deliberately lit by someone, not an accident. But in our town, who dares to be so bold? The two of them were pondering this, when suddenly, a figure appeared from the dark corner. Hey, guess who? It was the notorious Zhang San! Still holding a torch in his hand, with a wicked smile on his face, he looked at Ergou and Xiaosi, and said proudly: "Haha, you also have today!" I've long seen that you are not pleasing to the eye, and this time you can't eat and walk around! When the second dog heard this, he was angry, grabbed Zhang San's collar, and roared: "You bastard!" Dare to burn my workshop! I'm going to make you look good today! Before he could finish speaking, his fist flew over. The two scuffled together, but the body of the second dog was not covered, and Zhang San was pressed to the ground after three times and five divided by two. He was about to teach him a lesson, when he suddenly shouted, "Stop! Ergou looked up, yo, isn't this the Taoist priest who helped him seal the evil spirit back then? The Taoist priest walked up to Ergou and said, "Ergou, don't be impulsive, this fire was not put by Zhang San, it was done by the evil spirit." When Ergou heard this, he was stunned: "Evil spirit? What's going on? The Taoist priest sighed: "After the evil spirit was sealed, it has been dishonest, scurrying around in the magic weapon, trying to find a chance to escape. It sees that your workshop is booming and popular, so it takes advantage of the situation and wants to take the opportunity to escape. Fortunately, I found out in time and stopped it. When Ergou heard this, he suddenly realized: "So that's what happened!" So what do we have to do to get rid of it completely? The Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "If you want to completely get rid of the evil spirit, there is only one way - find its true body and then destroy it completely." Ergou nodded: "Okay, I'll go!" With that, he turned around and left, and began to search for the true body of the evil spirit.

After several days and nights of hard searching, Ergou finally found the true body of the evil spirit in a cave - a huge spider spirit! It is entrenched in the depths of the cave, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, cultivating evil arts, and preparing to bring disaster to the world again. Seeing this, Ergou rushed forward without hesitation and started a thrilling battle with the spider spirit. After a fierce fight, Ergou relied on his courage and wisdom to finally defeat the spider spirit and completely destroy it!

The son-in-law is getting thinner and thinner, but the mother-in-law is getting more and more ruddy, and the Taoist priest: drink a bowl of her blood

Since then, nothing strange has happened in our village. Because of this heroic deed, Ergou has become a big hero in the village, and has been praised by people and has been famous for eternity!