
Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

author:July to talk about it

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huan Gong [look] [look] [look]

At that time, there was no one available, and the war was fought for decades and so long

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

Liu Bei didn't manage it as well as Liu Chan in the later stage, Liu Bei told the truth that he was flipping the table in the later stage, and as a result, he didn't play himself

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

Then why do you think he can see the teacher's watch, and being able to use Mingchen is also a kind of ability, mainly to compare you to Yue Fei

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

It's not that it can't hold on, it's that the next door is too strong, and there are too few useful people in their hands

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

The key is to also know who is good and who is not

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

The author withdrew from the circle, retreated from the biosphere

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

Hahahaha, even the descendants have used it

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

Indeed, Yue Fei is Zhuge Liang's little fan brother

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

Indeed, Huang Hao has a big head, and he must have something to do with Zhuge Liang

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

In the early stage, Zhuge Liang of T0 helped him, and he also took care of the follow-up

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

At this moment, Liu Chan hopes that his father really has the ability to predict

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

Li Shimin is very good to the heroes, and Yue Fei is loyal, unless Yue Fei really brings back the Duke of Dude and the Marquis of Chongdun [covering his face]

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

When the soldiers approached the city, Liu Chan was able to surrender automatically, which was definitely beyond the standard

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

It's not so much that Yu Qian is pitiful, but that Zhu Qiyu is pitiful [I want to be quiet]

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

The monsters of that era could not catch up with the last century.

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

He really doesn't fool around, his best point is to use a few ministers left by Zhuge Liang, but he also listens to slander

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong

No way, there is no him on the teacher list

Liu Chanle doesn't think about it, is he really a mediocre king? Some people say: Liu Chan is comparable to Qi Huangong