
Such a family is easy to raise indifferent children!

author:Tianjin Bao Ma Parenting

In contemporary society, with the acceleration of urbanization and the acceleration of the pace of modern life, more and more families are facing various pressures and challenges. However, there is a phenomenon that has attracted attention: that is, the phenomenon of indifference in some families, especially the lack of affection, friendship and love between children.

Such a family is easy to raise indifferent children!

First of all, such families often lack communication. In some families, parents are unable to communicate well and effectively with their children due to busy work or other reasons. They may just leave with a hurried greeting. In the long run, children gradually feel neglected and left out. They don't know how to express their true thoughts and feelings and gradually lose interest in communicating with others.

Secondly, there is often a lack of companionship time in such families. Parents are busy with work, career, and social activities, and it is difficult for them to find time to spend with their children. Even when they have free time, they often fill in the gaps through entertainment such as TV and mobile phones, rather than in-depth communication with children or participate in activities together. Children live a monotonous and mechanical life day after day, and the lack of intimacy brings them a sense of security and happiness.

Such a family is easy to raise indifferent children!

In addition, the excessive emphasis on the material dimension also leads to the loss of family affection. In the pursuit of material comforts, parents often focus all their energy on material things such as money, real estate, and vehicles. In order to satisfy the vanity of things outside the body and to show off their social status, parents constantly pursue financial gain. However, in the process, the most basic and precious interpersonal relationship - the real connection and emotional communication between families is sacrificed.

Finally, children who grow up in such an indifferent and unforgiving environment can easily become insensitive and selfish. They lack sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others; Always think more about personal gains and losses when dealing with friends and family; Abandon those who need our genuine care.

Such a family is easy to raise indifferent children!

Therefore, a family that is cold and ruthless, lacks communication and company time, and attaches too much importance to the material aspects can easily develop into a child who is indifferent and selfish, and does not care about the needs of others and only cares about his own gains and losses. Therefore, we should arouse the thinking of the majority of parents: if we do not want our children to become cold and selfish, then we should seriously provide love and warmth to our children. And create a socialized environment full of fairness, friendship and relative fairness!

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