
On the mother-in-law's birthday, the mother-in-law actually came to the door to fight, and the little daughter-in-law smiled and thanked her

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

In our small village on the northeast border, the Zhang family has some trouble. The two sons of Zhang Laohan's family, the eldest is called Zhang Dashan, and the younger is called Zhang Xiaoshan, and their personalities are more distinct than the other. Zhang Laohan is an old fisherman who has saved some money by fishing all his life, and married his two sons to daughters-in-law. The eldest daughter-in-law, Li Cuihua, works diligently, but her mouth is broken and she loves to nag; The little daughter-in-law Wang Xiufen is smart and clever, with a sweet mouth, and she has won the heart of Zhang Laohan.

After the two brothers got married, Zhang Laohan lived with his youngest son, and the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law lived a small life by themselves. No, the eldest daughter-in-law and her mother, that is, Zhang Laohan's mother-in-law, have arrived on her birthday. Zhang Laohan thought, in-laws, I have to express my feelings, so I asked my little daughter-in-law Wang Xiufen to prepare a gift and let my eldest son send it. When Wang Xiufen heard this, she immediately got busy, picked out the seafood, wrapped a big red envelope, and asked Zhang Dashan to send it.

Zhang Dashan went to his mother-in-law's house with a gift, and as soon as he entered the door, he gave his mother-in-law a birthday greeting. When the mother-in-law saw her son-in-law, she couldn't close her mouth with joy, and as soon as the gift was taken out, she smiled so much that she couldn't see her teeth. But this mother-in-law loves to show off, so she has to show everyone the gifts, and praises her son-in-law for his filial piety. Li Cuihua saw it in her eyes, and she didn't feel good in her heart, and thought: "Wang Xiufen, this girl, isn't it obvious that she is pressing me when she chooses such a good gift?" "I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.

On the mother-in-law's birthday, the mother-in-law actually came to the door to fight, and the little daughter-in-law smiled and thanked her

After the birthday banquet, Li Cuihua went home and told Zhang Laohan, Zhang Laohan also felt that his little daughter-in-law was a little too much, but he didn't say much. Li Cuihua didn't give up, so she had to let Zhang Laohan find a daughter-in-law to theorize. Zhang Laohan was troubled by his daughter-in-law, and he also became angry, thinking: "Wang Xiufen is usually very sensible, why is she so ignorant this time?" So, he ran to his youngest son's house angrily, ready to ask Wang Xiufen for an explanation.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Laohan shouted at Wang Xiufen: "Xiufen, the gift you gave today is too heavy, what do you want your sister-in-law to think?" When Wang Xiufen heard this, she understood what was going on, and explained with a smile: "Dad, don't be angry, I'm not thinking about sending something good to my mother." Besides, this gift is not my idea alone, and Brother Dashan also agreed. When Zhang Laohan heard this, he became even more angry, and felt that his little daughter-in-law was shirking responsibility, so he stepped forward to push Wang Xiufen.

It's a good thing now, the mother-in-law and the little daughter-in-law scuffled, and the family became a mess. Zhang Xiaoshan came back from outside, and when he saw this scene, he quickly grabbed the two of them and asked, "What's wrong?" Why did you start fighting? Zhang Laohan said the matter angrily, and as soon as Zhang Xiaoshan heard it, he understood. Zhang Laohan dragged Zhang Laohan's arm, let him sit on the kang head, and then turned to Wang Xiufen and said: "Xiufen, you are really a little inconsiderate in this matter, our father is right, you should discuss with your sister-in-law and then decide what gift to give." As soon as Wang Xiufen heard this, she immediately understood that Zhang Xiaoshan was building a ladder for her to get off the stage, so she hurriedly climbed along the pole and said, "Brother Xiaoshan, you are right, I really didn't think it through." I'm going to make amends to my sister-in-law. As soon as the words fell, she turned around and went to find Li Cuihua.

On the mother-in-law's birthday, the mother-in-law actually came to the door to fight, and the little daughter-in-law smiled and thanked her

Li Cuihua was sitting in the house, holding back the fire in her heart, and when she saw Wang Xiufen coming, she thought that she was going to quarrel with her again. But Wang Xiufen opened her mouth first: "Sister-in-law, it's my fault to do this today, and I decided on a gift on my own without consulting you." I apologize to you and hope you can forgive me. Li Cuihua softened her heart when she heard this. She pondered in her heart: "This Wang Xiufen usually treats me well, but now this matter is indeed something she owes it to consider." Now that she's apologized, there's no need for me to hold on to it. So she didn't get angry. As soon as the two reconciled, the family returned to its former harmony. Zhang Laohan watched the two daughters-in-law reconcile as before, and his heart was also relieved. He thought to himself: "Although this Wang Xiufen is young, she knows how to advance and retreat, and she is a smart person. In this way, the Zhang family lived a peaceful life again.

But who would have thought, just a few days later, this peaceful day was broken. Because, the fish that always swam in front of Zhang Laohan actually led to a shocking secret! And this secret is closely related to Zhang Laohan's life! Find out what's next, and listen to the next breakdown!

After that day, the Zhang family returned to its former tranquility, Zhang Laohan still went to sea to fish every day, and Wang Xiufen was busy at home, taking care of Zhang Laohan's daily life. But within a few days, Zhang Laohan encountered a strange thing. Early that morning, Zhang Laohan rowed a small boat out to sea to fish as usual. The sea is calm, the sun shines on the sparkling sea, and everything seems so peaceful. But just as he cast the net and was about to close it, he suddenly found a big golden fish struggling in the net. This fish is not ordinary, its whole body is shining with gold, and its scales are shining in the sun. Zhang Laohan was shocked and thought: "I've never seen this fish before, what kind of treasure is it?" He hurriedly pulled the fish onto the boat, and when he looked closely, he saw that the fish's eyes were bright, as if it could perceive people's hearts. Zhang Laohan muttered in his heart: "This fish is definitely not an ordinary fish, I have to hurry home and ask Xiufen." So he hurried home in a small boat.

On the mother-in-law's birthday, the mother-in-law actually came to the door to fight, and the little daughter-in-law smiled and thanked her

As soon as he got home, Zhang Laohan told Wang Xiufen about the golden fish. When Wang Xiufen heard this, she also felt that this was unusual, she thought about it and said, "Dad, I heard that there is a legend on our seaside, saying that there is a golden fish that can bring good luck, but it can also bring disaster. "We can't just eat this fish, we have to find someone who knows how to show it to us." When Zhang Laohan heard this, he felt that this idea was quite reliable, so he decided to go to the town to find the old fisherman Li and give us an appraisal. Old man Li is an old man in the town, and he has seen all kinds of strange fish, so he will definitely know the origin of this fish. Zhang Laohan held the big fish shining with golden light in his hand and went straight to Old Man Li's house. When Old Man Li saw this fish, his eyes lit up, he looked at it carefully for a while, then sighed and said, "This fish, called the golden scale fish, is a baby pimple in the sea." It can bring us good luck, but it can also bring disaster. Where did you get this fish? As soon as Zhang Laohan heard this, he told Old Man Li about the fishing process. After hearing this, Old Man Li pondered for a while, and then said, "We can't keep this fish, we have to put it back into the sea quickly." Before you put it back, though, you need to do something. Zhang Laohan hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?" Old man Li said, "You have to give your own mother another gift, this time you have to give something new." As soon as Zhang Laohan heard this, he understood what Old Man Li meant, and he hurried home to prepare gifts.

The next day, Zhang Laohan took a generous gift and went to his mother's house. This time he gave a gift that was not only rich, but also special - a small goldfish statue. When my mother-in-law saw this gift, she smiled from ear to ear, exaggerating that the old man really had a heart. After giving the gift, Zhang Laohan hurried home and put the goldenrod fish back into the sea. It's also amazing to say that since the release of the goldenrod fish, the life of the Zhang family has become more and more prosperous. Zhang Laohan goes out to sea to fish, and every time he can return with a full load; Wang Xiufen can always find some unexpected income at home.

That night, Zhang Laohan was sitting in the courtyard to cool off, when he suddenly heard a quick knock on the door outside. When he opened the door, he saw Old Man Li standing at the door panting, still carrying a basket in his hand. As soon as Old Man Li saw Old Man Zhang, he said eagerly: "Old Zhang, look at what this is!" With that, he handed the basket to Zhang Laohan. Zhang Laohan opened the basket and saw that there was a small golden fish fry inside. Old man Li said, "This fish fry I picked up on the beach." I saw it like the goldenrod you put back, so I thought I'd bring it to you. This fry is a treasure, you have to keep it well. As soon as Zhang Laohan heard this, he understood in his heart. He took the fry and said to Old Man Li: "Thank you, Old Li Touer!" I'm going to find a good place to raise it. So, Zhang Laohan found a big fish tank at home and raised the little golden fry. Strange to say, since raising this small fry, the Zhang family's life has become even more prosperous. Every time Zhang Laohan goes to sea, he can catch good fish; Wang Xiufen can always make delicious dishes to entertain guests at home. In this way, the Zhang family relied on this golden fry to live a happy life. The legendary golden-scaled fish has been widely spread in the town. People have been talking about the fact that the Zhang family was able to have this golden-scaled fish fry because of the good luck they encountered. Zhang Laohan himself often sits in his courtyard, his eyes follow the golden fry swimming freely in the water, and his heart swells with endless satisfaction and happiness. He thought to himself: "This is the life I aspire to – quiet and full of happiness." And the little golden fry seemed to feel the warmth and happiness exuded by the Zhang family, and it swam happily in the fish tank, as if to show the world: "Look! This is the breath of happiness! This is the story of Zhang Laohan and the little golden fry - a legend full of mystery and happiness.

On the mother-in-law's birthday, the mother-in-law actually came to the door to fight, and the little daughter-in-law smiled and thanked her

As the story continues, the golden fry in Zhang Laohan's house has become the darling of the family. Every day, Zhang Laohan and Wang Xiufen would sit around the fish tank, watching the small fry swimming freely in the water, and their hearts were full of joy. The little fry also seemed to understand human nature, and whenever Zhang Laohan approached the fish tank, it would happily swim towards him, as if greeting Zhang Laohan. However, good times are always short-lived, and one night, Zhang Laohan had a strange dream. In his dream, he found himself in a golden underwater world, surrounded by colorful corals and schools of swimming fish. Suddenly, a vicissitudes of life voice sounded in his ears: "Zhang Laohan, your good luck is about to run out, if you want to continue to enjoy this happiness, you must complete a task." Zhang Laohan woke up from his dream, his heart full of doubts. He recalled the sound of the dream repeatedly, feeling that it was unusually familiar, but that it was difficult to identify its owner. He told Wang Xiufen about this dream, and Wang Xiufen was also very surprised when she heard it. After deliberating, the two decided to follow the instructions in the dream to find the source of the sound.

Just when he was disheartened, a golden light suddenly flashed on the sea, and a golden shadow slowly swam over. Zhang Laohan fixed his eyes and took a look, isn't this the golden little fry! It swam up to Mr. Zhang and spit out a sparkling gem. This gem is radiant, and it makes people's hearts warm when they look at it. Zhang Laohan was broken, hurriedly took the gem, and thanked the little fish fry repeatedly. The fry wagked their tails and swam back to the sea.

Zhang Laohan returned home with the gem and set it on the statue of the golden-scaled fish. Hey, the room immediately lit up, Zhang Laohan and Wang Xiufen looked at each other and smiled, knowing that good luck was back. Since then, the life of the Zhang family has become more and more prosperous, and Zhang Laohan has always returned with a full load when he goes out to sea to fish; Wang Xiufen cooks at home, and she can always make people's mouths full of oil. The golden fry has also become the patron saint of the Zhang family and has been guarding this family.

On the mother-in-law's birthday, the mother-in-law actually came to the door to fight, and the little daughter-in-law smiled and thanked her

In the evening, Zhang Laohan and Wang Xiufen sat in the courtyard and watched the small golden fry in the fish tank swim around. They were so grateful in their hearts, so happy, knowing that all this was the good luck brought by the little fry. The mysterious cave and the old man who played the flute have also become legends in the town. Everyone said that Zhang Laohan met the gods and had such a happy life. Zhang Laohan and Wang Xiufen always said modestly: "We are ordinary people, but we have been taken care of by the gods." They know that true happiness does not fall from the sky, but is earned by their own hands and good hearts. That little golden fry is the eternal patron saint in their hearts and a symbol of gratitude.