
"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

The four seasons of the year carry many mysteries of solar terms, and the four different seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter will always bring us different beauty and feelings. However, if I want to ask which of the four seasons is my favorite, of course, it is still the crisp and beautiful autumn.

Autumn will usher in the beginning of the autumn season, every beginning of autumn, to bring people not only cool and comfortable weather, but also the harvest of the year.

However, there is also such a saying about the beginning of autumn, "the early beginning of autumn is cold, and the late beginning of autumn is hot and dead cows", so is this year's beginning of autumn early or late?

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

In fact, the solar term is still full of many mysteries, today let's walk into the solar term of the beginning of autumn together, and explore the mystery and magical story!

First, the solar term culture of the beginning of autumn

As the thirteenth of the 24 solar terms on the mainland, the beginning of autumn is an important turning point in the earth's orbital movement. The constant movement of the sun causes the seasons on the continent to change constantly.

At the beginning of autumn, the direct sun point is just located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River on the mainland, because the angle of sunlight is getting smaller and smaller, so there is no temperature of the sun, and the temperature begins to drop. And the arrival of the beginning of autumn means that summer has quietly left, and the cool autumn is coming.

The beginning of autumn is a transition from summer to autumn, which is a cyclical cycle of nature and an unchangeable natural law. In this solar term, it has a lot of important significance for people.

Changes in temperature, changes in eating habits, and ripening crops all make this solar term even better.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

The beginning of autumn is not only the temperature changing, but also the earth. The golden wheat fields and red maple leaves make the whole natural scene extraordinarily charming.

The beginning of autumn has been a very important solar term for people since ancient times, because through this solar term people can make judgments, and this time is the time for farmers to harvest crops.

This time is the day that farmers are most looking forward to, and they have been busy and hard for more than half a year, waiting for this harvest season to bring income and fruits to people. At this time, the farmers will go out early and return late to harvest their crops.

As a large agricultural country, the people are most concerned about the quality of crop growth. Therefore, in order to ensure the orderly and stable growth and harvest of grain, the temperature change at the beginning of autumn is very crucial. The beginning of autumn will be different every year, maybe this year's autumn will be early, and next year's autumn will be late.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

If the temperature continues to rise after the beginning of autumn, it is likely to affect the ripening of crops. Therefore, since ancient times, there has been such a saying, "The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies."

What does this mean?

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Second, the meaning of "the early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies".

We often pay attention to the changes in temperature by looking at the solar terms, and the beginning of autumn is the solar term that people are looking forward to. Because before this, we have accepted the baptism of "small heat", "big heat" and "dog days", and the hot weather makes people feel that the heat is unbearable.

Everyone hopes to usher in the beginning of autumn soon, and hopes that it can help us cool off and bid farewell to the hot summer. However, even if the beginning of autumn is coming soon, we can't be too happy, because in the mainland, the beginning of autumn is also divided into two types: early and late.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

This proverb that has been handed down for a long time, "the early beginning of autumn is cold, and the late beginning of autumn is hot and the cow dies" is a sentence that people have experienced many different states of the beginning of autumn. This sentence is enough to prove that the solar term of the beginning of autumn is not a fixed and constant climate temperature.

The laws and changes of nature are often beyond our control, and we can only follow the changes of the solar terms to make corresponding responses and changes.

This proverb shows that if the early beginning of autumn causes the temperature to drop immediately after the beginning of autumn, the late beginning of autumn will cause the climate to remain hot for a while.

Although the solar term of the beginning of autumn is fixed on August 7 or August 8 in the mainland calendar, the annual deviation from the lunar calendar is still very large.

The beginning of the autumn lunar calendar is sometimes in June and sometimes in July, because there is a difference of one month, so there are different sayings for the early beginning of autumn and the late beginning of autumn.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

So from the current point of view, will the beginning of autumn in the mainland be earlier or later this year? In fact, from the agricultural proverbs we heard above, we can judge it in combination.

3. Whether the beginning of autumn this year is early or late

In fact, if we look at the calendar, we can find that this year's beginning of autumn is on August 7 of the solar calendar and the seventh month of the lunar calendar. Based on such a series of judgments, it can be concluded that this year belongs to the late beginning of autumn.

The late beginning of autumn can be both loved and hated, because it means that the hot and dry weather will continue for a while. Because the continuous high temperature may not make it possible for people to get rid of the heat, it is necessary to prepare for heatstroke prevention and cooling even after the beginning of autumn.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

Although this kind of weather may not be very welcome, it is still very beneficial for the growth of crops. As the temperature becomes hotter and hotter, precipitation will continue to arrive, which is very helpful for the growth of crops.

Late-maturing grains just need high temperatures to help grow, which can ensure the growth cycle of the grain and allow farmers to harvest more fruit during the harvest season.

In addition to the proverb that "the early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", there is also a proverb that "everything is harvested in July and autumn, and everything is lost in June and autumn".

This proverb is also well-known in the rural areas of the mainland, and it describes the impact of the beginning of the lunar month on crops. From the perspective of agricultural development, it is more helpful for the grain to mature in the late autumn.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

However, because the mainland's agricultural technology was not yet perfect in the past, the development of crops had to be rewarded by God. But with the development of modern agricultural technology, we can artificially improve the environment in which crops grow by changing the way they grow and how they are managed.

Although the beginning of autumn will have a certain impact on the growth of crops, under the modern development, we can no longer use the early or late beginning of autumn to judge the generation of crops.

Moreover, as a traditional solar term in the mainland, the beginning of autumn is still very important to us. Whether it's hot weather or cold weather, we must respect and adapt to the laws of nature, and feel everything that nature has to offer us.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

Fourth, the food customs of the beginning of the autumn solar term

The beginning of autumn is an important solar term that people are particularly concerned about, not only the temperature changes and the crops are ripe, but in fact, the food customs of different regions are particularly meaningful in the beginning of autumn.

In the Tang and Song dynasties in the mainland, eating small red beans can dispel diseases and evil spirits. At the beginning of autumn, in order to be healthy after the beginning of autumn, people will find out seven to fourteen small red beans and swallow them with water.

Everyone must have heard of it. Because the hot summer will reduce people's appetite, because the weather is too hot, everything to eat is not fragrant, and many people can't help but feel that they will lose a lot of weight in the summer without losing weight.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

The meat that has been lost in the summer can be replenished in the fall. If the weather is cold, our body does not have enough fat protection, and it can not withstand the sudden cold weather. It is easy to have some conditions such as wind chill and cold.

Therefore, sticking autumn fat refers to eating delicious food, especially the meat that cannot be eaten in summer, which can be replenished at this time. After the beginning of autumn, chicken, fish, big elbows, etc., have become the first choice of delicious food for many people.

Not only that, but there are also great differences in the solar terms culture of each region. In some areas, autumn peaches will be eaten at the beginning of autumn, and then the peach pits will be kept, and the peach pits will be kept until Chinese New Year's Eve of one year, and the peach pits will be burned in the fire to mean that disasters and diseases will be eliminated.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

In some areas, eggplants are eaten in autumn, and eating eggplants will make people's bodies fatter and fatter, which means more and more health. Therefore, some regions will steam eggplants the day before the beginning of autumn and then dry them, waiting until the beginning of autumn to eat.

For the Northeast region, when it comes to the beginning of autumn, it is indispensable to eat dumplings. In fact, for people in the Northeast region, as long as there is an important day, they must eat a dumpling. Whether it's pork, cabbage, or beef radish, it's a must-have dumpling meal.

After the beginning of autumn, the temperature is much more comfortable than in summer, and the food customs of various regions also follow, for such a beautiful solar term as the beginning of autumn, it makes people feel refreshed and relaxed.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes


There are a total of 24 solar terms in the mainland, and the 24 solar terms in each year represent the beginning and end of the new year. The beginning of autumn, as one of the important traditional solar terms in the mainland, is the most comfortable time of the year.

The proverb "the early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies" shows the difference between the early and late autumn in the mainland.

Through today's understanding, we must know more clearly the solar term of the beginning of autumn. I also learned about the different food customs of different regions for the beginning of autumn.

In fact, whether it is the early beginning of autumn or the late beginning of autumn, this is the beauty that nature has given us to human beings. Whether it's a hot summer or a cold season, the beauty and feelings that these send to people are different.

It is a very happy and joyful thing that we can feel the different changes and beauty of the four seasons throughout the year.

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

For those who have just come from the hot summer, we have entered the cool season, we still have to pay more attention to the weather changes, and we must do a good job of avoiding the heat in the hot weather, and increase our clothes when the weather turns cold, so as not to catch a cold.

No matter whether the beginning of autumn is early or late this year, we will be ready to welcome it with the best attitude. Feel the changing seasons and enjoy the beautiful moments of your life right now. Let's look forward to the arrival of beautiful autumn together!

"The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies", is this year's autumn early or late? As the agricultural proverb goes

Have you ever heard of the proverb "The early autumn is cold, and the late autumn is hot and the cow dies"? What other stories do you know about the beginning of autumn? You can share it with us.


Bright Net


The beginning of autumn is also divided into "early" and "late"?