
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!

author:Single-minded kitten yl
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!
A picture to understand the psychological needs of children in various periods!

On a busy street, people come and go, and there is a lot of traffic. However, in this hustle and bustle of the world, there is one corner that is extraordinarily quiet, and that is the street stalls of Hao Chuan. Hao Chuan is a middle-aged man with a sense of humor, who can always convey knowledge and wisdom to passers-by in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

On this day, Hao Chuan's stall was full of people. He holds in his hand a well-crafted chart with vivid illustrations and concise text that shows the psychological needs of children at various stages. People stopped to look at it and asked curiously about the story behind the picture.

Hao Chuan smiled and began his narration: "Hello friends! Today I want to share with you the knowledge about the psychological needs of children. You look at this picture, don't you think it's interesting? In fact, there is a profound truth behind this picture. ”

He pointed to the first stage on the chart: "This is the infancy of children, and what they need most is unconditional love and security. Imagine a newborn baby who knows nothing about the outside world and whose only thing they can rely on is the love and care of their parents. Therefore, as parents, we must give our children enough love and security to let them grow up in this world with peace of mind. ”

Hao Chuan then pointed to the second stage of the chart: "This is the early childhood of children, they begin to have a sense of self and a desire to be recognized and respected. At this time, we should respect children's personality and interests, and encourage them to explore the world and try new things. At the same time, we should also give appropriate praise and encouragement to children, so that they can feel their own value and ability. ”

As Hao Chuan recounted, people nodded in agreement. Hao Chuan pointed to the next stage of the chart: "This is the school age of children, they begin to contact school and society, and they face various challenges and pressures. During this period, we need to pay attention to children's emotional changes to help them build self-confidence and problem-solving skills. At the same time, we also need to teach children how to get along with others, develop their social skills and team spirit. ”

Hao Chuan's story resonated with people, who recalled the bits and pieces of their own upbringing. At this time, a young mother stepped forward and asked suspiciously, "Teacher Hao, our children have been rebellious and disobedient recently, what should I do?" ”

Hao Chuan replied with a smile: "This mother, the rebellious period is a necessary stage in the growth of children. During this period, children begin to have their own sense of independence, and they want to get rid of the shackles of their parents and pursue self-growth. As parents, we need to understand our children's psychological needs and give them appropriate freedom and space. At the same time, we should also pay attention to children's emotional changes and guide them to express their emotions and needs correctly. ”

After hearing this, the young mother suddenly realized, and she thanked Hao Chuan gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Hao!" I understand that I will try to understand the psychological needs of children and give them more love and support. ”

Hao Chuan nodded and continued his narration: "In addition to the above stages, children's psychological needs will continue to change as they get older. But no matter what stage it is, we should pay attention to the inner world of our children and understand their needs and feelings. Only in this way can we better accompany our children to grow up and make them confident, independent and caring people. ”

As Hao Chuan's narration ended, the people dispersed. They left this street stall with a lot of harvest and insight. And Hao Chuan also continued his journey to the street classroom, using his wisdom and humor to convey knowledge and hope to more people.

This story tells us a truth: children's psychological needs are diverse, and we need to understand them and pay attention to them. Only in this way can we better accompany our children as they grow up and thrive in this world. At the same time, this story also reminds us that no matter what stage we are, we should maintain a childlike heart to understand and feel the inner world of children. Let's work together to create an environment where children can grow up with love and hope!