
Human nature without the constraints of laws, systems, morals, and beliefs is terrible and unimaginable.

author:Flying Fish Life

Terrible humanity – no law, no system, no morality, no religion

If there are no laws, institutions, morals, and beliefs in the real world, human nature will become horrible and disgusting. With such a hypothesis, I can imagine many unacceptable scenarios and consequences.
Human nature without the constraints of laws, systems, morals, and beliefs is terrible and unimaginable.

First of all, humanity without legal constraints is terrible. Law is the cornerstone of social stability and order, which regulates people's behavior, protects individual rights and interests, and upholds social justice. In the absence of legal restraints, we will see the ugly behavior of people who are selfish and bullied the weak. Property infringement, corruption, extortion and other illegal and criminal acts will be commonplace. Without the constraints of the law, society will descend into chaos and disorder.

Human nature without the constraints of laws, systems, morals, and beliefs is terrible and unimaginable.

Second, human nature without institutional constraints is an abomination. Institutions are institutionalized arrangements for the protection of human interests and equality. For example, the education system ensures that everyone has access to education; The health care system guarantees people's health and lives. Without these systems, people's rights and interests would not be guaranteed, inequality between rich and poor would increase, and social divisions would intensify. Without institutional constraints, society will lose fairness and justice, and people's interests will be trampled underfoot.

Human nature without the constraints of laws, systems, morals, and beliefs is terrible and unimaginable.

Third, humanity without moral restraint is terrible. Ethics is the embodiment of social norms and values, which guide people to act and enable them to have good moral character and behavioral habits. If there is no moral restraint, people will pursue the maximization of personal interests, pursue desires by unscrupulous means, and neglect respect and care for others. Hypocrisy, shamelessness, selfishness, and callousness will pervade society. Without moral constraints, we will not be able to find warmth and kindness in this world.

Human nature without the constraints of laws, systems, morals, and beliefs is terrible and unimaginable.

Finally, humanity without the constraints of faith is also terrifying. Faith is the sustenance and support of people's hearts, and it gives us hope, strength, and courage. Whether it is religious belief or life belief, they give people soul purification and comfort. Without the constraints of faith, people will be disoriented, and the sense of emptiness in the heart will not be filled. Malice, despair, and confusion will replace the hope and strength that faith gives.

Human nature without the constraints of laws, systems, morals, and beliefs is terrible and unimaginable.

To sum up, without the constraints of laws, institutions, morals, and beliefs, human nature will become terrible and abominable. The absence of laws makes it impossible to stop people's selfishness and ambition; The breakdown of the system leads to the injustice and inequality of society; The disappearance of morality makes the relationship between people cold and profit-driven; The absence of faith deprives the human heart of direction and strength. Therefore, we should cherish the existing laws, institutions, morals and beliefs and strive to preserve and develop them in order to maintain social harmony and progress. It is only through these constraints that humanity can show kindness, justice, and love.


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