
No matter how much you love a man, don't agree to these requests easily, it will only make him look down on you


Women are more emotional, sometimes they fall in love and can't extricate themselves, and they are willing to give everything for their beloved. But many women will end up scarred because they don't grasp the "proportion" they pay in love.

If you want to find happy love, you must first stick to your principles and keep a sane and clear head. Women who blindly sacrifice themselves in love often fail to achieve happiness.

Every woman needs to learn to protect herself, which is a necessary criterion in a relationship. Don't let feelings keep you passive and vulnerable. Don't blindly agree to all the demands made by men, only in this way can you protect yourself from being harmed.

Pandering to all the demands of a man will only ruin your relationship and make him less interested in you. Blind pursuit will only make you lose your true love.

No matter how much you love a man, don't agree to these requests easily, it will only make him look down on you

Not long ago, I saw Rong Rong post a lot of mood posts in the circle of friends, and I can feel that she is in a very low mood now, because she broke up with her boyfriend Xiaofeng, and they have been in love for three years. Now Rong Rong sighs about the hardships of life every day, and her heart is particularly fragile.

After everyone heard that Rong Rong was with that person, they realized that Rong Rong's survival in this relationship was too hard. When they are in love, it is Rong Rong who takes the initiative to pursue it, and Rong Rong pays for it when they go out on a date or something.

Rong Rong felt that as long as she was sincere, Xiaofeng could be moved, but Xiaofeng was not only not moved, but also took Rong Rong's efforts for granted. Although Rong Rong likes Xiaofeng, she gradually began to be unable to do it, she was in a bad mood, and Xiaofeng's attitude made her even more unbearable.

Recently, Rong Rong has been too busy with work and has not been able to get along with Xiaofeng much, and Xiaofeng felt that the two had no fun together, so he decided to break up with Rong Rong and moved out of their apartment.

I believe that many sisters have experienced such a thing, at first they are full of love when they give, but after a long time, they will feel difficult, and eventually they will not be able to satisfy their boyfriend, and their boyfriend will leave them.

No matter how much you love a man, don't agree to these requests easily, it will only make him look down on you

In a relationship, two people need to give together, and it is not appropriate to accept love unilaterally. But if women are too compromised, and even weaken their status in the relationship, then it will be even more difficult for the two to go to the end together.

When two people are together, girls should pay attention to grasp the balance and understand what the boy's requests should be agreed to and which should not be agreed, which is also what I want to share with you today.

Don't easily lose your career for the sake of a man

If a man wants you to be a stay-at-home wife, you shouldn't say yes easily, regardless of his intentions.

If you resign, it means that you have no independent financial resources, no matter whether the man really loves you or not, whether he thinks you are equal in his heart or not, the care between you has become no longer equal.

Emotions will change, and so will people's hearts. If you lose your independent financial resources, it is easy to rely on men. If a woman is dependent on a man, the man may become self-righteous, does not care about your feelings, and does not take the relationship between the two seriously.

No matter how much you love a man, don't agree to these requests easily, it will only make him look down on you

You can't easily lend your money to a man

Men and women are different, and when women encounter difficulties, especially financially, they first think of turning to men for help. But men rarely borrow money from the women they love, because they think that doing so will make them lose their dignity and lose face.

If that person really needs money to borrow from you, then you can consider helping him. But if the person always borrows money from you frequently, or even takes borrowing money for granted, then you must not lend him money.

How a man perceives your relationship is closely related to his attitude towards money. A man who truly loves you will be reluctant to let you suffer and will not borrow money from you frequently. If he always borrows from you, he will still treat you as a wrongdoer, and he will not take your relationship seriously.

Don't give up on your circle easily

Many women cut out all their male friends for the sake of their boyfriends, and even have less contact with female friends, which shows that women's love for men is not correct.

Independent socialization and one's own circle are essential for every independent person, and they are also the guarantee of a normal life. If you lose your independent social interaction, you lose the possibility of becoming a real man.

No matter how much you love a man, don't agree to these requests easily, it will only make him look down on you

If a guy asks you to quit your social circle, don't say yes easily. Because giving up friends and circles will only make the boy despise you, and the relationship between the two will not last long.

Emotional Interpretation:

True love needs to be based on equality and respect in order to last. If your boyfriend always brings up things that make you lose your dignity or personality, it is likely that he does not really love you and that you are just an object to him.

In love, women can only grasp love if they have the initiative. Blindly satisfying men's needs will only end up losing self and love. Girls, don't make the same mistake again!