
When getting along with the opposite sex, these three actions of men are actually very affectionate to you


It is often said that men are the best at concealing their feelings, so that women cannot guess what they really think in their hearts. Because I don't know if they are affectionate to themselves, they don't dare to give all their efforts. When getting along with the opposite sex, the most fearful thing is just playing, and the other party is giving it sincerely.

Once women fall in love, they will be affectionate, and they can easily give sincerely. Many women have experienced emotional pain in their hearts, and after being hurt by an unkind man, they close their hearts to believe in love.

In the world of love, women must know how to take care of themselves, see through the mask of men, and look for men who truly love themselves and care about themselves selflessly.

How can you tell if a man truly loves himself? In fact, there is no need to shout or make gorgeous vows to love someone, and true love is often reflected in small acts in daily life.

It is impossible to hide that you truly love someone, and you will unreservedly present the best side of yourself to them. Although it doesn't need to be too flashy, it can reflect your sincerity and enthusiasm. Friend Xuanxuan and boyfriend Xiaokai met in college and have been together for three years now, and they have experienced ups and downs together.

When getting along with the opposite sex, these three actions of men are actually very affectionate to you

During the graduation season, Xiaofeng discussed finding a job with her boyfriend. Xiaofeng found a job in Shanghai that she liked professionally, and her boyfriend was hired by a large company in Shenzhen. Although they didn't want to separate, they had to choose a long-distance relationship because of the good work pay and suitable for their own development.

The work is very busy, coupled with being far away from home, in just half a year, Xiaofeng is on the verge of collapse. Although she was on the verge of breaking down, she still persevered, only her enthusiasm didn't seem to be as strong as before.

Boyfriend Xiao Kai noticed a small change in Xiao Feng's heart, and after a short thought, he found a job in Shanghai with a lower salary than Shenzhen. Xiaofeng was moved to tears when she learned of her boyfriend's decision, and felt that she had chosen the right person.

In fact, my him was very attentive to me before he quit his job, but I was confused and didn't feel his intentions. Men give but don't get anything in return, and sometimes they feel lost. A woman must know how to comprehend a man's affectionate dedication to you.

When getting along with the opposite sex, these three actions of men are actually very affectionate to you

01 I am reluctant to let you be wronged

Everyone who has been in love knows that there are some things that men do that will move women, and it doesn't matter if they don't do it; And there are some things that a man will make a woman happy if he does it seriously, but if the man doesn't pay attention to it, he won't break up because of it.

A man often wants what he wants, he wants to eat a few bites of watermelon at night, if he doesn't buy it, maybe nothing else will happen, he will tell you to go again tomorrow, and persuade you gently, and the matter will be over.

Some good men will observe your mood changes and are willing to go and fulfill your small requests even in the evening. They express deep feelings with meticulous care and care.

02 Good things come first to you, and you are not willing to regress

The difference between liking and love is whether they are willing to pay for you, liking is two people who are happy together, and caring is to feel happy while giving themselves. People who truly love you will not let go easily, because they have to pay for you, no matter how difficult it is, and they also want to shake hands with you.

When getting along with the opposite sex, these three actions of men are actually very affectionate to you

There are many manifestations of a man's love for someone, but the most intuitive thing is that he will think that you are more important than himself. When a man gets along with you, he is willing to get rid of interests and ego and put you in the most important place in his heart. This is the manifestation of his affectionate dedication.

You don't like the smell of smoke, he doesn't take out his cigarette easily when he is around you, respect your preferences; You don't like spicy food, and when eating out, he will try to order your favorite shrimp corn instead of his preferred Sichuan food. These small details just show his deep love for you, and everything is centered on you.

03 Like a child who doesn't grow up in front of you

If a man is particularly old in front of you, it means that the man does not really like you. Everyone says that men are always children, and when they like someone, they always behave childishly and cutely, which is not bad at all.

Although men are usually calm and composed, they all have a childlike heart deep down and they will only show their true colors unabashedly in front of people they like and trust.

When getting along with the opposite sex, these three actions of men are actually very affectionate to you

If the man around you shows some childish cuteness, don't dislike him for being too naïve, and don't feel bored, this is actually a manifestation of his deep intentions for you, and you must cherish it.

Emotional Summary:

Being deeply loved, you may not hear sweet words every day, but your heart is full of security and the feeling of being cared for by your beloved.

Men and women are different and look at love in very different ways. Women need to learn to understand what is in their hearts through the eyes of men. If a man shows the following three actions, then it shows that he has deep feelings for you and must not give up easily.

In this world, every day there will be people who are hurt by love, and there will be people who believe in love again. If you've ever had a twist or turn in love, don't be disappointed in the world. Because there will always be someone who will feel that although there are thousands of good things in the world, only you are the most precious.