
Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

author:Yoyo chatter

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Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

In many films, television and news reports, nuclear weapons are often portrayed as the ultimate weapon with the power to destroy the world. So, are nuclear weapons really as "awesome" as advertised?

The real sharing of netizens below is simply an eye-opener for me

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

Obvious guys!

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

You're so right. Without nuclear weapons, the Japanese emperor said that he would fight to the death with the Americans with 100 million jade pieces, and he would not hesitate to kill 100 million Japanese. The United States dropped two nuclear bombs, and the emperor immediately surrendered, laughing to death. [Laughs]

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

It's time for your knowledge base to be updated, just think about it. With current technology, it is possible to repair the decision-making center and R&D center hundreds or thousands of meters underground, or directly in the mountains, under the cover of that level, as long as the dignitaries and dignitaries hide in it, all the nuclear bombs in the world will not hurt a single hair

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

Only the Kremlin was spoken

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

Fortunately, there are nuclear bombs, otherwise ordinary people really don't have enough to cut

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

It's true that nuclear weapons have no effect on the planet, but it is still possible to destroy 95 percent of humanity.

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

I just came back from a self-drive in Yunnan, and the mountains over there are really big, thousands of meters high and dozens of kilometers wide, and I drove down the mountain, and the car's battery went up by 5% [laughs]

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

For the United States, as long as there are nuclear weapons that can be dropped on Washington, even if ordinary people in New York do not die, it will calm down the American president. Those who really start wars, those who use others as cannon fodder, will always stay in a safe place. Thanks to nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, it is possible to calm down those who started the war. The same is true for other countries.

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

Already running into the parking lot. When can I go out?

Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here

Indeed, most people only know about nuclear bombs because they are not just large bombs, and the basement is deep enough to dodge them. As everyone knows, human society is very fragile, and nuclear weapons are different from ordinary strategic bombing, nuclear weapons can blow up all the industries in a city to ashes, even if you hide in the permanent fortifications, can your factories and workers all hide in the basement in advance? How many days can a worker factory without these industrial chains survive only on the resources stored in the permanent fortifications? [laughs and cries]

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Are nuclear weapons really as awesome as they are advertised? Netizen: Victory or defeat is here