
Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

author:The world speaks a new language
Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

Text|Editor|Shishuo Xinyu

The national football team is the biggest pain in the minds of many Chinese fans! However, in a recent online voting, the national football team unexpectedly won the most popular prize!

Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

Recently, some netizens launched an online vote in Toutiao, and the news that the national football team unexpectedly won the most popular award aroused everyone's curiosity.

It turned out that some netizens took the national football team, Zhang Weiwei, Sima Nan, and Hu Xijin as the selection objects, and asked netizens to choose their favorite among the 4 options. However, what is surprising is that the national football team is far ahead of the other three in terms of votes.

Because in this online survey, in addition to the national level, the remaining three are all well-known Internet influencers who have a very large influence on social platforms. As a result, this online survey has been in the spotlight from the very beginning.

However, what is surprising is that it can be seen from this online poll that although there are still 6 days before the end, more than 4,800 people have participated in the vote, and the national football team has won more than 4,000 likes, accounting for more than 80% of the voters.

Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

On June 30, when Lao Xu saw the progress of this online investigation in Toutiao, he was directly happy, he didn't expect that these Internet big Vs would lose to the national football team. So, he shared the news on his account.

Lao Xu said: "When I saw the voting of this online survey, I was so happy, I didn't expect the voting results to be so miserable for those Internet Vs."

From the words of this article shared by Lao Xu, you can feel that Lao Xu is happy to see such a result, and there is quite a bit of ridicule in it.

Lao Xu's article, as soon as it was released on social platforms, aroused heated discussions among everyone, and they left messages in the comment area to express their views and opinions.

01. If the Internet big V in this list is replaced by Lao Xu, Chu Yin and Professor Huang, I wonder if the national football team can win so easily as it is now?

Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

02, I don't choose any of these options, if I have to choose one of them, I still choose the national football team. After all, they are more honest and like to hide nothing and will not hide anything.

Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

03. After watching it for so long, I didn't find any similarities and differences between these four options. I only know that after every time the national football team finishes a game, there are more curses on the streets.

Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

04, Lao Xu, don't have fun here! Hurry up and check if Professor Huang has received the cup he promised to give you some time ago, if not, I can help you remind him.

Crack someone up! The national football team won the first place in the most popular, Lao Xu was so happy that the comment area also exploded

The editor believes that netizens put the national football team together with the other three networks, and then let everyone choose the one they like, which is actually a gimmick. And most netizens chose the national football team, in fact, they are indirectly expressing their dissatisfaction with the current Internet public opinion!

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