
Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

author:Sir Wen

Text|Editor: Ink Dance Allure


wanted to hang up Dr. Yu Li's number, but found that she was still suspended until July 4.

This can't help but be reminiscent.

Is the news of Yu Li's resignation uploaded on the Internet true?

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

Some netizens said through the grapevine that Teacher Yu Li really left from Southern Medical University.

As for the pressure from the school, it is too much.

Or the teaching environment made her disheartened, and outsiders don't know.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

But since Teacher Yu Li was caught up in the cusp of public opinion, the school has been quiet.

This kind of silence seems to be a statement, which makes people feel cold, and Teacher Yu Li is probably uncomfortable.

Yu Li, who has a doctorate, should have no problem technically finding her next job.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

But she is now at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, and it is really a big question mark whether other units will take her over.

If it doesn't work, opening a small clinic on your own is also a way.

Maybe you can make a breakthrough.

Professor Yu Li, the hero of the rescue, was forced to resign?

It's really unexpected, Southern Medical University recently broke a big news.

Professor Yu Li, who was punished for delaying the course of international students because of the emergency treatment of a sick child, has now resigned under the pressure of the school.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

This matter is really distressing for Teacher Yu Li.

I also feel resentful about the way the school handled it.

Teacher Yu Li obviously did a good deed, but what was the result?

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

First, the whole school circulated criticism.

The bonus was stopped for five months, and there was no play in the evaluation for a year, and then even the outpatient clinic could not be opened, and it was completely hung there.

In the end, she had to choose to leave.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

The school may feel.

As soon as the person leaves, the tea is cold, and the matter is over.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

But they never expected to do so.

In fact, it has poured cold water on social morality, made people's views on the medical profession regress by 30 years, and blackened the sacred mission of saving lives and helping the wounded.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

In retrospect, those cold words.

The lightest punishment, teaching takes precedence over saving people, and not missing you to save people, listening to it makes people's hearts pull out the cold.

This is not only unfair to Teacher Yu Li, but also a distortion of the values of the entire medical community.

Save people and attend classes.

Which is more important?

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

It wasn't supposed to be a multiple-choice question, but in the eyes of some people.

It seems that power and fame are more valuable than anything else.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

It's really chilling and helpless.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

Southern Medical University Turmoil Resumes: What is the connection between the investigation of the director of infrastructure and the Yu Li incident?

However, the turmoil of Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect another news to put Southern Medical University in a whirlpool.

June 29th.

The Shantou Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued an announcement saying that Deng Changyuan, the former director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University, was under a series of investigations by the province and the city because he was suspected of violating discipline and law, and the problem was not small.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

University infrastructure has always been a place with a lot of oil and water, and it is easy to slip into the quagmire of corruption if you are not careful.


Director Deng's investigation happened to hit the public opinion storm caused by the school's punishment of Teacher Yu Li.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

Some people wonder if there is a connection behind these two things?

Is there anyone dissatisfied with the punishment of Teacher Yu Li?

What about secretly reporting Director Deng?

Besides, Deng Changyuan is the director of infrastructure.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

The level is not too high, and it is difficult to say that there is no acquiescence or support from the top management to make such a big move.

Netizens feel that this kind of key position.

How can you sit still without a backstage?

Therefore, Deng Changyuan is likely to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

Whether there are bigger fish behind him to check is a big question mark.

In addition, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is stationed in the Department of Education.

Regarding the huge online repercussions caused by Teacher Yu Li's incident, should we also take the opportunity to investigate?

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

After all, even authoritative media such as the national party media information public platform have spoken.

Criticizing the school for its lack of humanity and conscience in dealing with problems is obviously problem-oriented.

Yu Li's resignation is still fermenting, but I didn't expect that Southern Medical University revealed that the director of infrastructure construction was investigated by discipline supervision

Everyone is looking forward to the Discipline Inspection Commission investigating the director of infrastructure construction at the same time, and at the same time, it can also give a reasonable explanation of Teacher Yu Li's grievances.

Don't let a doctor save people.

In the end, my heart was cold.