
pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

author:Open-minded orange YVC

Everyone in the world knows that the Volunteers to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea are brave and fearless, but they do not know that in peacetime, some people pretend to be volunteers to defraud their treatment. This is a true story that happened in the nineties of the last century, and the protagonist is a veteran oilman who used to move between various troops. He met a real volunteer veteran in the mountains and lived together for almost thirty years. When the veteran of the Volunteer Army died, this veteran returned to the village and began to assume his identity with the knowledge accumulated over the years with the Decaused Volunteer Army. He successfully deceived the relevant departments and other comrades-in-arms of the Volunteer Army and received preferential treatment. However, as fate would have it, a real volunteer battalion commander came to visit and saw through the scam in only ten seconds. How did this battalion commander find out the truth in such a short period of time?

pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

Complex background of veteran oil

In the turbulent era of China's recent history, there is one person whose experience is legendary. He is the protagonist of this story, a real "veteran oilman". His life experience is like a condensed history of modern China, full of dramatic turns and changes.

The veteran was born in the late 1920s, during the reign of the Nationalist government. His teenage years coincided with the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War and the country was in turmoil. In those days, many young people had to join various armed forces in order to survive. Our protagonist is no exception, and his military career began with joining the local armed forces.

As the situation of the war changed, he moved from unit to unit. He once joined the local bandits, where he learned the skills to survive and the cunning way to behave in the world. Later, he was incorporated into the puppet army and became a traitor. Although this experience made him feel ashamed, it also gave him a deep understanding of the difficulty of survival.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he joined the Kuomintang army and became a platoon commander. However, he has always adhered to the survival philosophy of "Bing Oil" - never be the last person to surrender. Therefore, in the War of Liberation, when the Kuomintang army was losing and retreating, he quickly chose to surrender.

After 1949, the veteran returned to his hometown. However, due to the complex historical background, he has never been able to live with peace of mind. In the early fifties, with his keen political sense, he chose to hide in the mountains alone, almost cut off from the outside world.

It was then that fate arranged an unexpected companion for him. This person is a real veteran of the Volunteer Army, who has a bad relationship with his family and villagers because of the psychological trauma and irritable personality left by participating in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The volunteer veteran eventually chose to flee the village and live in the mountains.

When the two first met, they were both wary of each other. However, over time, they gradually built trust. The veteran Youzi found that although the volunteer veteran was short-tempered, he was simple in heart and had rich battlefield experience and survival skills.

For the next nearly three decades, these two people from different backgrounds lived together deep in the mountains. Together, they cultivated the mountains and grew grain and vegetables. In their spare time, the two would hunt together or trade mountain goods for some necessities. Although life was hard, they found inner peace.

During this time, veteran Youzi heard many stories about the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea from veterans of the Volunteer Army. The Battle of Shangganling, the Battle of Jincheng, and the Battle of Changjin Lake...... These thrilling battle scenes come to life in the accounts of volunteer veterans. Although the veteran Youzi had not personally experienced these battles, he had gained a deep understanding of the experience of the volunteer army through long-term listening and communication.

However, the good times were short-lived. By the mid-1980s, volunteer veterans died of illness. Having lost his partner for many years, veteran Youzi feels deeply lonely. Coupled with his advanced age, it is becoming more and more difficult to live alone in the mountains. Eventually, he decided to return to the village.

Upon returning to the village, the veteran Yauko discovers that the village has changed dramatically. Those who knew their details had either died or moved elsewhere. Their experience in the village has become a vague legend. Faced with an unfamiliar environment and an uncertain future, veteran Yauko begins to think about how to survive in this new world. It was at this time that a bold idea sprung up in his mind......

Elaborate impersonation schemes

In the early 1990s, the Chinese government began to implement a series of preferential policies to recognize and care for people who have made significant contributions to the country, including veterans of the Chinese Volunteers to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. These policies cover many aspects such as medical care, pension, and housing, and have greatly improved the quality of life of veterans in their later years.

When the veteran Youzi returned to the village, he quickly learned about the situation. He found that if he could successfully impersonate the deceased volunteer veteran, he would not only be able to solve his own survival problems, but also live a relatively superior life. So, he began to elaborate this impersonation plan.

pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

First of all, the veteran oiler needs to solve the problem of identification. He claimed to the relevant departments that he was the veteran of the Volunteer Army who died in the mountains. To explain why there were no identification documents, he made up a story: while living in the mountains, an accidental fire destroyed all the documents and documents. This statement both explains the absence of documents and adds credibility to his story.

Next, veteran Youzi began to use the knowledge he had accumulated over the years with real volunteer veterans. He recalled in detail the combat experiences told by veterans of the Chinese People's Volunteers, including the number of the unit, the time of entering the DPRK, and the main battles in which he participated. He especially emphasized the details of the Battle of Shangganling, because it was one of the most famous battles in the history of the Volunteer Army.

To add credibility, veteran Youzi also mentioned the names of several real-life volunteer soldiers, including platoon commanders and company commanders. He claimed that these people could serve as witnesses to his identity. This trick is extremely clever, because during the war years, there was a frequent turnover of troops, many soldiers were not familiar with each other, and decades have passed, and people's appearance and memory have changed a lot.

When describing the details of the battle, the veteran oil made full use of his military experience. He skillfully combined his experiences with stories told by volunteer veterans to create a seemingly authentic battlefield narrative. He described the hardships of life in the trenches, the fear of facing enemy artillery fire, and the deep friendship between his comrades. These details, while not entirely accurate, are real enough to impress the listener.

In order to explain why he has lived in the mountains for so many years, the veteran Yauko concocts a story about psychological trauma. He claimed that he had witnessed so much death and cruelty during the war that he could not adapt to normal social life, so he chose to live in seclusion in the mountains. The story not only explains his actions, but also arouses sympathy from the people.

In the process of preparing this plan, the veteran Youzi also deliberately learned about the political situation and social environment at that time. He knew that in the early 1990s, China was in the deepening stage of reform and opening up, and all sectors of society generally had an attitude of respect and gratitude to veterans of the war against US aggression and aid to Korea. This atmosphere provided favorable conditions for his impersonation scheme.

In order to avoid revealing flaws, veteran Youzi also deliberately learned some terms and expressions commonly used by the volunteer army. He imitated the speech and demeanor of the veterans of the Chinese People's Volunteers, and from time to time used some popular slogans and words at that time, such as "Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Defend the Homeland and Defend the Country," "Majestic and high-spirited, cross the Yalu River."

In the process of contact with the relevant departments, the veteran oilman showed both humility and confidence. He claimed that he had only fulfilled the obligations of a Chinese and did not need special recognition. This attitude is more in line with people's impression of a volunteer veteran, which adds credibility to his story.

In this way, through careful preparation and ingenious performances, the veteran oil man successfully deceived the relevant departments and other volunteer comrades. He obtained the identity of a veteran of the Volunteer Army and enjoyed the corresponding preferential treatment policies. Little did he know, however, that this seemingly seamless plan would soon encounter an unexpected challenge.

pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

Windfall and improved lives

With the successful falsification of his identity, the life of the veteran oil son has changed dramatically. As a "volunteer veteran", he began to enjoy various preferential policies formulated by the state for this special group.

First of all, on the economic side, veteran oilseeds received a considerable veteran's grant. Although this fixed monthly subsidy is not huge, it is already a considerable income for a person who has lived in the mountains for a long time. In addition, he also enjoyed social security benefits such as medical insurance and pension insurance, which greatly improved his quality of life.

The housing problem has also been resolved. In order to commend the contributions of volunteer veterans, the local government has allocated a number of affordable housing. As a result, the veteran Youzi obtained a two-bedroom house in the county seat, and said goodbye to the simple life in the mountains. This house is not only in good living conditions, but also in an excellent location, close to hospitals, markets and other living facilities, which greatly facilitates his daily life.

In terms of medical care, veteran oilseeds enjoy priority medical treatment and medical fee waivers. Taking into account the special status of the "veteran of the Volunteer Army", the local hospital also arranged a special medical examination and rehabilitation program for him. This is undoubtedly a great blessing for an old man who is past his prime.

In addition to these material improvements, the social status of the veteran oilseeds has also changed significantly. In the village, he went from an unknown old man to a highly respected hero to resist US aggression and aid Korea. Neighbors often took the initiative to visit his home to ask him about his war experience, and sometimes brought some home-grown vegetables and fruits. The children of the village were also full of curiosity about this "heroic grandfather" and often gathered around him to listen to his war stories.

The local government also attaches great importance to this "veteran of the Volunteer Army". Every major festival, such as Army Day, National Day, etc., the government will organize personnel to visit the door and send condolences and condolences to them. Sometimes, he is invited to participate in some official commemorative activities, such as the celebration of the anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

However, with the improvement of social status, the veteran oiler also faces new challenges. As a "volunteer veteran", he will inevitably be invited to participate in various related activities, such as patriotic education lectures in schools, veterans' associations, etc. These occasions are all potentially dangerous for an impostor.

In order to avoid revealing his true identity, the veteran Youzi began to adopt a series of strategies. First of all, he avoided participating in large volunteer related activities as much as possible, especially those where other volunteer veterans might participate. Whenever he received such invitations, he would decline them on the grounds that he was not feeling well.

pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

Secondly, in the activities that he had to attend, the veteran oilman always tried to keep a low profile. He would avoid dwelling on the specifics of the battle, instead emphasizing more on the hardships and brutality of war and the preciousness of peace. This vague narrative can not only meet people's expectations of "heroic stories", but also avoid revealing flaws due to improper detailed descriptions.

When communicating with other veterans, veteran oilseeds are also extra cautious. He always tried to steer the conversation to common experiences, such as training life when he joined the army, longing for his hometown, etc., and avoided discussing specific battles and unit numbers. When asked about unfamiliar content, he subtly prevaricates with "I'm too old to remember."

Despite these challenges, overall, the quality of life of veteran oilers has improved dramatically. He not only solved the basic problem of survival, but also gained the respect and love of society. Little did he know, however, that this seemingly perfect life was about to face a great test. The arrival of a real volunteer battalion commander will completely change his fate.

The truth is revealed and the identity is revealed

In the autumn of 1994, an old man named Zhang Guoan came to this small county town. Zhang Guoan is a true veteran of the Volunteer Army, who served as a battalion commander in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. The purpose of his trip was to find his former comrades, and he heard that there was a veteran who had fought alongside him.

Zhang Guoan's arrival has attracted great attention from the local government. The county commissioner personally arranged the welcoming ceremony and organized a sorority for veterans. As the only "volunteer veteran" in the local area, veteran Youzi was naturally invited to participate.

At the gathering, Zhang Guoan enthusiastically told about his war experience. He mentioned many specific details of the battle, including the number of the troops, the place of battle, the name of the commander, etc. The other veterans present were attentive and let out exclamations from time to time. However, the veteran oil was unusually silent.

When Zhang Guoan talked about the Battle of Shangganling, he suddenly turned to the veteran soldier Youzi and asked, "Brother, do you still remember the fierce battle we fought on the 931 Heights?" This question put the veteran oil in a predicament. He replied hesitantly that he couldn't remember it clearly, and that he had forgotten many things because he was old.

Zhang Guoan was a little puzzled, and continued to ask: "How can you forget?" It was the worst battle we've ever had. Do you remember how we broke through the enemy blockade? "

pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

Faced with this specific question, the veteran soldier Youzi could only say vaguely: "Oh, yes, yes, it was indeed a vicious battle." We... We are... With a stubborn will, he broke through the enemy's blockade. "

After Zhang Guoan heard this, a puzzled expression appeared on his face. He said, "Brother, you're not right. We took advantage of the terrain and climbed up cliffs that the enemy didn't expect. How could you not remember? "

At this time, the other people present also began to talk about it. Someone asked the veteran which company the veteran was from and what major battles he participated in. Faced with these questions, the veteran Youzi's answers became more and more confusing and inconsistent.

The more Zhang Guoan listened, the more he felt that something was wrong. He stood up, walked over to the veteran oil, and examined his face carefully. Suddenly, Zhang Guoan said loudly: "You are not my comrade-in-arms at all!" We don't have you in our company! Who are you? Why pose as a volunteer veteran? "

This question was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and it exploded in the venue. Everyone's eyes were on the veteran oil. Under tremendous pressure, the veteran oiler finally collapsed. He fell to his knees, crying and confessing his true identity.

Veteran Oilzi explained that he was just an ordinary veteran who took risks because of the difficulties of life. He explained in detail how he used his experience with real volunteer veterans to fabricate a fake identity.

This shocking truth shocked everyone present. The county magistrate immediately called a meeting of relevant departments to discuss how to deal with the incident. After deliberation, it was decided to immediately cancel the veteran status of the volunteer army veteran of the veteran Youzi and withdraw all preferential treatment policies.

The news quickly spread throughout the county. The villagers, who once respected the veteran Youzi, now shunned him, and some even scolded him. The children who had gathered around him to listen to war stories now looked at him with contempt.

In order to appease the anger of the public, the local government decided to impose severe penalties on the veteran Youzi. Not only was he required to return all the grants he received, but he also faced criminal charges of fraud.

pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

In this way, the good life carefully constructed by the veteran oil fell apart overnight. He had to move out of that comfortable house and return to the mountains and forests. However, this time he is no longer the respected "veteran of the Volunteer Army", but a liar that everyone spits on.

This incident has caused widespread discussion in the local area. People are beginning to reflect on how to better verify the identity of veterans to prevent similar incidents from happening again. At the same time, this incident has also triggered people's thinking about the survival plight of the bottom of society.

Deep reflection and social impact

The outbreak of the veteran oil incident caused a huge shock in the local area, and its impact went far beyond an ordinary case of fraud. This incident not only exposed the loopholes in social management, but also triggered people's deep thinking about many social problems.

First, the incident exposed the imperfections of the veterans' identification system. The local civil affairs department immediately launched a comprehensive investigation and found that one of the reasons why the veteran Youzi was able to successfully forge his identity was the confusion in file management. Many of the veterans' files are mutilated by age, and some have even been lost. This makes it extremely difficult to verify your identity. In order to solve this problem, the civil affairs department began to establish a unified national veterans' information database, using modern information technology to digitally manage the information of all veterans.

Secondly, the incident also reflects negligence on the part of the staff at the grassroots level in verifying their identities. To this end, the local government has organized a series of trainings to improve the professional quality and responsibility of the staff. At the same time, a multi-departmental joint verification mechanism has been established, which requires that when determining the identity of special groups, they must be cross-verified by multiple departments.

However, as the investigation deepened, people gradually realized that the problem was much more than a mere institutional loophole. Although the behavior of veteran oil is illegal, it also reflects the survival dilemma of the bottom of society. Local governments are beginning to re-examine poverty alleviation policies and try to fill gaps to ensure that those who really need help receive appropriate support.

At the same time, the incident has also sparked public reflection on hero worship. People are beginning to realize that over-glorifying certain groups can lead some people to take risks. To this end, local media outlets have begun to try to report on the lives of veterans in a more objective and comprehensive way, showing their contributions and not avoiding the difficulties they face.

In the field of education, this event has also had far-reaching consequences. The local education department organized the compilation of a set of teaching materials on the theme of integrity, including the veteran oil incident as a negative teaching material. The school began to hold regular integrity education lectures, inviting people from all walks of life to share their understanding and experience of integrity.

pretended to be a deceased volunteer to deceive the treatment, thinking that it was seamless, and was recognized by the battalion commander of the real volunteer army in ten seconds

Members of the legal profession also participated in the discussion. They pointed out that although the actions of the veteran oiler constituted the crime of fraud, his motives and social factors should also be taken into account in sentencing. This argument has led to reflection on how the law should balance punishment and forgiveness.

The media played an important role in this event. In the early days, many reports tended to condemn the deception of veteran oilers. But as time went on, some media outlets began to delve into the background of the veteran Youzi, trying to understand what kind of social environment created such a "liar". This shift in reporting perspective has also contributed to a pluralistic public understanding of the event.

In cyberspace, the discussion about the veteran oil incident continues to heat up. Some netizens strongly condemned the behavior of the veteran oil, believing that such deception corrupted the social atmosphere. Others sympathized with him, believing that it reflected the inadequacy of the social security system. This opposition of views has led to more people participating in the discussion of social issues.

The veteran oil incident has also given a boost to local volunteerism. Many people realize that it is not enough to meet the needs of all vulnerable groups by relying on government alone. As a result, a number of volunteer organizations began to emerge locally, reaching out into the community to provide various forms of support to those who did need help.

With the passage of time, the veteran oil incident gradually subsided, but the social reflection it triggered continued to ferment. People have begun to pay more attention to the living conditions of the lower strata of society, and they have become more cautious in the formulation and implementation of various preferential policies. Although this incident originated from the deception of one person, it ultimately promoted the progress of social governance and the improvement of public awareness.