
The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

author:Grasshoppers say entertainment

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In the 1/8 finals of the European Cup in the early morning of June 30, Switzerland played Italy, Italy conceded two goals in 37 and 46 minutes, and was blitzed in the opening 27 seconds of the second half.

3 points Germany vs. Denmark, Hojlen missed a single knife, 0-0 at half-time, German penalty kick in the second half, a single goal 2-0 to advance, and 2 seats have been decided in the top 8.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

In the bright night sky of European football, Euro 2024 pierced the quiet summer night with its unique light, especially the extraordinary day on June 30, which not only witnessed the joy and sorrow on the green field, but also added a strong stroke to the history of football.

The hands of time slowly pointed to the early hours of the morning, and the battlefield of the 1/8 finals of the European Championship was filled with gunsmoke, and the two key battles interpreted the unpredictability and charm of football in very different ways.

Let's turn our attention to the Swiss-Italy showdown, which turned out to be the most shocking episode of the night.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

In the first half of the match, the Swiss team put defending champions Italy under unprecedented pressure with their tenacious defence and precise counter-attacking strategies.

In the 37th minute, the Swiss team used a quick counterattack to penetrate the Italian defense and take the first goal, and the air in the stadium seemed to freeze, and the crowd waited with bated breath.

It was just a prologue, and just nine minutes later, the Swiss team once again took advantage of a brief lapse in the Italian defence to extend the score to 2-0, and the whole of Europe shook at this moment.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

At the start of the second half, the Swiss showed their resolve with astonishing speed, just 27 seconds after kick-off, a quick counter-attack after a tackle, and the goal was penetrated for the third time to make it an incredible 3-0.

Italy, once hailed as a giant of steel, looked so fragile at this moment that despite their attempts to launch a counter-attack, they were unable to change the scoreline, and the defeat was undoubtedly one of the biggest upsets in the history of Italian football.

After the game, people couldn't help but question whether the coach's line-up was too conservative and whether there were obvious mistakes in the use of personnel, this defeat was a heavy blow to Italy, but also a deep reflection.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

On the other battlefield, the battle between Germany and Denmark presented a completely different picture.

In the first half, the two sides fell into a stalemate, especially the German team's Hojlen missed a precious one-on-one chance, so that the half-time score was frozen at 0-0, and the air was filled with tension and anticipation.

In the second half, as the game wore on, the Germans gradually took the initiative, and although Anderson's follow-up shot was disallowed for offside by a team-mate, they were not discouraged.

At the crucial moment, Kai Havertz broke the deadlock for Germany with a penalty and took a 1-0 lead.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

Then, the young teenager Musiala scored a solo goal in the 69th minute to further consolidate Germany's advantage.

Although Wirtz's goal before the end of the game was disallowed for offside, it did not prevent Germany from advancing to the last eight with a score of 2-0, showing the tenacity and strength of the German team.

As the dust settles on these two games, two more names have been added to the top 8 list, and at the same time, people are full of speculation and anticipation for the next games.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

In this football feast, the exit of every strong team is a sigh of relief, and it also indicates that new challengers are rising.

For the next strong team that may be out of the game, people have turned their attention to those traditional giants, perhaps because of the aging of the lineup, or because of improper tactical arrangements, the fall of the strong team is always accompanied by the interweaving of many internal and external factors.

Whether it is because of the opponent's extraordinary performance or the ups and downs of their own state, there is no eternal king on the football field, only the heart of continuous pursuit of victory.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

The 1/8 finals of Euro 2024, with its dramatic plots, fierce confrontations, and those unexpected endings, once again proved the charm of football as the number one sport in the world.

Every contest is a test of skill and tactics, but also a sharpening of will and determination.

On this stage, there are surprises and regrets, and it is these complex emotions that are intertwined to build a unique story in the world of football.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

As the tournament progresses, more unknowns await to be revealed, so let's look forward to each of the next battles, witness those fateful moments, and who will lift the trophy that symbolizes glory.

In the fierce competition of the European Championship, each knockout game is not only a direct dialogue between the teams, but also an all-round consideration of the coach's wisdom, players' mentality and teamwork ability.

With the Switzerland and Italy and Germany and Denmark matches coming to an end, the eyes of the crowd naturally turned to the upcoming showdown and which team with high hopes could be the next to leave the stadium.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

In this journey to chase their dreams, the performance of the French team, as a traditional giant, is particularly eye-catching.

France, which has a luxurious squad, has no shortage of highlights all the way from the group stage, but it has also exposed the problem of relying on individual stars and the overall coordination is slightly rusty.

In the next game, if the French team cannot effectively solve the lack of control in the midfield and the occasional omission in the backline, then even the superstars may face the fate of elimination.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

After all, in such a high-level confrontation, any slight mistake can be caught by the opponent and turned into a fatal blow.

On the other hand, the Spanish team also faces a serious test.

In recent years, Spanish football is in a critical period of replacing the old with the new, and the injection of young blood has brought vitality to the team, but it is also a lack of experience in major competitions.

Faced with an increasingly diverse mix of technical genres, Spain will need to regain their signature passing rhythm while finding a quicker and more effective balance between attack and defence.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

If the midfield control is weakened, or the forward line is not able to grasp the opportunities, Spain are likely to fall into the crossroads in the high-intensity knockout rounds and become the next to be the next to be sadly eliminated.

In addition, Belgium is an upstart in international football in recent years, and its golden generation of players is entering the late stages of their careers.

Despite his outstanding individual abilities, fitness and injury problems have become a sword of Damocles hanging over Belgium's head.

Under the high-intensity confrontation, how to rationally allocate physical energy and reduce unnecessary injuries will be the key to whether Belgium can go further.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

Once the core players have a dip in form or unexpected injury, Belgium's overall strength will be greatly reduced, and the aura of a strong team may also be dimmed as a result.

All in all, there is no shortage of surprises and disappointments on the stage of the European Championship.

Every team aiming to win the championship needs to be vigilant against potential crises while maintaining self-confidence.

Whether it's tactical adjustments or psychological construction, every detail can make the difference between winning and losing the game.

The European Cup is in chaos! 2 of the top 8, the defending champion was out of the tournament 0-2, and Germany advanced to the dark horse

And all we can do as fans is to wait with bated breath and witness the passionate collisions that are about to take place, and every legend that will be written on this green field.

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