
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

author:Entertainment gossip

In the TV series "Spending the Year of China", the concubine Pei Wenxuan was beaten by his relatives with a mallet when he returned to the door, and the eldest princess broke into the door directly, domineering her husband and taught the Pei family: Pei Wenxuan is a person from the palace, do you dare to move?

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!
Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: Second Uncle Gu's marriage proposal. [covers face] [covers face] [covers face]

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: For the first time, I got the coolness of watching the male frequency [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: I'll praise it, at first, the elderly princess thought she was dressed as a child, but seeing this, she is the eldest princess.

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: Su Guogong didn't expect that this track also allowed Pei Wenxuan to break in.

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: I'm in the first half, and now it's the second half, it's too good [covering my face] [covering my face] [covering my face]

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: It's not dubbing, it's a live sound directly at the same time, an original blockbuster.

Netizen: I said, how do you listen to that sense of emptiness, not like the later dubbing, but I can't believe that it is the same voice, after all, it is too difficult.

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: That is to say, the second male sang as soon as he appeared, but the male protagonist did not.

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: I will definitely watch it, but if the update time collides, there will be a loss of popularity, Sauvignon Blanc 7,8 will be broadcast, it will definitely attract traffic, after all, the popularity of the show is there, so if this drama drags on to 7,8, the popularity will definitely not be as good as it is now!

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: It's not that I took the heroine's weak script, the ancient minister's big family and the big family born in a wealthy family, that's it!

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!

Netizen: No, no, no, you won't feel anything just by watching the video, I felt that they didn't have a sense of CP at all when I first watched the video, and now it's so fragrant!

Netizen: It's so emotional, the princess is domineering. Duhua's eldest princess is domineering and guarding!