
The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

author:The past is like a cloud of smoke

The name Ao Jianian must be familiar to friends who often watch Hong Kong dramas. He once played the role of "Rib Boy" in "Women and Heroes: The Pride of the Righteous Sea", and he was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with this role.

Later, due to the poor development of TVB, he announced that he would leave his old club TVB four years ago, and then shuttled to various radio stations to take over work as a free person.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

Recently, Ao Jianian suddenly posted a black and white photo on social platforms, marked with the topic of "posthumous photos", and posted a post proclaiming: "Silly boy, it doesn't matter Is ok".

As soon as this news was issued, many netizens were instantly frightened. After reading it, many netizens left messages, asking him what happened, and constantly encouraged him to "be happy, I hope it will be tomorrow".

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

Speaking of Ao Jianian, he has been in the industry for 30 years, and before entering the industry, he had done ready-to-wear and handbag design, and also worked as an assistant to Zhang Shuping.

In 1996, Ao Jianian participated in the Hong Kong and Taiwan DJ training class and hosted the late-night music program "Talking and Singing Never Sleeps", which was well-known to the audience.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

During his tenure, he met his mentor Hong Chaofeng. got the other party's introduction to join TVB, became the location host of "City Chase", and then went all the way.

was appreciated by Bole producer Li Tiansheng, and played the second ancestor in "Blue Blood Salt Lord", which received a good response.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

After that, he participated in "Women and Heroes" to play the villain Jiang Biwen, and won the 2009 leap forward male artist with the play.

In the second year, he was shortlisted for the final five of the Best Supporting Actor in "Thousands of Stars Awards Ceremony 2010" with the role of Rib Boy in "Women and Heroes: The Pride of the Righteous Sea".

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

Now that he mentions it again, this drama is definitely the masterpiece of his acting career, and many other dramas have been filmed since then, but they are all unsatisfactory and the response is mediocre.

It was reported that Ao Jianian, who had been practicing martial arts for many years, was accused of Xian Haoying injuring his eyebrow bone with a wine glass during the banquet when he attended "Sister Huajia in the Flower World", causing him to be admitted to the hospital for stitches.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

The reason for the follow-up rumor was that Ao Jianian was interested in Xian Haoying's practice of the Great Sage, and the two discussed from time to time, and Ao Jianian also called Xian Haoying a master.

However, Ao Jianian afterwards turned to Chen Guantai as his teacher, which made Xian Haoying feel very angry.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

After this incident broke out, other negative news followed, I don't know if it was because he was riddled with negative news.

TVB's long-term contract with Ao Jianian began to be resigned to a leading contract, one drama a year. Disheartened, he began to go north to seek development.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

Although he briefly returned to TVB filming in the future, he didn't make much splash. It wasn't until 2020 that he officially announced his departure from TVB and returned to his free body.

It is rumored that during the filming of TVB, he had an extramarital affair with TVB actress Jiang Jiamin. In the face of media public opinion, he came forward to explain that he had been divorced from his wife for three years and denied the rumors of his relationship with Jiang Jiamin.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

It is precisely because of this incident that many viewers know that he is married and divorced.

Faced with the frustration of love and the deterioration of his work development, he began to sell fishing gear live when there was no drama to film, earn the price difference, and make a living.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

It is also rumored that in order to make a living, he began to work as a food delivery person to make a living.

As soon as this news came out, many fans who liked him felt sorry and sad, but for himself, he felt that there was no distinction between high and low professions, just a means to make a living.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

Judging from past media reports, TVB's salary is low in the film and television industry, and many actors are simply not enough to make a living.

In order to engage in their favorite actors, they rely more on part-time jobs in other industries to make a living.

The former well-known actor of TVB posted "black and white photos" to frighten netizens, and he once had a cheating scandal and revealed that he had been divorced for many years

No matter what he has experienced, I hope that Ao Jianian, who loves acting, can start again after being confused and struggling in the trough of his life.