
Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

author:The Demon Lord himself

One of the famous scenes that Tachibana seniors contributed to the TV plot is that his body has pineapple pineapple and pineapple, and he can no longer fight normally. In the early days, as the battle deepened, Kenzaki had not been able to grow at full speed, and when the operation of the basic research institute confused Tachibana Senpai, due to frequent battles and no hope, Tachibana Senpai cognitively produced a closed space, so he began to doubt the purpose of the battle and began to fear the battle.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

The side effect of this is that when he transforms into Kamen Rider Garren and fights the undead, the battle time will lengthen, causing the fear of Tachibana-senpai himself, which affects his state of fusion with the category Ace, and the fusion coefficient continues to decrease until the transformation is lifted. In the perception of Tachibana's predecessors, Garren's drive was improvised and asked him to seal the undead beast and help the Institute deal with the problem of accidentally releasing the undead beast.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

So is Garren actually improvised or not? Is there a limitation in terms of functionality? In response to this problem, combined with the Tv plot and related settings, today we will make an analysis!

Garren drives are not manufactured on an ad hoc basis, they are technical applications

The creation of the Garren drive is not accidental, after the Seven Masters team acquired 53 undead cards and related ancient materials, the secrets of the undead and undead sealed in the cards, and related ability data were mastered by the Basic Research Institute. Based on the positioning of the Institute of Basic Research for a worldview society, the development of corresponding application equipment for the ability of the undead beast cards is carried out to allow people to live a better life.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

Therefore, after the data on the abilities of the undead was collected, the team led by Director Karasuma proposed a research and development plan for Artificial Rider No. 1 and Kamen Rider Garren. It's just that relatively speaking, this plan has not been made public, and the undead have not been unsealed by Dr. Hirose at this time. Of course, at this time, the orange seniors did not officially intervene in the related activities of the artificial knight No. 1. More often than not, he was being trained by Dr. Hirose.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

When Dr. Hirose unsealed the undead beast, the Kamen Rider system plan was restarted by the Seven Masters and began to be officially manufactured. And Tachibana seniors have witnessed the failure of Kiryu Hao, and in the help of everyone, he has become the new Garren driver adaptor. This is the relevant data of the Garren driver, which is the setting bound to the predecessor of the orange.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

Getting Tachibana-senpai to dress and match his body data is just a debugging process, theoretically the Garren drive was completed before that, and the reason why Kiryu didn't break through the villain barrier was essentially that he wanted to become a Kamen Rider too much at the time, and the overall fusion coefficient was still poor. On the contrary, it is the character of the orange senior, who has ideas and can carry things and deceive, which is more in line with the conspiracy of the seventh master. Judging from this timeline and background, the Garren driver is not a temporary manufacture, and his R&D design to the transformation of the Tachibana seniors was all planned by the Seventh Master, after all, in the matter of the Tachibana seniors becoming Garren, everyone said that he was born to be Kamen Rider Garren's material, and the Garren driver can only be used by him, which is also the reason why the Tachibana seniors are called the chosen one!

The functionality is complete and more stable, just binding the orange predecessors

Strictly speaking, the stability of the Garren driver is the most stable of the three artificial rider systems. In contrast to the Kamisaki Harmony Moon, the Garen driver is a common mode and private customization. In terms of core technology, it is the same as the other two belts, both of which release the ability of category Ace through the driver, and the shapeshifter completes the fusion with it to obtain the knight armor. However, in terms of specific data requirements, the Garren driver is completely based on the physical data of the orange seniors, and the matching is made.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

Correspondingly, the artificial knight system No. 2, the Blade drive is a general-purpose setting, there is no specific binding to a person, as long as it meets the requirements, you can transform, although the lower limit is high, but there will be great instability because of the transformer. As for Muzuki's strongest knight, it was originally a general-purpose setting, but it was imposed by the Spider Undead Beast, so only those authorized by the Spider Ace can use it.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

In this way, the Garren drive of Tachibana seniors is theoretically the most stable of the three artificial knights. As long as the Tachibana seniors play normally, then in terms of real-time basic combat power, it is basically in a state of complete integration with the category Ace, and the combat power that bursts out can reach the basic level of the category Ace. But the predecessors of Fan Tangerine, in sober use of their own advantages, even if they do not have a strong absolute combat power, they can also rely on the excellence of the system to play a more ideal record.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

Therefore, judging from the plot and related settings, Garren drives the same as what Karasuma said, and there is no problem. The reason for the tattered body of the Tachibana seniors is not the problem of the driver, but the problem of the Tachibana seniors themselves. Of course, the problem of the Tachibana senior's own fear also shows very well that as the most normal person in the plot knight camp, these are all true. After all, none of the other 3 knights is relatively normal.

Is there anything wrong with the Garren drive of the orange senior, and why does his body have pineapple pineapple

As a relatively normal human in the whole play, Tachibana seniors have such a reaction in the process of using the knight system, which is also the most real. Of course, the knight system has side effects, after all, using the undead's abilities will bear the burden on the body when its powerful power is used for a short time!

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