
Jackfruit has 41.7 times more selenium than apples!

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

Jackfruit, have you eaten it this year? Many people know that durian is the "king of tropical fruits", but they don't know that jackfruit, which is as ugly as durian, is known as the "queen of tropical fruits". Although it looks ugly, its flesh is thick, soft, sweet and delicious. Like durian, it also has a special taste, but the acceptance is much higher than that of durian.

The jackfruit flesh is fragrant, sweet and sour, and is loved by everyone. It is also rich in nutrients, containing nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, selenium, polysaccharides, carotene, etc.

1. Potassium: The potassium content of jackfruit is 330 mg/100 grams, which is 1.3 times the potassium content of bananas we often eat, and nearly 18 times that of papaya, which is also a tropical fruit. It is still relatively friendly to people who need to control their blood pressure.

2. Selenium: The selenium content of jackfruit is 4.17 micrograms/100 grams, which is higher than most common fruits and 41.7 times that of apples. Selenium is an essential trace element in the human body, which participates in the regulation of thyroid function, metabolism, blood circulation, and can also maintain normal immune function.

3. Carotene: Jackfruit is rich in carotene, which is the coloring substance of jackfruit pulp. In terms of content, the red flesh is more than the yellow flesh, which is beneficial to the health of the eyes and is the "guardian" of retinal health. Therefore, compared with yellow meat, the red meat variety has more market advantages in terms of nutritional value, appearance quality, flavor and taste.

4. Flavonoids: flavonoids are also the coloring substances of jackfruit, and the flavonoids of jackfruit with red flesh show dominant accumulation. This ingredient has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce the body's inflammatory response and protect cardiovascular health.

5. Polysaccharides: jackfruit is rich in polysaccharides, and in vitro studies have shown that jackfruit polysaccharides have a strong antioxidant effect, which can scavenge free radicals and reduce the risk of disease.

Don't eat too much for the three types of people

1. People who are losing weight: The calorie and carbohydrate content of jackfruit is not low, 100 grams of jackfruit (about 5 petals pitted) has 105 kcal, which is almost equivalent to 1 small bowl of cooked rice.

2. Diabetes: Jackfruit has a postprandial blood sugar GI of 75, which is a high GI food and is not friendly to people who need to control their blood sugar. It is better for diabetics to eat less, and it is recommended to eat it with a few nuts to help stabilize blood sugar.

3. Patients with high uric acid and gout: jackfruit has a high fructose content of 9.19%, and excessive fructose intake will increase uric acid levels, induce gout, and is not conducive to gout patients' control of the condition.

Jackfruit has 41.7 times more selenium than apples!
Jackfruit has 41.7 times more selenium than apples!
Jackfruit has 41.7 times more selenium than apples!

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