
Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

author:Xiao Wang, the captain of Ruru in the melon field

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's bickering journey, the variety show "Come With Me" set sail happily


Youku's new variety show "Follow Me" premiered today, and it attracted the attention of a large number of viewers with its unique guest lineup and wonderful program content.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Among them, Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang, the happy enemies, have become a major attraction in the show. From the beginning to the end of the show, the two of them talked almost all the way, as if they had become a fixed program list of the show.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Huang Xu competed, and sparks splashed on the show

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's bickering was not a simple quarrel, but a whole process of high energy, with sparks flying. In every part of the show, the two can find reasons to quarrel.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Whether it's choosing a destination, arranging a trip, or facing an unexpected situation, they can quickly find each other's "loopholes" and start a heated "debate". This way of mixing mouths instantly warmed up the atmosphere of the show and made the audience watch it with relish.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Some netizens commented on social media: "The bickering between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang is even more enjoyable than watching cross talk!" Every time they spoke, I knew there was another laugh today. Some netizens ridiculed: "Did the two of them take the script?" The tacit understanding of this bickering mouth is simply amazing! ”

Zhang Dacheng is a peacemaker, and Huang Xu has a must-have medicine

In the bickering battle between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang, there is another character that has to be mentioned, that is, Zhang Dada. As another guest on the show, Zhang Dada can always appear in time when Huang Xu is arguing and play the role of a peacemaker. He kept shuttling between the two, trying to quell the "war".

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

However, Zhang's efforts don't seem to have had much effect. Whenever he tried to persuade him, Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang could always find a new point of bickering, so that Zhang Dada was helpless.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Some netizens ridiculed: "Zhang Dada is simply the patriarch of this family, without him, this family would have to be separated!" Some netizens said: "Zhang Dada's role as a peacemaker is really difficult!" has to face Huang Zitao's strength, but also deal with Xu Yiyang's wit, and really feel sorry for him for a second. ”

How does Huang Xu get along in private? Netizens speculated

In the show, the bickering between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has become the norm. So, in private, how do the two of them get along? This issue has also become a hot topic among netizens.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Some netizens speculated: "They must be like this in private, after all, habit is natural!" Another netizen said: "Maybe they have a good relationship in private, but they are just deliberately bickering in the show to increase the effect of the show." Some netizens ridiculed: "I think they should be comrades-in-arms who play games together in private, after all, in the game, bickering is also a tactic!" ”


Netizens are constantly discussing and looking forward to more exciting

With the broadcast of "Come With Me", the bickering between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has also become a highlight of the show. Netizens left messages on social media to discuss, expressing their love and support for the happy couple. At the same time, some netizens expressed their expectation that more exciting content would appear in the show, so that they could enjoy watching it even more.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Of course, some netizens expressed concern about Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's bickering. They believe that although bickering can increase the interest of the show, if it is excessive, it may also affect the relationship between the two.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang Mouth Competition? "Come With Me" staged a "love and kill" drama!

Therefore, they hope that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang can find a balance in the show, which can not only maintain the fun of bickering, but also maintain a good relationship between the two.

Controversial summary: Is the bickering a true expression or the effect of the show?

In "Come With Me", the bickering between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has become a highlight of the show. However, is this kind of bickering an expression of the true feelings of the two, or is it deliberately done for the sake of the show's effect? This issue has also sparked extensive discussions among netizens.

Some netizens believe that the bickering between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang is an expression of their true feelings. After all, in the show, they are always able to find each other's "loopholes" and then start a fierce "debate". This tacit understanding and realism are not deliberately expressed.

However, some netizens believe that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's bickering is deliberately done for the sake of the show's effect. After all, as a variety show, it needs to have some highlights to attract audiences. And the bickering between Huang and Xu happened to become a highlight of the show. Therefore, they may have deliberately created this kind of bickering effect in the show to make the show more interesting.

Whether it is the expression of true feelings or the effect of the show, the bickering between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has become a major feature of "Come With Me". And the audience is happy to see this kind of real and interesting interaction. In the future, we look forward to seeing more exciting content, and we also look forward to Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang continuing to bring us joy and surprises.

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