
Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!



Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang got the certificate in Beijing

1. Since the scandal, Huang Xu suspected that something good was coming

Today, a blockbuster news exploded on social media, and netizens "melon eaters" broke the news that Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang had obtained a marriage certificate in Beijing. This news immediately sparked heated discussions among the majority of netizens, and the fans of the two exploded and left messages on major social platforms to discuss.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Speaking of Huang Zitao, this versatile artist has attracted much attention since his debut. Not only does he sing well, but he is also invincible in dancing, and his film and television works are also one after another, which are deeply loved by the audience. And Xu Yiyang is a new generation of actresses who have emerged in recent years, winning the love of the audience with her fresh and natural image and solid acting skills. The two worked together on a variety show, and since then, scandals about them have continued to come out.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Second, netizens opened their brains and guessed the details of the certificate

In the heated discussion among netizens, various speculations about the details of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang's certificate emerged one after another. Some netizens speculated that the two may have suddenly decided to get married when they were dining at a romantic restaurant; Some netizens joked that they may have been arranged by the program team for a sudden marriage proposal ceremony when they were participating in a variety show. In short, the imagination of netizens can be described as extremely rich.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Among them, a comment from "Netizen A" attracted everyone's attention: "Haha, I guess they saw a store selling rings when they were shopping in the mall, and then Huang Zitao suddenly took out the ring and asked Xu Yiyang: 'Are you willing to marry me?' This comment immediately struck a chord with everyone, who said, "This picture is too beautiful for me to dare to look at."

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

3. Is the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" in the entertainment industry really a positive result?

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang, as the "golden boy and girl" in the entertainment industry, have always attracted much attention. Not only are they a good match in appearance, but they are also very compatible in personality and interests. Therefore, when there was a scandal between the two, many fans expressed their support for them to be together.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

However, just when netizens were speculating about whether the two had really achieved positive results, a follow-up revelation from the "melon eater" made everyone fall into contemplation. According to the "melon eater", although the two have obtained a marriage certificate, their wedding did not follow the traditional process. Instead, they opted for a more intimate, low-key way to celebrate the special day. This news immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens, and everyone speculated about how the two celebrated this special day.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Fourth, netizens are constantly hotly discussed, and various speculations emerge in endlessly

In the heated discussions among netizens, various speculations about the wedding of Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang emerged one after another. Some netizens speculated that they may have held an intimate party at home attended by only relatives and friends; Some netizens speculated that they may have chosen a scenic place for a romantic outdoor wedding. In short, the imagination of netizens is endless.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Among them, a comment from "Netizen B" has attracted everyone's attention: "I guess they may be a wedding held in the underwater world!" Imagine the two walking on the bottom of the sea in a wetsuit, surrounded by colorful fish and coral reefs, it's so romantic! This comment immediately sparked a resonance and discussion among everyone.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Fifth, the controversy continues, and Huang Xu's love affair has become the focus

Although the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has always attracted much attention, there has been controversy about whether they are really together. On the one hand, the two have been photographed in the same frame many times, and their interaction is also very intimate; On the other hand, the two have never publicly admitted their relationship. Therefore, whenever there is a scandal about them, it causes a heated discussion and speculation.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Now, the revelation of the "melon eater" has made this issue even more confusing. Although the news that the two have obtained a marriage certificate has spread, there is still no clear answer to the question of whether they are really together. This also makes the majority of netizens more curious and looking forward to the two of them being able to respond publicly to this question as soon as possible.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

6. Netizens are looking forward to a response, and Huang Xu's relationship has sparked heated discussions

In the expectation of netizens, the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has become a hot topic recently. Everyone left messages and discussions on major social platforms to express their views and expectations for this relationship.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Some netizens said: "If Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang are really together, it will be a perfect match in the entertainment industry!" Not only do they look like a good match, but their personalities and interests are also very compatible. I hope they can respond to this question publicly as soon as possible, so that we, the fans, can also feel at ease. ”

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

Some netizens also said: "Although I like Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang very much, I think their relationship should still be decided by themselves." If they do get together, that's certainly a good thing; If they are not together, then we should also respect their choice. After all, there is such a thing as affection, which cannot be forced. ”

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

In short, in the heated discussions of netizens, the relationship between Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang has become a hot topic in the entertainment industry recently. Whether they are really together or not, we should respect their choice and look forward to them being able to continue to bring us more excellent works and wonderful performances.

Huang Zitao and Xu Yiyang get the certificate? Netizen: Ask for a live wedding "cloud eating banquet"!

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