
Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

author:A little talk about life

First, Du Hong stands at the crossroads of life. The diagnosis of pancreatic cancer was like a hammer that shattered her hopes for the future. This disease, known as the "king of cancer", made Du Hong deeply aware that his life had entered the countdown.

However, just as his life was coming to an end, Du Hong made a shocking decision: to spend 760,000 yuan to cryopreserve his head in the United States at the "Al Kor Life Extension Foundation", expecting to be "resurrected" after 50 years.

This decision stems from her love for life and her confidence in the future of technology. Du Hong's eyes flashed with a desire for life and a fear of the unknown. She signed the consent form with trembling hands, her heart full of contradictions and hopes.

"I can't accept that I'm just about to retire and have the end of my life," she said to her loved ones, with a hint of reluctance in her voice, "If this gives me a glimmer of hope, I'm willing to give it a try."

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

"This decision is not only a trust in technology, but also a value for life. Du Hong held her daughter Zhang Siyao's hand tightly, and tears glistened with tears in her eyes: "I want to be by your side for one more day."

Even in the distant future, I hope to embrace you again and embrace this beautiful world. In the face of his mother's decision, Zhang Siyao did not object, but fully supported it.

She understands her mother's desire for life and hopes to see each other again one day. The mother and daughter scraped together and finally scraped together enough for 760,000 yuan in freezing expenses. Du Hong's decision became the first case of cryonics in China.

Second, her story is not only a discussion of life and death, but also a legend of love and hope. In her own way, she interprets the cherishing of life, the vision of the future, and the deep love for her loved ones.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

Du Hong's literary journey began with her scholarly background. As a native Chinese, she has been immersed in a strong cultural atmosphere since she was a child. Her grandmother was a gentle teacher, and her mother was a well-known scholar in the area.

In such a family environment, Du Hong naturally fell in love with the charm of poetry and words. She once fondly recalled in her diary: "My earliest memory is that my mother held me, reading poems full of paper in a gentle voice, and the sun spilled through the window lattice, I felt like I was in a dream world."

These childhood memories laid a solid foundation for her later literary career. Even during a decade of turmoil, when reading became a luxury, Du Hong never gave up her thirst for knowledge.

She regards books as nutrients for life, "eats" every day, and "chews slowly" on each article. The experience of this special period made her cherish the opportunity to acquire knowledge even more.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

When the college entrance examination system was restored, Du Hong, who had all-round development of morality, intellect and physique, was admitted to the Chinese Department of a key normal university without any suspense. During her college years, her literary talent was like an oasis in the desert, which was refreshing.

Third, she not only shows an amazing talent for writing poetry, and her writing is smooth and evocative, but she also has a unique perspective on children's literature. After graduating, Du Hong chose an unusual path.

She took the initiative to go to the countryside to become a full-time teacher, and used her own efforts to pass on the light of knowledge to the children of ordinary people. However, her talent cannot be buried after all.

Soon after, the editors of Chongqing Publishing House discovered this bright pearl and "dug up" her into the publishing world. In the publishing industry, Du Hong's talent has been fully developed.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

Her works have won many awards, especially fairy tales and children's poems, and have become classics in Chinese textbooks many times. Du Hong's literary journey is as wonderful as the stories she writes, full of love for life and dedication to words.

Du Hong's life, like her story, is full of dramatic twists. While her career is booming, her emotional life has also ushered in a turnaround. At a writers' exchange meeting, Du Hong met his other half.

Her elegant and generous conversation deeply touched the heart of a young male writer. When two talented souls meet, it's like a spark on fire. After getting acquainted, both parties were impressed by each other's talents and soon fell in love.

Soon after, they walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and formed a warm family. In 1987, the crystallization of their love, their daughter Zhang Siyao, was born, which brought infinite joy to the family.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

Fourth, Du Hong named her daughter "Siyao", which means "thinking about the magnificent time of the past", full of beautiful expectations for the future. However, the reality is always cruel. Just when they were living a warm life that everyone envied, the flowers of marriage were destroyed and withered by a gust of wind.

The former gentle and considerate husband gradually revealed his hideous face, and the haze of domestic violence shrouded this once happy family. Du Hong's eyes were full of pain and disappointment, and she couldn't believe that the person she loved could become like this.

The husband who used to share the same bed was revealed, punched and kicked Du Hong, and treated him like a mustard. What's even more heartbreaking is that once, the young Siyao bravely stood in front of her mother to protect her, but was kicked out by her father.

At that moment, Du Hong's heart was like a knife, and she finally made up her mind to end this suffocating marriage. After the divorce, Du Hong raised her daughter alone and poured all her love into Siyao.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

Parenting and career became the focus of her life after that. Despite experiencing the failure of her marriage, Du Hong was not defeated. She has worked silently in her writing, and her poetry is constantly inspired.

Under the nourishment of maternal love and literature, Si Yao thrived. She gradually understood her mother's hardships and the pain she suffered in her marriage back then. Siyao studied harder and struggled, and finally got his wish to be admitted to the Central Academy of Drama.

The relationship between the mother and daughter has also become more harmonious, full of warmth, and they are writing a new chapter of life together. The ordinary life is the envy of everyone, but Tiangong does not seem to be beautiful.

Fifth, Du Hong was diagnosed with an extremely rare and ferocious disease - pancreatic cancer. This disease, known as the "king of cancer" by the medical community, has dealt a huge blow to Du Hong and her family.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

In the face of this cruel diagnosis, Du Hong's daughter Zhang Siyao showed maturity and strength beyond her years. She took her mother to major hospitals across the country, hoping to find a ray of life.

However, the results of every medical consultation are heartbreaking. After seeing Du Hong's condition, every hospital gave the same statement - powerless. Looking at his mother's increasingly thin figure due to illness and torture, Si Yao's heart was like a knife.

One day, she couldn't hold back her tears, choked up and said, "Mom, you hurt too much, let's die together, okay?" In the face of her daughter's despair, Du Hong held back her tears, stroked her daughter's face, and said firmly: "I will never give up until the last moment, I want to be by your side for one more day."

In the last days of his life, a thought suddenly flashed in Du Hong's mind: it would be nice if there was a way to prolong life. At this time, she remembered a plot in the science fiction novel "The Three-Body Problem" that she used to be an editor and reviewer: the protagonist "Yun Tianming" was terminally ill and chose to cryopreserve, quietly waiting for the day when it would be thawed and "resurrected".

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

Sixth, this thought was like a light in the darkness, giving Du Hong new hope. She couldn't wait to start searching for relevant cryonics technology and soon found the "Alcor Life Extension Foundation" in Los Angeles, USA.

Du Hong told her daughter about this idea. To her relief, Siyao not only did not object, but fully supported her mother's decision. Despite the uncertain future, the mother and daughter are more united in this difficult time to face the challenges of life together.

After difficult preparations, Du Hong's family scraped together enough to cover the freezing cost of 760,000 yuan. At 5 p.m. on May 30, 2015, 60-year-old Du Hong passed away peacefully due to the spread of cancer.

However, this is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey. As soon as the staff of the Al Kor Foundation were notified, they immediately began the freezing process. They first injected Du Hong's body with anticoagulant, antibacterial and antidetoxifying agents to avoid damage during the subsequent freezing procedure.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

Subsequently, they began a complex and delicate process: all the blood in Du Hong's body was extracted and replaced with a low-temperature medium liquid. The whole process lasted more than 3 hours, and Du Hong's body seemed to have become a container, constantly being filled and replaced with liquid.

The staff operated cautiously, for fear of any mistakes. When the last drop of medium liquid entered the body, they quickly put Du Hong into a liquid nitrogen cryogenic tank and lowered the temperature to minus 196 degrees Celsius to ensure that her cells were not damaged.

After all this was done, Du Hong was loaded onto a flight to the United States. After traveling all the way, her body finally arrived safely in Los Angeles after 5 days. In the operating room of the Al Kor Foundation, doctors performed the final step: Du Hong's head was carefully detached from the torso and stored in a special container of liquid nitrogen, along with the preservation solution.

Seventh, Du Hong became the first person in China to choose cryonics, and her story provokes deep thought about life, death and technology. Although the future is uncertain and uncertain, Du Hong interprets his love for life and hope for the future with his actions.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

She looks forward to the day when medicine will find a way to reshape her body so that she can truly "come back to life" and continue her unfinished life journey. Today, Du Hong's head sleeps in an inconspicuous corner of the western United States, silently waiting for technological progress and medical breakthroughs in the underground world.

Her 50-year-long "long dream" has begun, quietly awaiting a possible "resurrection" moment in the future. On the other side of the world, her daughter Zhang Siyao is still in Beijing, working her life.

Siyao inherited her mother's talent and strength, and continued her mother's dream in her own way. She studied hard, and finally got her wish and was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama, which she had been dreaming of for a long time, and continued to move forward towards her artistic ideals.

Although the mother and daughter are temporarily separated by time and space, the love between them transcends this boundary. Si Yao often stands in front of the window, looking at the sunset on the horizon, imagining what the world will be like in 50 years.

Du Hong, China's first frozen person: In 2015, he spent 760,000 frozen heads, and finally succeeded

Eighth, she silently prayed in her heart: "Mom, please be sure to wait for me." Regardless of whether the future technology can revive you, I will come to you. "Du Hong's story is not only a discussion of life and death, but also a legend of love and hope.

In her own way, she interprets the cherishing of life, the vision of the future, and the deep love for her loved ones. This mother-daughter relationship across time and space has become their common spiritual pillar.

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