
The two men went to KTV to relax, and they didn't want to take the money at the checkout, netizens: Just order a little sister by yourself

author:Five-year love said

In the bustling Shanghai, KTV has become a good place for many people to relax and entertain. However, recently in a KTV, the two men experienced an unexpected turmoil because of an ordinary consumption, which unexpectedly became the touchstone of their friendship.

The two men went to KTV to relax, and they didn't want to take the money at the checkout, netizens: Just order a little sister by yourself

The two men, who are praised by their friends as "good buddies" on weekdays, often drink and chat together, sharing each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. This time, they met at KTV to relax as usual, each selected a singing girl, ordered a few bottles of beer, and planned to enjoy this rare leisure time.

The two men went to KTV to relax, and they didn't want to take the money at the checkout, netizens: Just order a little sister by yourself

However, when the KTV staff came to check out with the bill, the two men suddenly became distracted, and neither of them was willing to take out their wallets. This sudden embarrassment made the atmosphere in the box instantly freeze, and the original relaxed and happy atmosphere was broken.

The two men went to KTV to relax, and they didn't want to take the money at the checkout, netizens: Just order a little sister by yourself

To ease the embarrassment, one of the men started calling around to borrow money, but the results were not satisfactory. He made nearly twenty phone calls, but none of them were willing to lend a hand. The other man has been watching from the sidelines, neither paying for it nor proposing any solution.

Seeing this, the staff of KTV proposed to call the police. But the two men firmly rejected the offer, saying that such a thing was too embarrassing and that they would rather keep their ID cards or household registration books as collateral than let the police intervene. Eventually, they agreed on a plan: the slightly fatter man took the staff back to his site dormitory, took out the household registration book as collateral, and promised to raise money to redeem it as soon as possible.

The two men went to KTV to relax, and they didn't want to take the money at the checkout, netizens: Just order a little sister by yourself

Although the KTV bill turmoil was temporarily subsided, the friendship between the two men was seriously tested. Their originally intimate relationship was fractured by a monetary interest. The event also made them reflect deeply on their own behavior and values, and realized that true friendship should be based on mutual trust and respect.

In real life, we often encounter all kinds of people and things. Some may seem intimate, but at a critical moment, they may reveal their true colors. Therefore, we must keep our eyes open when making friends and choose those who are truly trustworthy as friends. At the same time, we must also learn to cherish and maintain those friends who truly care about us and are willing to go through difficult times with us. Only in this way can we have true friendship and a happy life.

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