
The old man raised his three daughters, but in his later years, he couldn't even eat one meal a day, netizens: What's the use of having more children

author:Five-year love said

In a quiet village in Henan, there lives an old man who has suffered a lot of weather. He worked hard when he was young, not only raising three daughters, but also two strong sons. However, time flies, and when he enters his old age, looking forward to his children and grandchildren around his knees and enjoying the joy of family, he finds that he is falling into deep loneliness and helplessness.

The old man raised his three daughters, but in his later years, he couldn't even eat one meal a day, netizens: What's the use of having more children

The old man's home, which was supposed to be full of laughter, is now deserted and dilapidated. The house was in disrepair, the walls were peeling, and the roof tiles were incomplete. The house was even more messy, with a mountain of debris piled up, and there was almost no place to put your feet. What's even more poignant is that the elderly's dining table is always empty, and three meals a day has become a luxury, and sometimes it is difficult to guarantee even one meal a day.

The old man raised his three daughters, but in his later years, he couldn't even eat one meal a day, netizens: What's the use of having more children

Although the old man has five children, they all seem to have forgotten the grace of parenting and are indifferent to the living conditions of the old man. The daughters occasionally came back to visit, but only for a short time and left in a hurry. And the two sons shirked their responsibilities and were unwilling to take on the obligation to support their father. They are so busy with their own lives that they seem to have forgotten that there is an elderly father at home who is lonely waiting for their love.

The old man raised his three daughters, but in his later years, he couldn't even eat one meal a day, netizens: What's the use of having more children

However, in such a predicament, the old man remained optimistic and strong. He never complained, nor did he complain to anyone. Every time relatives or neighbors came to visit him, he always greeted them with a smile and talked to them in a weak voice. He never mentions his predicament, just silently endures everything.

The old man raised his three daughters, but in his later years, he couldn't even eat one meal a day, netizens: What's the use of having more children

Until one day, the old man's granddaughter learned what happened to her grandfather. Heartbroken, she decided to do something for her grandfather. She communicated with her uncles many times, hoping that they would take on the responsibility of supporting her grandfather. But each time it was ruthlessly rejected. The uncles always shirk responsibility for various reasons, and even accuse their granddaughter of being nosy.

Faced with such a predicament, her granddaughter did not give up. She decided to use her power to change her grandfather's life. She regularly brought food and daily necessities to her grandfather, and also helped him clean the house and tidy up the house. She used her actions to tell her grandfather that he was not alone, and that there were people who cared about him and loved him.

Under the care of his granddaughter, the old man's life gradually improved. A smile appeared on his face again, and the room was much cleaner. But her granddaughter knows that this is not enough. She hopes that one day she can convince her uncles to take on the responsibility of supporting her grandfather, so that he can truly enjoy the joy of family.

This story makes us ponder: Can having more children really make us more blessed? In today's material abundance, should we pay more attention to family education and the cultivation of family affection? Let every child know how to be grateful, understand responsibility, and know how to care. Only in this way can our society be more harmonious and better.

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