
Don't have money and even look down on your parents? Every time the woman came home, her father was not happy, and he kept a straight face and said nothing

author:Five-year love said

In a small town in Jiangsu, there lives an ordinary woman, Xiaoli. Since she got married, she and her husband have been busy with life, and although they are hardworking, the cruelty of reality has never allowed them to reach a rich standard of living. Whenever she returns to her parents' home, she always hopes to find a touch of warmth and comfort there.

Don't have money and even look down on your parents? Every time the woman came home, her father was not happy, and he kept a straight face and said nothing

Xiaoli is far away from her parents' home, and without a car, she can only rely on public transportation to return to her hometown. And every time she arrives at the station, she will see her father waiting outside the station on a tricycle, this scene should have been warm and beautiful, but as time passed, Xiaoli gradually realized that something was wrong.

Don't have money and even look down on your parents? Every time the woman came home, her father was not happy, and he kept a straight face and said nothing

Every time her father received her, he was always silent, and his face was missing the smile he used to have. Xiaoli began to have doubts in her heart, did her current life state disappoint her father? Is it because he didn't drive home like other children that the father is upset?

Don't have money and even look down on your parents? Every time the woman came home, her father was not happy, and he kept a straight face and said nothing

These doubts made Xiaoli's heart even heavier, and she began to consciously or unconsciously reduce the number of times she went home. She was afraid to see her father's indifferent expression, and even more afraid that her guess would be confirmed.

However, by chance, Xiaoli returned to her parents' home again. It was a hot day, and when she got out of the car, her father had been waiting there for a long time. He silently took Xiaoli's luggage, and then rode her home on a tricycle. Along the way, the two still didn't communicate much, but Xiaoli noticed that her father looked back at her from time to time, and there seemed to be something hidden in his eyes.

Don't have money and even look down on your parents? Every time the woman came home, her father was not happy, and he kept a straight face and said nothing

When he got home, his father didn't go straight into the house to rest as usual, but went to a nearby store to buy some ice cream and fresh vegetables. These are all things that Xiaoli loved to eat when she was a child, and she looked at her father's busy figure, and an inexplicable feeling surged in her heart.

Don't have money and even look down on your parents? Every time the woman came home, her father was not happy, and he kept a straight face and said nothing

For dinner, my father made a few dishes that Xiaoli loved to eat. Although they still didn't talk much, Xiaoli could feel her father's care and love for her. She suddenly understood that her father was not really indifferent to her, but that he was not good at expressing emotions in the first place.

At that moment, the doubts and uneasiness in Xiaoli's heart vanished. She understood that her father's love was deep and strong, and although he was not good at words, he always supported her silently. She felt extremely fortunate and grateful, glad that she had such a good father, and grateful for his love and dedication to her.

Since then, Xiaoli no longer feels inferior or anxious because of her financial situation. She knows that no matter where she goes, no matter how difficult life is, she has a warm home and a father who loves her to support her. This wordless fatherly love will become the most precious treasure and source of strength in her life.

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